I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 30 Asceticism

After picking up the Ning brothers and sisters outside Cangzhou City, Wu Wei and his party spent nearly two days to return to Wu Wei and the other courtyard outside Shangliang City.


In the late autumn morning, thin frost and snow hit the branches, giving people a feeling that they have entered winter from afar, and there is a faint sound of water between the mountains and forests.

The mountains behind the courtyard, the mountains and forests are hidden, and there are countless streams, and all the water sources come from the broken pot spring in the back mountain.

Hundreds of tons of spring water flow out every day, forming a magnificent waterfall in the mountain stream of the broken pot spring, thus moistening the whole mountain.

Through a low bush, Wu Fu stretched out his hands and stood on the rock wall. He had to tighten his teeth and let the water falling from the sky hit his shoulder. Perhaps because of his long-term combat power, purple-blue bruises were all over Wu Fu's back.

The sound of water did not slow down because of Wu's standing. How should the water flow or how to flow? The crystal clear water splashes were afraid of Wu's back. Since then, it has turned into bursts of heartbreaking pain pouring into Wu's body.

Wu's immobility for a long time made Wu Fu feel very difficult. At this moment, Wu Fu's lips were already white, and bursts of cold air were sucked into his lungs from between his teeth. Every breath was an ordeal for Wu Fu, who did not use true qi at this time. His numb feet had shifted, and he was always in danger of being washed away by the current. , but in this way, Wu Wei is still insisting, and the persistence and perseverance on his bloody cheeks...

"Brother, it's almost time. It's time to eat!" A small body came out of the bushes, and Ning Caier carried a small basket of food to the bottom of the waterfall.

"Cai'er, wait a minute!" Wu Ao's slow closing. If this is not the case, it is likely that Wu Ao's whole body will be washed by running water as soon as he raises his heel.

Use the true qi in Dantian to activate the numb body little by little. The originally numb body stimulates the true qi to produce a thin vitality. In the process of flowing with the true qi, it slowly integrates into Wu's true qi, and gradually strengthens Wu's true qi.

"Where's your brother?" Putting on the clothes that were originally placed on the shore, Wu Kuang came to Ning Caier's side, reached out and picked up a piece of beef from the bowl and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'm about to open Enke. My brother is still reading this book, hoping to make a great success in the Enkao." Since Ning's brothers and sisters lived in other courtyards, the originally silent courtyard has gradually become active. During the day, Wu is probious to practice, Ning has studied, and at night, they gather together to discuss the current trend of the world. As for Ning Caier's good dishes, they are even more popular with Wu.

"Kaneko, tell your brother to read less books. You hate less when you use books, but if you read too much, you will block your brain. Since you want to prepare Enko, you should rest!" Wu Kui's self-cultivation is not low, but Wu Kui is not interested in the four books and five classics. You should know that Wu Kui reads some unpopular books such as military tactics, battle arrays, folk customs, and wild history. Because in Wu's consciousness, he always felt that the Four Books and Five Classics were just a means to seek an official position, not a means to seek the world.

"Brother, I have said that, but if you continue to practice like this, it will be a great burden on your body." Ning Caier's body is recovering day by day. Ning Caier is always worried about the two brothers's desperate practice, especially for Wu Ao. Wu Ao's daily practice has reached the extreme. It can be said that Wu Ao does not give herself a little time to relax at all except sleep. Ning Caier is very worried about this.

"Don't worry, I know these." Open the plug and take a big sip of the red bone wine in the kettle.

Wu Wei is quite satisfied with the medicinal properties of red bone wine. This small pot of wine is enough to match half a pill, plus the assistance of a thousand-year blood essence. As early as half a month ago, Wu Wei successfully broke the shackles of the body and advanced to the period of marrowization. Wu Wei was very satisfied that he could break the barrier of marrow in less than three months.

"Then eat slowly. I'll go back to the other hospital first. In the evening, we will eat boiled fish head and make up for the two of you." After clapping her hands, Ning Caier stood up. Because Ning Caier knew that Wu Ai would begin to practice combat skills after dinner, it was inconvenient to stay here to delay Wu Ai's practice. As for the bowls and chopsticks, she would take them home after Wu Ai's practice. Ning Caier was not worried about this.

"Slow down on the road, don't worry!" Seeing Ning Caier leaving, Wu Fu naturally had to tell him a few words. Fortunately, during this period, Ning Caier learned a few flying crane dance fists with Wu Wei. In addition, various elixirs to nourish Ning Caier's body has greatly improved.

The understanding of the flying crane dance map can be said to be the greatest achievement in recent stage, except for the breakthrough in cultivation. In order to complete the transformation of flesh and blood as soon as possible, Wu Fu returned to Shangliang City and began to study in isolation. With the help of existing moves to understand the unknown links, although it was a waste of time, it was a good way. After more than a month of understanding, Wu Fu finally understood You Song and the two styles of flying from the flying clouds and crane dance map, and then After more than half a month of practice, the key points of the major bones of the whole body have been refined, so as to make up for the loopholes left by the incompleteness of Type 2 earlier, and finally accumulate enough vitality to complete the breakthrough.

After packing up the bowls and chopsticks, Wu Ao took it out of the storage finger * Cangyue. At this time, Cangyue no longer had the spirit of birth, and only a light sound came from the blade.

"Good baby, let's get started!" After a two-month run-in, Wu Ai became more and more familiar with Cangyue. At the same time, the feeling of flesh-and-blood connection became more and more obvious. When he used his combat skills to the peak, Wu Ai often felt that he was Cangyue and Cangyue was himself, but this feeling came very short. He wiped his gun body lovingly, and Wu was envious. Start the next training.

The cultivation of martial arts is nothing more than three points. The body, true qi, combat power, and the strength of the body determine the degree of combat skills that can be used. The strength of true qi determines the final effect of combat skills. After the combination of the two points, the level of combat skills determines the level of personal strength, so whether it is physical or true qi or even war Wu Wei will divide his time equally. Only in this way can Wu Wei go longer and go further.

"Wow!" A burst of wind sounded from above the moon. The silver-white blade dark black gun body formed a black whirlwind in the mountains and fields under the dance of Wu Ao. With the blowing of gun wind, shallow marks were left on the ground. Wu Ao used true qi to practice the dragon Fangtian painting halberd, because only this Only then can Wu be better aware of his own progress and have a more accurate grasp of his own strength.


Between the mountain stream, a deep cry broke the world of gunwind, and a silver light flashed, and the figure had moved forward five feet from the original position.

"Open it for me!" At the moment of contact between Cangyue and the boulder, Wu An quickly turned the gun body, and a violent breath came out of Cangyue and hit the boulder fiercely.

"Boom!" A low roar sounded with the moment the gun body came into contact with the boulder. As for the boulder that was killed by the moon, it was scattered into countless small pieces under the power of one shot. As for the gunhead of the moon, it was just coated with a thin layer of lime.

Looking at the pile of gravel all over the ground, Wu's tender face couldn't help showing joy. After more than two months of hard practice, Wu Wei finally used the first 'dragon' of the war dragon Fangtian painting halberd. The dragon halberd is divided into three types, namely, Longteng, Longyue Jiutian, and Jiaolong swallowing the sun. Each type is more powerful than the previous one, and the requirements for display have gradually increased.

You should know that in addition to the requirements for physical strength, there are also strict requirements for the operation of true qi. Only when both of them meet the requirements of practice can the perfect demonstration of combat skills.

Looking at the traces left on the ground, Wu Wei once again mentioned the beginning of a new drill...