Wolin Opera

Chapter 309 Goodbye, Mr. Wen 1

Looking at Yuan Xie's confused eyes, Yuanfeng at this time certainly knew Yuan Xie's inner thoughts.

In fact, everyone is the same. When they just stepped into the society, they wanted to make a difference in this society with full blood. And when they really stepped into society, they really realized that the gap between this society and the world they imagined was so big.

Similarly, after a few years and more than ten years, with the continuous development of society, people's hearts have begun to change slowly. The thought that once full of blood has been gradually corroded and swallowed up by the darkness of this society, and there is no longer the hot-blooded idea of that year.

And Yuan Xie is like this. What is the mood of not only because his pressure in all aspects has increased, but also because he has seen so many fresh lives and has been far away from him one by one, but he has nothing to do?

I'm afraid that mood is much more uncomfortable than letting Yuan Xie die, which is why Yuan Xie seems to be escaping now. He is also escaping from reality and all this...

At this moment, Yuan Xie is also drinking beer bottle after bottle, but the source wind did not stop it. Maybe sometimes it's better to drink more wine when you are in a bad mood...

I have been drinking from about 6 o'clock in the evening until now, and now the pointer of time has pointed to nine o'clock in the evening. That is to say, Yuan Xie and Yuanfeng sat in this tavern for three hours, while the food on the table did not move, while Yuan Xie drank the beer in his hand bottle after another to vent the trace of depression hidden in his heart during this period.

As for the source wind, it does not stop Yuan Xie from drinking bottle after bottle. Sometimes, venting is also one of the ways to protect himself...

"Pa!!" Just after Yuan Xie poured the eighth bottle of beer, it was his right hand that put the bottle of beer on the table. Because the sound of putting beer was a little loud, it was not difficult to see that Yuan Xie was more or less drunk at this time.

"Wow..." After putting down the empty beer bottle, Yuan Xie breathed a long sigh of relief.

For Yuan Xie, he hasn't drunk all year round, and he hasn't drunk so happily all year round. The wine he drank tonight seemed to make Yuan Xie really feel that he had gone back to a few years ago, as if he had really seen himself a few years ago, and also vented the depression in his heart for so long.

After paying, Yuanfeng helped the drunken Yuan Xie out of the hotel.

As soon as I walked out of the hotel, a slight sense of coolness came in an instant. Although the weather is still hot in this season, it is not as sultry as when it just entered summer.

In fact, the current season is also said to be the autumn season, and the weather at this time is equivalent to the cool morning and evening, and the hot season at noon.

Feeling the meaning of this cool breeze, Yuan Xie's wine seems to have gained a lot. Although Yuan Xie's drinking capacity is not very bad, it is harmful to the body and beneficial to rely on a bottle of drinking like tonight. It is precisely because of her desperate drinking tonight that Yuan Xie is now The brain is completely in a drowsy state, and it seems that both hands and feet are a little disobedient.

"Alas..." Looking at Yuan Xie's legs trembling, Yuanfeng sighed. This is the world. There is no way for people to change the world.

As mentioned in the book, people can't help themselves in the world...

Looking at Yuan Xie's unconscious brain, Yuanfeng stretched out his right hand and gently instilled a soft unicorn power into Yuan Xie's body. And this soft Kirin power is of great benefit to Yuan Xie at this time. Although it can't completely exclude all the alcohol in Yuan Xie's body, it can also somewhat relieve the retention of alcohol in Yuan Xie's body.

After helping Yuan Xie out of the snack street, Yuanfeng saw a military car parked there from afar. Needless to think, the military car is definitely waiting for Yuan Xie there.

For the country, people with high positions like Yuan Xie should definitely be protected by special personnel, but for Yuan Xie tonight, the source wind around him is also absolutely ordinary people, so those security guards around Yuan Xie are parked outside the snack street and waiting.

At this time, the man sitting in the car saw the source wind coming from the rearview mirror of the car, and quickly opened the door and jumped down.

"Major General Yuan!" When Yuanfeng approached, the man respectfully saluted Yuanfeng.

Looking at the man's salute, Yuanfeng nodded slightly and said, "Instor Yuan is a little drunk. Take him back!" Be safe on the road"

"Yes!!" After nodding, the man helped Yuan Xie into the passenger seat of the car, and then sat in the driver's seat of the car. At this time, the man turned his head at Yuan Feng and said, "Major General Yuan, I will also take you back together!"

