Wolin Opera

Chapter 390 Departure, Overseas G Country

"Yuanfeng, how did you get it?" At this moment, when he touched his beard and checked that the pen cap was indeed real, he looked at the source wind opposite and asked.

"It was sent by Luke." Listening to the words of touching the beard, Yuanfeng said, "Actually, Luke went to himself for this purpose." Yuanfeng gently pointed to the pen cap in the beard's hand.

At this time, Jike listened to Yuanfeng's words and said strangely, "It's really strange. Why did Luke give us such an important thing? Generally speaking, Luke is definitely going to keep it in a place that no one knows, not to give it to us!!"

Listening to Jike's analysis, Moha beside him also agrees with this opinion. As for Yuezhi, Dongying and Hezi, they also feel that there is some truth in what Jike said. If so, then Luke will not give them this pen cap at all, and if he wants to give it to them, there must be Luke's own idea.

Maybe... Luke wants to protect himself??

At this time, Yuanfeng looked at several people who didn't know why, and then sighed slightly: "Now Luke is probably dead"

"What?!!" Everyone listened to Yuanfeng's words and stood up and looked at Yuanfeng in surprise, especially Yuezhi, who didn't seem to believe that Luke was killed.

How can such a person with great strength and money be killed??

This is a thing that no one can understand. Of course, what he can know more or less about this is Yuezhi. He has also heard the title of this 'destroitive' organization in the killer world.

Now that Luke has been killed, it is likely that the people in this mysterious 'extermination' organization did.

"Yuanfeng, who killed Luke? If he can kill Luke, then his own strength must also be very strong. After all, for Luke, the bodyguards around him are not vegetarian at all!!" Moha said.

"Oh... Maybe it was a group of monsters who killed them..." Hearing Moha's words, Yuan Feng smiled bitterly. I have a complete understanding of the source wind of this mysterious "extinction" organization. Everyone in such an organization is a master. Even if they casually pull out a person from it, they will kill Luke and all of them all without warning.

"I don't think what we need to do now is to find out how Luke died. What we need to do now is to leave the country as soon as possible," said Hezi, who had not spoken at this time.

"Yes!!" Yuanfeng nodded and said, "Now the news of Luke's killing will soon spread all over the overseas G countries. At that time, the country will be fully prepared to block all places. In that case, can we go back as soon as possible? Let's ignore our current identities for us. Unfavorable, and now we still have this pen in our hands. If it is found out, then we can't get out at all!!"

"Then let's buy tickets as soon as possible and try to leave early!!" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Yuezhi and Dongying, Moha, Jike and Touching Beard are also the same idea. After all, it's really not easy to end this matter if it's a big deal.

"What?! Luke's villa was destroyed?!!" At this time, in an important country in G overseas, a fat man suddenly trembled when he listened to the report of his subordinates!!

He fully knows Luke's strength. It can be said that for this whole overseas G country, in addition to Luke's control of life and death, there is another country.

Therefore, a strong and profound person like Luke has been killed, so the strength to kill him is also very powerful. Moreover, even Luke's villa has been completely razed to the ground. How can such a thing not make people tremble!!

"Have you found out who did it?!!" At this time, the fat man continued to ask after calming down a little.

"Not yet" listening to the fat man's words, the man standing next to him said, "According to our on-site investigation, all people, including all the evidence, were destroyed by the explosion at this moment, so we can't extract any valuable evidence from it at all."

"Waste!!" At this time, when the fat man learned that nothing had been found out, he was immediately furious. He picked up the documents on the table and patted them on the man's face and said angrily, "You can't handle such a little thing. What's the use of you?!!"

Yes! Yes!" Looking at the fat man getting angry, his subordinate, who had been standing there and had not moved, immediately shivered and said.

Looking at his subordinates who didn't even say it was useless, the fat man was also extremely annoyed. However, at this juncture, it is not a wise choice to be annoyed.

