Wolin Opera

Chapter 398 Yearning for a Plain Life

In a flash, weeks have passed.

At this time, the sun is at noon, and although it is not special, the sun is very warm on the earth. At this time, the source wind came out of the classroom and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is the time when I will finale my midterm exam. For two days in a row, Yuanfeng will stay in the classroom during the day and afternoon. However, fortunately, Yuanfeng's ability to answer questions is soaring, and after a while, it has been handed over.

Looking at the surprised eyes of the foreign school invigilator, Yuanfeng slowly walked out of the classroom.

"Today is the first person to walk out of the classroom, but fortunately, the morning exam is completed!!" At this time, the source wind walked out of the classroom and became relaxed.

Although Yuanfeng's answer level and his knowledge can be completed easily, after all, his own exam can't be too outrageous, so Yuanfeng also left after waiting for more than ten minutes after answering the questions.

Out of the teaching building and feeling the warm sunshine, Yuanfeng seemed to feel that he was really relaxed. Of course, Yuanfeng is very clear in his heart. Although the weather is so bright now, maybe... tomorrow, there will be a heavy rainstorm in the whole sky.

This is also why Yuanfeng is still a little relieved now. For him, the mysterious suzerain seems to have evaporated in the world and has no movement, which also made Yuanfeng feel that the patriarch's revenge would suddenly come, so he also looked for memories in his mind during this period.

I don't know why, since Yuanfeng got the cold night knife and got the white chess pieces, he can clearly feel that something seems to be forgotten in his mind. He also thinks desperately every day, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries to think about it, he exists. The memory in my mind just can't be turned over, which makes Yuanfeng helpless.

"Wind, what are you thinking about?" At this moment, a delicate voice came from Yuanfeng's ears. Yuanfeng smiled indifferently and knew that it was the source.

turned his head and really found that Yuanyuan had also handed over the scroll towards himself at this moment.

"No..." Yuanfeng shook his head and smiled. Yuanfeng didn't want to say these distressed things, but didn't want the people around him to worry about himself.

And Yuanyuan looked at Yuanfeng's seemingly empty face and knew what Yuanfeng was worried about. However, although Yuanyuan knew what Yuanfeng was worried about, he was still not broken. After all, for Yuanfeng, he always took something on himself. Similarly, he always hoped that the people around him could be fast. Happy, I don't want them to be bothered by anything.

This is the source wind. A man who can risk his life for others.

At this time, Yuanyuan came to Yuanfeng and whispered, "Wind, don't think so much. In fact, sometimes, it is much better to be confused than shrewd. It is said that soldiers come to cover the water. Maybe at that time, it's okay to think of other ways."

Speaking of this, Yuanyuan smiled at Yuanfeng, hoping that Yuanfeng would not be so distressed. After all, for the current Yuanfeng, it has long been a pillar in Yuanyuan's heart. If there is no Yuanyuan, then Yuanyuan really feels that there is no bright place in the world.

"Oh..." Looking at Yuanyuan's worried eyes, Yuanfeng smiled faintly and hugged Yuanyuan in his arms and said indifferently, "Maybe this is destiny!!"

With that, Yuanfeng looked at the source in his arms and whispered, "If I could choose life again, I would rather live a peaceful life in a place where there are no people and no prosperous place..."

"Wind, maybe... we can really live such a life in the future!!" At this time, the source muttered in Yuanfeng's arms, but in fact, she knew it very well.

Yuyuanfeng is tired now and is already very, very tired, and it is this tiredness that makes Yuanfeng hope that he will live a peaceful life one day.

Even if you live a light life, the source wind is very yearning. Similarly, why doesn't Yuanyuan himself??

From the time I first met Yuanfeng, I have experienced so many things that even Yuanyuan doesn't know how many things and setbacks I have experienced.

The current source wind can be said to feel a little tired, which is the kind of physical and mental fatigue. Although Yuanfeng is still the same as usual on the surface, his heart has already felt that living a plain life is the best...

One morning, Yuanfeng and Yuanyuan rested in the artificial lake of the school for a long time. As for Liu Yaner, she also came out of the classroom more than 20 minutes after Yuanfeng and Yuanyuan came out.

Looking at the calmness of the lake, Liu Yaner's face blushed. She seemed to remember the source wind in those years, which touched Liu Yaner's heart in this place.

Now Liu Yaner knows that she was forced to marry someone else, and Yuanfeng once vowed to be strong by the lake in order not to be wronged.

