I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 8 The Last Level

The scene six months ago happened again in the Tianzi prison, but the prisoner who was escorted this time was not Pu Shan, but Wu Fu, who had lived in the same name as Pu Shan. The reason for this detention was not imprisonment but for arraignment.

In the past few months, Wu Kui has been studying martial arts hard, because Wu Kui knows that when he leaves here, it will be difficult to find a good place where he can practice at ease like a prison.

The vitality left by the ghost over the past few months has been refined by Wu Wei, and the body has reached the peak of skin practice in five months. It is only one step away from recombining skin and flesh and blood. Since then, it has begun to refine the most vulnerable organs of the human body across the obstacles of flesh and blood.

While Wu was contemplected to practice, outside the heavenly prison, Shangliang City was very busy because of the alternation of the throne. The old emperor's body suffered more and more, and the prince's peak became more and more sharp.

The current situation has become obvious. Either the old emperor obediently handed over his throne and became an emperor to take care of the world; or he was forced into the palace by the prince's peak and ended up with nowhere.

Even after experiencing the turmoil of the court ten years ago, the old emperor was tired and had no time to take care of the government, it does not mean that the old emperor was no longer shrewd and knew that he was not the opponent of the prince's peak. The old emperor and recently let go, sealed the prince's peak as regent, punished him on behalf of heaven, and then gave the prince a step up the ground at the same time. It also left a way for myself.

Seeing that Prince Peak's accession to the throne has become inevitable, I can't wait to change my name as soon as this year is over. The old emperor will not be forced into the palace because of this, and he can also get a quiet after abdication. Under the good circumstances of these two families, who cares about the fate of the deposed prince Wu Fu, who has been forgotten for ten years?

Put it?


Continue to be detained?

Well, according to the meaning of the court and the old emperor, let it go and seal a prince casually after coming out.

You should know that there is actually nothing wrong with Prince Ayuan. If you really want to make a mistake for him, then the fault is that Wu A is wrong.

Let it go. You can let it go. The court has no objection. The old emperor supports it, but Prince Feng doesn't agree.

You should know that the inheritance of the throne is not a talent but a bloodline. Without the bloodline of the royal family, even if you learn to be rich, you are talented and full of the ability to govern the country. Of course, if you don't want to do it, you can choose to rebel. Although Prince Peak's bones are full of royal blood, it is far from Wu Wei, and Prince Feng relies entirely on the strength of others, so Wu Wei can't stay.

If Wu will be released, won't it be impossible for Prince Feng to find himself? And at that time, Wu Wei will be released. At that time, Prince Feng will not only not be unable to kill Wu Wei, but also have to protect him from being killed, so if you want to kill him, you have to take advantage of the morning.


"The prince is disrespectful today. Don't blame me for waiting!" Zhao Guanying just opened his mouth and said after he took the heavy ingots in his pocket.

"It should be, it should be." Now at this time, Wu Kui hasn't realized what's going on. So even if Wu Kui has lived for nothing for many years, he deserves it.

Earlier, when he heard the footsteps coming from the aisle, Wu felt as if he had a pair of eyes looking at him in the distance. This feeling was very bad, which made Wu Ao very unaccustomed to it. It happened to be that he remembered what Pu Shan said before he took away. Wu Kui couldn't help but be nervous. It seemed that what should come had to come. Fortunately, Wu Kui had expected such a situation before, so he did not panic at all when preparing things and hiding things.

When Zhao Guanying opened the prison door, Wu Wei not only looked very calm, but also looked very calm, as if everything in front of him was taken for granted, but it was a bad rule.

"Father, please!"

Looking at the dark passage in front of him, the prisoners imprisoned in the heavenly prison all year round understand one thing, that is, once the prisoner walks on this passage, it is equivalent to embarking on a yellow spring road to hell, and there is no possibility of turning back since then.

