I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 5 Day Tour to Heaven and Cloud

Seven or eight days in a row, the north wind is calling, and the snow is heavy...

In the face of such a ghost weather, as long as it is not too important, people will choose to huddle in the house.

While everyone enjoyed the warmth of the quilt comfortably, Wu Wei got up early and began a day of practice in an open space only four or five steps square.

According to Pu Shan's proposal, Wu Kui decided to practice martial arts from scratch. Although Wu Kui spent a lot of effort on martial arts before, everything he did was far from enough for an orthodox martial artist. If there is a little correction, I don't know how much time it will be wasted. In this case, it is better to practice martial arts from scratch. The process of learning and previous efforts will be much shorter than others.

Although the venue is small, many of its moves cannot be performed, but it is in such an environment that Wu is more and more careful.

With the situation of striving to practice each move in place, Wu Fu is still thinking about the connection between the next move and this move. It has to be said that this practice method with both hands and heart has made Wu Fu take many detours at the beginning of the rework, and made Wu Fu's strength have the possibility of rapid progress in a short time.

While practicing, Wu Wei was still receiving Pu Shan's guidance, trying to drive the vitality in his body step by step and refining 2004 bones and 629 muscles all over his body.

"Whether it is rebirth, faith, the universe, or other methods, the foundation of everything is the body, and the foundation of everything is the self. Without a strong body, what kind of skills you practice and to what extent, all of this is empty for you. The flying crane dance map is not a superior martial arts, but it can evenly disperse the vitality to all parts of the body. It is simple and practical, which is a recognized evaluation of it. Maybe it's a little awkward when practicing now, but as long as you master the tricks, you can practice skin, meat, and bones step by step. On the day of practice, the whole body can open the stone and split the tablet empty-handed, and the flesh and blood can resist thousands of pounds of heavy blows, and more importantly, there is no dead hole in the whole body.

Pu Shan sat cross-legged, recuperating the injury in his body, watching Wu Ao, who was practicing the "hanging crane style" with one palm upside down, and talking to Wu Ao at the same time.

"Unfortunately, this flying crane dance is just a big road product. The real flying crane dance should have three tricks and 18 moves, among which hanging cranes, wandering pine, and flying three are the subtle. It is said that who can practice this flying crane dance map can rely on the power of the body to advance to the realm of the marrow, but unfortunately, these three styles are all The exception is hidden in the Great Zen Temple, and the most complete flying cloud and crane dance map in the world is only 17 styles. Suddenly thinking of something, Pu Shan couldn't help but talk silently.

"But fortunately, my set of flying crane dance has included hanging cranes, and on the whole, this flying cloud crane dance is also complete. After all, the most common way to enter the marrow nowadays is still relying on blood. If you want to practice this muscle and bone, then look for the flying sky and Yousong. Obviously, Pu Shan was annoyed that he could not tell Wu Wei all the three tricks of the flying crane dance map, but soon Pu Shan focused his attention on Wu Wei, and the matter of the flying crane dance map was put aside.


The longer the process of luck, the worse the practitioners' control of vitality. Often, when Wu angry wants to disperse the last strand of vitality into the body, he seems powerless.

Wu's face was already pale at this moment, and his lungs were full of more air and less air, as if the strength of his whole body had been taken away at this moment.

It is said that the amount of exercise of this set of flying crane dance is not large, but its grasp of strength and the consumption of mental strength is terrible. In addition, Wu's body is originally thin, and it is common to feel difficult to practice this flying crane dance.

"This wine is a good thing. If you are slightly fascinated, it can play a role in promoting blood circulation. Although this wine is not as good as the pure taste I practiced, it is also a rare good product in this cloudy prison."

After several days of getting along with each other, Wu Fu has a deeper understanding of Pu Shan. Although Pu Shan has a yin and yang face that has been punished by God, he is not gloomy, bold and cheerful, which makes others very willing to talk to him.

He took two sips of the wine pot with both hands. Soon after, he felt a stream of heat rising from his abdomen. Driven by this heat, he felt extremely comfortable all over his body. However, when Wu Ao drank the third mouth greedily, Wu Ao's eyes stared and shook the wine pot in his hand desperately.

"Haha, this small pot of wine is good for you to drink for eight or nine days, so don't complain!" Seeing that Wu Wei couldn't stop holding the wine pot, even though the injury on his buttocks was not healed, Pu Shan was stunned and laughed one after another. In the end, he didn't know whether Pu Shan was crying or laughing.

"Hey, when will I ask for another pot from the official camp? No wonder I heard that there are three things necessary for martial arts practice: wine, plaster and clothes. The plaster is used to prevent contusion, and the skirt is used for replacement, which is easy to understand, but I have never understood the use of this wine. It seems that this wine is also a good thing!" Since this drop of wine pulp could no longer be poured into the wine pot, Wu Wei asked it to do something to throw the wine pot aside.

"This wine is just ordinary water wine. How can it be compared with real medicinal wine? If he and I get out of prison, I will treat you to drink the Baiwei pure made by myself. When I practiced with my master in the mountain, I collected hundreds of medicinal herbs and dozens of poisonous insects, which were made after three steaming and three boils. It has the effect of strengthening the body, moistening the five organs, and regulating blood and qi. Unfortunately, I brought a pot out of the mountain this time and drank half a pot by myself. I should have left, but I didn't know that I encountered this labor. What made the half pot of wine also taken away by the people in the government.

Pu Shan obviously cares about the pure taste. It seems that this wine must be ten times or a hundred times more delicious than this water wine.

