Wolin Opera

Chapter 358 Doomed to Lose

It hurt so much, which made the red light ball in Moha's hand shrink a little.

However, although the light ball has narrowed this point, its strength has also weakened a little. But Moha did not stop the attack in his hand, but shouted at the opposite brake: "Today I will show you if there is such strength!! Ah!!"

"Boom!!" With the light ball in Moha's hand, he quickly rushed to the opposite brake!

The whole cave is unusually wide, so even if Moha is launching thousands of fireballs, there is absolutely no problem. And on the other side of Moha, the geeks also began to exert his strength. After all, for them, completing the task is definitely bigger than their lives!!

In a flash, the bursts of fists issued by Jike rushed to the opposite side like a gust of wind! The two powerful and bald heads and fists, which were powerful and emitting bursts of energy waves, roared towards the same time. In an instant, they began to roll up the sand on the ground and spread a boil!!

"Hum..." At this moment, Qisha looked at the attack launched by the two and sneered a little. For him, the strength of Moha and Jike is too weak. Although they are superpowers, their own strength is very small for Qisha.

Although the strength of Jike and Moha should not be underestimated, Qisha still does not feel any exception to such strength. Looking at the overwhelming fists and fireballs on the opposite side, Qisha did not mean to dodge.

"It seems that the two of them are doomed to lose!!" At this time, Yuanfeng looked at the strength of the two, and then looked at the opposite brake. Then we already know the final ending.

Because Qisha's strength is so powerful that it makes people shudder.

Just as the countless fireballs and fists pounced on Qizhe's body, a completely incredible thing happened. The fireballs and fists did not explode around Qizhe, but completely disappeared in an instant.

"This...what the hell is going on?!!" Moha and Jike were shocked. They really couldn't imagine where the energy they emitted went!!

Although they didn't know what was going on, those energy balls and so on completely disappeared from their sight.

There was no explosion, no sound, and even a sound did not disappear completely. It was as if those things had entered another space, and it was as if a stone had sunk into the water. But there must be faint ripples when the stone sinks to the bottom of the water, but this time there is nothing that can be threatened.

"Hum... Your strength is too weak, it's really too weak!!" Qi Sha snorted coldly, and his right hand instantly clenched his fists. In an instant, a "crackling" sound came!!

In the next moment when Jike and Moha heard the crackling sound, the overwhelming fireballs and fists reappeared in the whole cave and went towards the two opposite!!

"It's not good!!" Moha can't shout well!! They know that the strength is absolutely the same as the energy emitted by themselves and Jike. If only one of them is hit, the end will be smashed to pieces!

This definitely makes both Geck and Moha shudder!

"Drink!!" Looking at the overwhelming fireballs and fists rushing towards them, Jike and Moha couldn't hide, because it was too late now.

Therefore, the final decision of the two was to resist them together, and Yuanfeng and Dongying on the side also joined the resistance. After all, these energies are so powerful that they will be involved in it. Although Moha and Jike are strong, they still can't resist such an energetic attack, so Yuanfeng and Dongying also help them resist back!!

"Wow..." The sound of the engine roaring like a car appeared in front of the source wind and others, and this sound was the overwhelming energy!

At this time, Dongying once again pulled out his long sword to resist the approach of these energies, and as for Yuanfeng himself, he also mobilized the unicorn formula in his body to resist.

But the good thing is that the four of them resist together. If one person resists, I'm afraid the final outcome can be imagined.

In addition, even if Yuanfeng resists it alone, he can completely resist it, but it consumes a huge unicorn magic power. In that case, it will be difficult to resist what will happen later. Therefore, the first thing for the source wind is to minimize the performance of its own vitality.

"Wow...bang!" When the four people of Yuanfeng were ready, the overwhelming energy swept in an instant and smashed on the defense boundary they had arranged!!

"Kerala..." After waves of violent voices echoed in their ears, I didn't expect that the strength of Jike and Moha was so strong!! This is Yuanfeng's own inner thoughts.

In fact, for Moha and Jike, they use most of their strength to deal with Qizhan, but it is really a pity that the final Qizhan can not only catch these huge energy, but also play it out intact. Such strength is absolutely not comparable to ordinary people. !

Therefore, the current source wind alignment brake also has a new level of understanding.

"Rumble..." A strong wind swept in, and the strong temperature generated by the collision of the two energies made the stones on the whole ground begin to completely melt until it became a pool of stone water.

Time passed slowly, and Yuanfeng and others have been holding this energy for more than a minute, but this energy has still not been consumed much. If this energy and their own energy consume more than an hour, their own energy will definitely consume a lot!!

At this time, the source wind found a trace of relationship from here, that is, this energy is strong and continuous resistance to them, which means that it definitely contains Qisha's own strength!!

This has to make Yuanfeng's heart tremble! But for such a situation, war of attrition is really not a wise choice, so Yuanfeng and others plan to remove this energy.

Even if it is moved to another open area, it is completely possible. However, given where they are now, pushing up is also a good choice!!

"Drink!!" After saying that, the four people decided to push the energy out!! Therefore, in this second, everyone works hard to lift the huge energy above their heads!!

Finally, with the efforts of the four people, this huge energy began to move upward in an instant!!

Ten centimeters... five centimeters... four centimeters... three centimeters, the huge energy goes up little by little, and it is very close to the cliff at the top.

Just when the huge energy was almost a centimeter away from the cliff, in an instant, the huge energy burst like a big balloon blowing up!!

"Boom!!" Finally, a shocking explosion sounded, and the huge energy began to explode in the whole cave in an instant!!

With the huge energy explosion, the whole cave began to shake violently. And on the mountain outside the cave, a large area of shaking also began to appear.

At this moment, the Iron Horn Mountains shook violently, and the huge area of white snow in the whole mountain also began to slide down strongly. Even strong landslides have begun to occur in some places.

"Boom!!" After bursting of huge energy burst, causing huge deep trench cracks in the whole Iron Point Mountains, and with a strong explosion, stones, sand and snowflakes over the mountain floated down.

And the huge stones that fell from the air also smashed huge deep pits on the ground. Some of these deep pits are large, some of which can even be said to be more than one meter in diameter.

With the huge stones and the snowflakes in the sky, layers of clouds began to appear in the whole mountain range, and it was precisely because of such clouds that the whole mountain range began to become a little blurred.

"brush..." As time went by bit, the whole mountain was completely shrouded in the whole white fog.

And it is also because of these white fog that the visual area of all places is less than ten meters. At this moment, the Iron Horn Mountains are like a mountain range shrouded in fog.

"Hist..." With a burst of hiss, the white fog over the whole mountain began to fade. Soon, in more than ten minutes, the veins of the whole mountain were clearly seen at a glance, basically no different from the previous appearance.

However, the only difference in the whole Iron Point Mountains is halfway up the mountain.

Originally, the halfway uphill and the upper part of the Iron Point Mountains were all mountains, and it was also because of the huge and strong explosion just now that the upper half of the mountainside disappeared, just like the upper half of the mountain, completely disappeared from the world.

And this disappeared place is where Yuanfeng and others are located, and also where General Qisha is located.

At this time, as the white fog dissipated, the four people of Yuanfeng were still standing in place. Yuanfeng and Dongying have no problem, but Moha and Jike gasped. After all, they used to release most of their energy, but now they force themselves to resist the energy they sent before. Such strength can't be supported even if Jike and Moha are strong. Live.