Therefore, the fat man, who was angry, slightly calmed his anger and asked, "It seems that if the murderer wants to kill Luke and create such a violent explosion, then their people must carry such a strong explosive..." said that the fat man here kept reading explosives in his mouth. Two words.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the fat man's mind and immediately said to his subordinates, "Quick! Go and announce the dispatch of additional inspectors across the country to thoroughly investigate all airports, bus stations, etc. one by one. In addition, immediately declare that all flights and bus stations across the country will be suspended! Go!!"

Yes! I know!!" Listening to the fat man's words, the subordinate immediately knew what the fat man was thinking and immediately left the room to do it.

At this time, the fat man still kept saying, "The person who killed Luke, I must catch the murderer!!"


"Yuanfeng, I happened to buy a 1 o'clock ticket." At this moment, Moha and Jike said to Yuanfeng with air tickets in their hands.

"Ye�, just in time" Yuezhi looked at the timetable in the airport. It was 12:50 p.m., that is to say, the plane will take off in ten minutes.

Yuanfeng looked at the good plane tickets in Yuezhi and others, and then said, "Time is tight. I guess this airport will be closed soon. We also have to leave here before the airport, bus station and so on are all closed. Now we will go directly to check the tickets and board the plane."

"Good!!" Yuezhi, Dongying, Moha and Jike nodded, and as for the plane tickets bought by Xuzi and Hezi, they also returned to S, that is to say, the two of them also returned to China with Yuanfeng.

Although Touching Xuzi is a mixed-race child, his body still has the blood of S country, so he also plans to go back together. As for Hezi himself, he has not figured out what to do after returning to China for the time being, but he still plans to go back together. After that, he is trying to do it. What do you order?

Soon, Yuanfeng and seven others passed the ticket check smoothly, and then came to the interior of the airport.

To be honest, this pen box given by Luke to Yuanfeng is indeed useful. Generally speaking, the material of this pen will be close to a metal, that is to say, if Yuanfeng and others put the pen on their body or put it in a backpack, it will definitely be detected. Once it is detected, their purpose of returning to China this time will be completely ruined. After all, this thing is related. With Luke's life.

But the box Luke gave them perfectly solved such a problem. The instrument could not detect what was in it at all, so this was the only way to avoid this.

After several people successfully passed the security check, they boarded the flight model T800. The speed and route of this flight are the fastest.

Generally, the time from overseas country G to country S is four or five hours, or even one morning. But the speed of this flight is relatively fast, and it can be reached in about three hours.

Time passed minute by, and there were still a few minutes before the plane took off, while Yuan Feng and others waited for the plane to take off after settling down their luggage and so on.

"Dear passengers, the T800 flight is about to take off. Please be sure to fasten your seat belt and turn off your mobile phone." At this time, such a sound came from the radio loudspeaker.

Then, after the sound appeared twice, it did not appear. At this time, the source wind slightly felt that the plane was shaking a little, and he already knew that the plane had begun to prepare for take off.

"Quick! You must do a good job of comprehensive security inspection!!" At this time, in the lobby of the plane, a team of people appeared throughout the airport. Of course, these were the people sent by the fat man to investigate Luke's affairs.

And at this time, the source wind sitting on the plane has also seen the following scene. Moha was really relieved and said, "It's okay. We got on the plane in time, otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to leave today!"

"Yes!!" Jike said: "After all, Luke's matter is particularly related. If it is not handled well, it may affect the national benefits of overseas G countries, so they also need to spend a long time investigating such things. If we don't leave today, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave here in 5 to 8 months according to the laws of this country."

"Hey, I have left now, and I feel relaxed. After all, we have completed the task now!" At this time, Moha said with a smile on his face. For Moha, as long as he completed the task and left smoothly, it was his happiest thing. Otherwise, when the whole country blocked himself and others could not leave or not, Moha would have to jump off the building and commit suicide.

At this moment, Yuanfeng looked at the smile on Moha's face. Yuanfeng also smiled faintly and closed his eyes for a short rest for a short time. For this period of time, it did Yuanfeng and others not have a good rest.