"Pu Shan, I have always heard you say that you are your master, and I have heard that you came to Shangliang is also your master's intention. It seems that your master is very heavy in your heart!" Whenever Pu Shan talked about his master, Wu Fu could always feel a faint warmth coming from the corners of Pu Shan's eyes.

"Let's not say this, haven't you always wanted to try the feeling of traveling to the sky next day? Today is the winter solstice. You should know that the winter solstice and the summer solstice are the shortest and longest days of the year respectively. On the winter solstice, the yin qi will completely suppress the yang qi, which is definitely the best time for monks to travel around the sky. Looking at Wu Wei sitting beside him resting, Pu Shan gently pressed his big hand on Wu Wei's shoulder.

"Haha, you forgot if you didn't say it. What do you need me to do?" Since Pu Shan did not want to mention himself and his master, Wu smiled awkwardly and followed Pu Fan's words.

"You should know that there is a nine-fold pagoda in people, and what you don't know is that when a person's soul jumps out of the bondage of the nine-fold pagoda, you can leave the body, but the souls of everything are negative, so the soul is afraid of light and heat after leaving the body. These are taboos after the soul leaves the body. However, with the depth of cultivation, these taboos will be slowly eliminated. As for the legendary realm of thunder immortals, the monks can completely get rid of the shackles of the body and exist between heaven and earth in the state of the yuan god.

Pu Shan said and patted Wu Ao's major acupuncture points in turn, so as to stimulate the soul that the ghost remained in Wu Ao's body.

"It is said that it is difficult to leave the body with the strength of your soul, but while the ghost collapses, in addition to leaving a large amount of vitality in your body, it also leaves a small amount of soul gas. Under the protection of this soul gas, as long as it is not too bloody, it will not cause harm to your soul."

Pu Shan's every slap is accurate, which activates the hidden soul in Wu's body. When the last blow was completed, Wu felt a breath rise from the soles of his feet, and his soul became light under this refreshing blow. The scenery around him suddenly changed in a trance. A ladder to the sky appeared in front of him. On the ladder to the sky was a shining gate, and the soul stepped on the clear air. He flew towards the gate.

Looking at the gate that was getting closer and closer, Wu knew that this was the gate of heaven and earth that Pu Shan had told him before. As long as the soul breaks out of this heavenly gate, it will lose the protection of the body. So far ** nakedly exposed between heaven and earth, you should know that it is quite dangerous for the soul to leave the body. If Pu Fan deceives himself, Wu Fu, who has no power to fight back, will fall into the abyss. Do you believe Pu Shan or give up this attempt? Undoubtedly, it has become two thoughts around Wu's mind.

"I'm afraid that he will suffer from chaos." Secretly breathed a breath of himself, Wu Ao took a step out. With this step out, Wu Ao's senses returned to reality.

Looking at the cell that has lived for ten years, in addition to Wu Wei's soul, there are only two unconscious bodies and a gray gas in the cell. There is no need to guess that the gray gas is Pu Shan's soul. After years of practice, Pu Shan's soul has been eye-catching, although it is the same as Wu Fu It is a mass of gas, but Pu Shan's soul is obviously stronger than Wu's.

"Don't talk, your soul is not strong enough to support you to speak in the void, and I want to protect most of the power that will be consumed without being hurt by the scorching sun. Ready for us to go!" Seeing the extra souls around him, Pu Shan looked very happy. After all, like Wu Wei, he knew that there was danger and dared to entrust everything to others. In addition to having amazing courage, it was more of a kind of trust.

Pu Shan turned his soul into a big net and tightly wrapped Wu's fragile soul from the outside to the inside. When everything was properly equipped, Wu Wei had not reacted and felt that the scenery around him was regressing in a very fast way. In a moment, Pu Shan took Wu Wei's soul and left the heavenly prison where Wu Wei had lived for ten years. Its destination was the ancient city of Shangliang, the capital of the Chenxing Empire not far away.

Under Pu Shan's control, Wu's eyes became wider and smaller, and the scenery in his eyes became smaller. In the face of this sudden change, Wu felt like he was in a dream.

After a period of high-altitude flight, Wu's eyes slowly moved down, and when he looked at a majestic city through the clouds, he jumped into his eyes.

The ancient city of Shangliang, the capital of the Chenxing Empire, is the most prosperous and most populous city in the whole continent.

From the air, the whole Shangliang City is octagonal, and the houses, waterways and roads are arranged according to the gossip array of Taoism. Among them, the imperial city occupies the center of the whole city, as well as Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gan, Xun, and the eight main positions. As for the heavenly stems and earth branches on the side, various facilities are arranged accordingly.

With the tightening of his eyesight, the tall Yang Forest appeared in front of Wu Fu. Looking at the Yang Forest covered with a radius of ten miles in front of him, Wu Fu vaguely felt a little familiar, but no matter how Wu Fu thought so, he did not want to find out where he was familiar with it?

There is no time to recall, because under the leadership of Pu Shan, the tall and majestic city gate has entered the eye.

Above the wall is a team of neatly dressed armored armor, and the silver-white armor emits a gloomy cold light in the sunlight.

Although it is far away and protected by the Pu fan, I don't know why Wu's heart is full of nausea. As for the scenery in front of him, it slowly turns blood red, and the whole eye from the original point to the last eye is covered with bright red.

"Unfortunate, I didn't let you see the market. The ancient city of Shangliang is indeed the most prosperous place in the mainland. The vigorousness of this place has far exceeded my expectations. If it continues, it will hurt your soul. It is not a good thing. Let's go back!"

Looking at the gate less than ten meters away from him and being unable to enter, Wu Ai did not sigh or complain, but was just reluctant, because Wu Ai firmly believed that sooner or later he would come back to the city to get back everything he had, even the throne...