Maybe he has been used to seeing the dead all year round. The prisoner who was originally imprisoned in the heavenly name Laone with Wu Wei. When he saw Wu Wei walking on this road of no return, he just looked up and nodded, and there was no extra expression.

Feeling these dead cell friends, Wu Wei couldn't help laughing at himself. Wu Wei felt very funny and stupid about the idea that they might look at him more because they had been together for years.

"Oi, I'll go in by myself!" Although I don't know where the passage in front of me leads, there is always the sound of running water coming from the dark passage in the dead of night, so many people think that this should be a secret prison for the death of prisoners.

"Sir, you are the royal family, and you should go decently. I can't do anything else, but I can still do it by loosening the bracelet and anklet for you!" Zhao Guanying has been working in this prison for many years. He really hasn't seen a person who can come out of the water prison alive. Anyway, he is dying and needs to do anything else with this bracelet and anklet.

"Thank you very much."

The activity was red because of the chain. Wu Fu didn't wait for the jailers to urge him to walk into this dark path, which was praised as the "road of no return" by the prison prisoners.


The sound of mechanical door rolling sounded the first time Wu Fu walked into this path, and the harsh friction sounded through the whole channel. With the continuous transmission of the roller, the whole path was vaguely unstable, and people stood on it and felt like standing on the boat.

"Hey! Death won't make people die!" Although it could not be seen in this path, with his keen nerves, while feeling the vibration of the path, Wu Fu felt something falling from behind and had no time to tell what was behind him. Wu Fu ran to the place where there was light in front of him.

The things behind Wu Ao, as the length of the slope of the path increased faster and faster, even several times Wu Ao almost hit the things behind because he avoided the bones left in the path.

"MD, these people seem to be going to kill me! There is such a big stone!" Listening to the sound of the skeleton being crushed by heavy objects, Wu Wei dared to slow down and ran to the bright place vigorously.

Under the rapid running, the path of less than 100 meters finally reached the end. With the light coming from above, Wu Wei felt like he was in a super-large well, with a bottomless water eye at his feet, a hollow hole above his head, and a wall made of bluestone bricks beside him.

Feeling that the things behind him had caught up and didn't have time to make any consideration, Wu Wei could only jump and jump down to the deep water below.



Two heavy objects fell into the water in a row, and the sound of water broke the silence of the water in front of us, and also brought a trace of vitality to the water.

"This water is not smelly, it should be live water!" Drilling out of the bottom of the water, Wu Wei finally had time to carefully observe everything in front of him.

Judging from the ancient green bricks on the four walls, this place should have been a large well, and if not, it should also be a water prison built in the shape of the well. As for the light, it was thrown in from the round hole above.

"It's all well water, summer is cool and warm in winter, which is all right! This water is so cold! I don't know how many days I will stay here?" S swimming to the wall of the well, holding a protruding green brick with one hand and wiping the water droplets on his cheek with the other hand, which is equivalent to the boulder that fell with him just now. Up to now, Wu Wei still has lingering palpitations.

From the current situation, without considering the bad direction, the news of Wu's assassination will spread to Shangliang within a day or two. If there is a person who has an intention to delay for only four or five days, someone will come to salvage the body. That is to say, as long as Wu Fu has suffered these four or five days, the day of escape is just around the corner.

The cool water flowed past Wu Wei, and soon most of the heat of his whole body subsided. He enjoyed this feeling very much. In the end, Wu Wei simply exposed his head to the surface of the water to breathe, and the rest of his body was immersed in water. With the warm passage of time, Wu's eyelids, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened, and a sense of fear swept up. In a moment, Wu's body completed the reaction.

"There is something underwater!" Feeling the unusual fluctuation of the water pattern, and not waiting to see what was under the clear water, Wu Wei immediately exerted his strength on the right hand of the green brick and quickly moved up along this strong Wu Wei's body.

Waiting for Wu's body to leave three meters away from the surface of the water, a thick flower with a bucket rushed out of the bottom of the water, stirring up several feet of waves for a while...