"Oh...no, you can go back first. I want to walk alone." Yuanfeng smiled at the man and declined the kindness, and then turned around and was about to leave.

Just as Yuanfeng was about to turn around and leave, an arm suddenly grabbed Yuanfeng, and the owner of this arm was not someone else, but Yuan Xie in the co-pilot's seat.

"Yuanfeng, thank you..." At this time, Yuan Xie seemed to be a little drunk and smiled at Yuanfeng. To be honest, if Yuan Feng hadn't accompanied him tonight, I'm afraid that he really didn't know what to do and would continue to suppress it, and the final consequences would be unexpected by everyone.

And tonight, Yuanfeng woke up Yuan Xie in the words he said in the tavern. Yuan Xie knew that he could not continue to escape, because he always escaped, which had no benefit him at all, and also had no solution to all the problems. Therefore, Yuan Xie is the most Finally, I plan to stand up again and meet my challenges and meet these non-human demons!!

"Oh..." Looking at Yuan Xie thanking himself, Yuanfeng did not say anything, but smiled faintly and patted Yuan Xie on the shoulder. Then he gently closed the door of the car and watched the car gradually fade away.

When the car completely disappeared into his sight, Yuanfeng looked at the bright streets around him and planned to walk back all the way.

Since I had the Kirin Secret, I haven't walked back for a long time. Yuanfeng can clearly remember that when I hadn't got the Kirin Secret, I walked home every time. Although it was at night, that kind of The feeling of tranquility is really very comfortable...

When Yuanfeng chose to walk back, he also followed the road he was familiar with before. After all, the weather is cooler at night. It is a kind of enjoyment to go out and even walk back on foot. Moreover, it is not far from this place to school.

The closing time of Kyoto University is 11 p.m., and now it is almost 9:30 p.m. Although Yuanfeng does not need to go back to school to live, Yuanfeng still plans to go back. After all, he hasn't seen Wu Zhuang and others for a long time. I don't know how they are now.

The breeze at night is so cool and comfortable, like the extremely comfortable feeling of a gentle jade hand gently touching the cheek.

Such a season is a good time for many tourists to like to go shopping. Walking on this brightly lit street, Yuanfeng's mood seems to have become much more comfortable. Maybe it's because of the warm street scenery, or maybe it's because of this warm breeze that Yuanfeng's heart has never been as comfortable as today.

"Maybe the realm of the heart is the best to be calm and quiet..." Suddenly, when Yuanfeng felt the comfortable moment, a thick and slightly vicissitudes of voice spread into Yuanfeng's ears, making Yuanfeng's heart suddenly shake and quickly opened his eyes!!

This voice is... This voice is... At this moment, when the source wind recalls the sentence just now, it seems that he is aware of who the speaker is, and his heart begins to become extremely excited!!

"Mr. Wen! Is that you?" At this time, the source wind seemed to see an old man sitting on the cool chair not far from his left.

The old man was sitting quietly on a cool chair with a spoke in his arms and a pair of sunglasses. At this time, his face was facing the source wind here. Although he was still wearing the dark sunglasses on his face, the source wind could feel and clearly feel that the old man was looking at himself! !

Similarly, the old man's figure and the quiet sitting posture were indeed Mr. Wen's appearance, and the extremely familiar voice suddenly made Yuanfeng immediately recognize that the old man opposite was Mr. Wen, who had disappeared for so long, and he was also the teacher of his Yijing Department!!

"Teacher Wen!" At this time, Yuanfeng quickly stepped forward and stood in front of the old man and said excitedly. To be honest, Mr. Wen's current appearance really made Yuanfeng very excited. He didn't understand that after Mr. Wen calculated a gua for himself, he seemed to have disappeared from the world and could not find his person.

Even the answer given by the school leaders is the same. Mr. Wen hasn't returned to school for a long time! After that, Yuanfeng asked the old snake and others to look for Mr. Wen many times, but they found nothing.

Now that Mr. Wen appears in this place, how can he not make Yuanfeng very excited!

At this time, the old man listened to Yuanfeng's words, slowly took off the black sunglasses on his face, showed his deep eyes and looked at Yuanfeng with a smile, and the old man's deep eyes made Yuanfeng more sure that the old man in front of him was his mentor - Mr. Wen!