Nowadays, he has already become the most powerful man in S country. For the current source wind, he can kill a person effortlessly, and also find a person effortlessly.

But... Despite this, there is still a trace of fatigue in Yuanfeng's heart, which can also be seen by Liu Yaner. After all, the suzerain of the mysterious organization has not made any movement, and it can be said that he has completely disappeared.

In the same way, this disappearance also promotes the inner uneasiness of Yuanfeng and others.

When all this was completely quiet, the mobile phone in Yuanfeng's pocket rang again.

Of course, the ringing of the mobile phone is not the ringtone of the phone, but a text message from someone.

At this time, Yuanfeng picked up the mobile phone, read the text message, and then put the mobile phone back with an indifferent smile.

"Let's go, Scarface and others are still waiting outside. Let's go to dinner." At this moment, Yuanfeng said to Yuanyuan and Liu Yaner beside him. After saying that, Yuanfeng also stood up.

Looking at the rippled lake, Yuanfeng smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth.

"Well, I'm hungry too!!" Hearing Yuanfeng say to go to dinner, Liu Yaner felt her stomach rumbling.

In fact, it's no wonder that you need to take an exam in the morning, and you don't eat too much in the morning, so it's time to have lunch at this time.

With that, Yuan Feng and the two women planned to have lunch. As for the text message from Yuanfeng just now, it was sent by Scarface. Originally, Yuanfeng wanted to have lunch with the two women in the school canteen in the morning, but Yuanfeng did not continue to plan to eat in the school canteen, but let Scarface and Xiao Wuzi drive to a small restaurant outside for dinner.

Soon, Yuanfeng and others went out of the school gate. Far away. The source wind can see the black car parked in the distance. This car is completely driven by Scarface and Xiaowuzi.

In fact, in Kyoto, Rui's strength has long been very strong and skilled. At that time, the Swiss organization was the leader who had to send a lot of people to go out for dinner, but Yuanfeng doesn't need it now.

After all, Yuanfeng's own strength is very clear to all of them. Moreover, the Swiss organization has long developed to ubiquitous in the whole Kyoto, so there is no need for this brigade to pick up Yuanfeng. In addition, Yuanfeng doesn't like this, so in the end, it is Scarface and Xiao Wu. The two of them came out.

When Yuanfeng and the two women came to the car, Scarface had already seen Yuanfeng and immediately got out of the car.

"Yuan Ruizhu, I have also decided on the restaurant." At this time, the scar face said respectfully to Yuan Feng, but I don't know why, the scar face at this time showed a trace of worry from that look.

Of course, this trace of worry Liu Yaner and the two women must not be able to see it. The scar face hides all this trace of worry very deeply, and even the girls can't feel it at all.

"Then go there." Yuanfeng smiled indifferently. After Yuanyuan and Liu Yaner got into the car, the car slowly started.

Along the way, Scarface and Xiao Wuzi did not say a word from beginning to end, but the atmosphere in the car was a little awkward. Fortunately, this journey is not too far. After driving ahead of the car for more than ten minutes, I came to the restaurant.

At this moment, the restaurant says the word Kyoto Restaurant, which means that all the dishes sold here are Kyoto cuisine. Of course, for Yuanfeng himself, he has never eaten Kyoto cuisine before. Even before he didn't get the Kirin's secret, it was even more impossible to eat it. At that time, the source Feng has no money to eat this Kyoto cuisine except for eating two shriveled steamed buns or a bowl of fried noodles for a few yuan every day.

After Xiao Wuzi parked the car in the garage, the four of them entered the Kyoto restaurant.

As soon as I came in, I smelled a burst of fragrance, which made every customer who came here have a big appetite. Although this restaurant is not so luxurious and is not a few stars, the layout still makes many people feel like home.

Soon, after Yuanfeng sat down, she ordered several Kyoto cuisines. Of course, Liu Yaner ordered these dishes herself. After all, she has been in Kyoto for so long, and naturally many dishes can be mentioned by herself.

The dishes served in this small restaurant are relatively fast, and looking at these dishes, Scarface is also very appetizing. After all, Scarface is a rough person. Although he can't call these dishes, he is still greedy.

As soon as I saw so many dishes coming up, Scarface was also drooling, and when I saw a little five like Scarface, I had no choice but to shake my head. It seems that the lunch on this table is probably not enough for Scarface...