I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 13 War Dividend

If it hadn't been for Pu Shan's violent death today, and if it hadn't been for the extremely lethal mahogany thunderbolt, the result of today's World War I would have been really difficult to estimate.

After taking care of all the follow-up affairs of Woyunzhuang, Wu An returned to the county, returned to the county inn and changed his clothes, and immediately practiced on his knees and on the couch.

Although Bai Fengxing's punch did not hurt Wu Ao's body, the horrible punch contained in that punch has hurt Wu Ao's root. If this hidden injury cannot be removed in time, it will not hurt his life, but it will hinder future practice. After feeling the horrible punch of Bai Fengxing, Wu Fu felt more or less in his heart. Whether it is the dark injury caused by the fist or the mystery understood from Bai Fengxing's punch, Wu needs to be digested in time. After all, time does not wait for people!

On today's battlefield, Wu Wei once again realized his lack of strength. In front of the real masters, Wu Wei was just a slightly stronger ant. If it hadn't been for Pu Shan's protection, it would have been a real question whether Wu Wei could live to this day. Every time he was protected. After that, this was not what Wu wanted.

Become stronger! Become stronger! I want to be stronger!

The idea of becoming stronger is like a magic sound penetrating into Wu's mind. If it hadn't been for Wu Kui's "Spiritualization" and "Watching Heart Sutra", the foundation of the two supreme secrets, which might have been eroded by this idea and formed a barrier forever on Wu Wei's way forward, but with these two secret methods, this hot The idea will only become a driving force, prompting Wu A to continue to move forward.

"The essence of the heart is called the soul, the soul is yang, and the soul is yin. The soul, the name of the gods, comes from the shape and spirit; the shape and spirit are different, and the soul is different. The spirit of attachment is the soul, and the god of attachment is also the soul. The spirit attached to the shape is said to be born with the sound of ears, eyes and mind, hands and feet movement, and cries, and this is the spirit of the soul..." After meditating on the heart scripture of Soul Raising, Wu was fury to repair the heartache caused by Bai Feng's boxing.

Fighting, the product of the transformation from the wolf smoke, is the Mahayana of all the magical power of the martial arts.

As the most fundamental and mysterious power of the human body, the three series of monks are more or less involved in the process of cultivation. The idea comes from a person's soul, but it is higher than the soul. The strength of the idea has nothing to do with the strength of the soul. An old man can't live medically for three days, but in order to see his son for the last time before he dies, the old man can put his last breath in his mouth, one day, two days, ten days, until his son returns. Does this mean that the old man's soul is strong? A monk's body was pierced and his vitality was interrupted. Does it mean that the monk's soul is not strong enough?

What kind of power is boxing? Powerful boxing can hurt people thousands of miles away, and it can also be added to martial artists. This is boxing, a power that transcends space and time.

I don't know how many innate peak martial artists in the world are infinitely connected with their flesh and soul, but they have not taken a step of sanctification. Why? It is because these people have not condensed their own fists from the wolf smoke. The feeling of life and death can open the door of reincarnation, and the same condensation of fists can also open the door of Shinto for the warrior. As long as the martial artist's fist is strong and full of vitality, it is just like drinking water. But over the years, few people have been able to do this.

For example, Wu Wei can condense the horrible talent of the three-clawed dragon elephant in this period. As long as he does not died halfway or go astray, the door of immortals has been half open to Wu Ao.

A person's boxing contains a lot of things, which can be said to be inclusive of everything. The more powerful the boxing contains more things and the more pure. For masters such as Bai Fengxing, there are only the purest martial arts magic power left in the boxing. These ideas are poisonous to others, but for those who have Soul Rejutsu Wu Wei is a tonic, which is still a special tonic.

Although this boxing seems to be a little incomplete, it is enough for Wu Wei, who is only innate. While sharpening the boxing, Wu Wei is also absorbing Bai Fengxing's understanding of martial arts and constantly improving his understanding of martial arts.

"Water makes wood, wood makes fire, fire makes earth, earth makes gold, gold makes water, five elements live together, endlessly!" The feeling left by Bai Fengxing is like a key directly opening the door in front of Wu Wei. As the saying goes, one method is universal. With the activation of the power of water, the true qi in Wu Wei's body has completely formed a cycle. Since then, he has been reborn and no longer need to operate deliberately.

"Is this the power of the five elements? No wonder it is called the innate realm in ancient books. The true qi rotates and Zhou Tian is self-made. As a result, as long as you continue to understand from now on, your cultivation can be better!" Feeling the endless naive innocence in his body, Wu Fu finally stepped into the real innate realm.

Innate is divided into four levels, activating the five elements, the five elements are born together, the five elements are restrained, and chaotic. However, in ancient times, the innate activation of the five elements was regarded as pseudo-innate. Only the warrior who achieves the five elements can be regarded as the real innate strong. This is why only Zhan Ling and Cai Zhongxing broke through the congenital first stage among the six innate masters of the Black Armor Corps. In fact, it is too difficult and difficult to activate the five elements of the human body. I don't know how many people have been stuck in this level in all dynasties.


The next morning, when Wu Ao entered the door, the statistics of the results had been handed in.

After taking over the account book handed over by Qiwei, Wu An sat down to the main position * and slowly opened it. He only saw the list of many items recorded in the account book: 680 taels of plain gold, 800 catties of platinum, 400 catties of gold, 3,000 catties of fine copper, 72 pieces of jade plate, and two fingers of his grandmother...

Page 3 to page 15 records real estate, land, stores and other immovable properties in various places.

Page 15 to the end is a list of a series of military contraband such as knives, guns, swords, horses, etc.

"Is this all found out from Woyun Villa?" After reading the account book, Wu An put it on the coffee table beside him and looked at the people sitting under the hall.

"Yes, these are all the wealth gathered in the six years since the establishment of Woyun Villa, real estate and variable property. If it is converted into silver, it will be 1.3 million taels, which is 30% higher than the annual tax of the whole territory of Jeju." As a local official in Jeju, Nian Chenyao really doesn't want to sit here, but now he can only keep shaking his head.

"What are you going to do that year?" As a local official, although Wu's title is higher than that of Nian Chen Yao, he still needs to get the approval of Nian Yao in local affairs. This is not the rule of Nian Yao, but the rule of the empire.

"We are ahead of everything!" Help Wu to suppress Woyunzhuang. No matter where Yao's starting point is, this matter has been marked by Wu Yao's party as soon as the year comes. In the face of today's turbulent political situation, either neither side will help, or they must stand firm on one side. Only in this way can he survive. Therefore, Nian Yao is very well-informed and turned to Wu Fu. .

"Since General Nian said so, I have a note, and I don't know if it suits everyone!" Standing up and walking to the center of the hall and looking around the people sitting around, Wu said anxedly.

"I hope the prince can make it clear!"

Most of the people present think that Wu Fu is going to hack this huge amount of wealth. In the face of such a wealth, even a gentleman who is not confused will be moved, not to mention Wu Fu, who is in urgent need of wealth and power now, knows it, but how to hack it?

"Sixty of the wealth troubled generals were escorted to Beijing and handed over to Prince Shou. Now Prince Shou is in charge of the household department. In this way, the name is right and the wealth will not fall into Wu Feng's hands. 30% of the wealth has been handed over to the Jeju government office to subsidize the expenses of Jeju and increase support for Wei County. I don't want Woyunzhuang to happen again. As for the last share of the remaining wealth, you will be divided to subsidize the soldiers who died in the battle and replenish the much-needed equipment. I don't know if you are satisfied with my distribution method!"

There is a way for a gentleman to make money. Now Wu Ao does have a lot of money to beat some people from all sides, but the money collected in Woyunzhuang is not the ointment of the people. Even if Wu Ao has a way to hold the money in his hand without being known, it is not good to have a pimple in his heart. 90% of the wealth is divided, leaving the last wealth to block the mouth of everyone, which is the best way today.

After all, not everyone is like Wu Wei. Why does everyone come out to be an official? Isn't it money? Since you want to bring these people to your side, you can't save this little money. Compared with the wealth of Wolongzhuang, it must be enough to feed these people.

"Your Majesty..." Nian Yao was the first to jump out against Wu Kui's distribution method. Since Nian Yao joined Wu Kui's queue, everything must be considered for Wu Kui. If the distribution continues according to this mode, wouldn't it be said that Wu Kui's destruction of Wuyunzhuang this time will be in vain? This is impossible.

"I'm out of my mind. Of course, I won't be busy in vain. I will take some of these wealth by myself!" He waved his hand to let Nian Chenyao sit down. Wu was still quite concerned about such an important military minister, and naturally he would not chill his heart.

"I don't know what the prince wants to take?" Somehow, when they saw Wu's behavior, everyone's hearts were suddenly confirmed, and even Yao, who was about to get up again, sat down.

"Drugs, medicinal wine, ten pieces of wild goose armor, ten pieces of gold silk sweatshirts, 20 fire crossbows, that's all!" When he looked through the account book, Wu Wei had a plan in his heart. He took the money in his hand, but if he couldn't keep it, it would be someone else. Only strength is real. If he has strength in his hand and ideas in his mind, will he still worry about money?

"The prince is wise!" The old fox who was sitting here was not in the secular world for many years. After listening to what Wu wanted to take, he smiled jokingly. For such a master, why didn't everyone worry about it? The former commanders of the Jeju Military Department were unwilling, but now when they see this step, they have given their hearts to Wu Wei.

"Okay, let's go!" Looking at the people in the hall, Wu anly shook his robe and walked to the backyard...