I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 39 Feelings, the Law of the Wind

The wind rises, the wind rises and the clouds rise, the wind and clouds move, and the wind helps the fire rise...


The qi of wood, the qi of the mountains of heaven, the place where the wind passes is pervasive, and the place where the wind can reach, the wind is invincible...

The picture swallowed by Kunpeng keeps flashing in Wu Wei's mind. The storm of the wind, the softness of the wind, the movement of the wind, the momentum of the wind...

Every feeling is like a seal, constantly imprinting into Wu's mind, inducing Wu's feeling of thinking about the wind.

With Wu's understanding of wind from nothing, from shallow to deep, the ubiquitous law of wind between heaven and earth suddenly appeared in Wu's mind.

Compared with the normal line of pure and clear wood, the light cyan wind line is more elegant, less strong, soft and less vitality.

"Is this the wind?"

With his hands stretched out flat, he felt a breeze passing by him, flowing from his fingers, and there was a confusion in Wu's eyes...

"Is this the wind? Is this a rule?"

Under the mountain wind, Wu muttered to himself, and a pair of confused eyes gradually opened, gradually returning to clearness, brighter and more and more vast!


A sound of breaking the sky exploded like thunder. Wu's body had appeared over the mountains. Under the bright and vast eyes, it was surprise and ecstasy. A long roar came out of Wu's mouth and resounded throughout the mountains.

The secret skill of empty standing is not Lu Li's flying skill, nor is it a short time delay after the imperial treasure, but a kind of sky-off technique that uses the law of wind to break the rules of heaven and earth. This kind of sky-off skill does not need to consume any true qi, but only needs to attract it with its own consciousness. If you understand this method, you will understand it. If you don't understand it, you won't understand it. Even if the cultivation is ten times higher than Wu Fu, and the understanding of the law is 10 million times deeper than Wu Fu, it can't do this step. No matter how powerful the air ban in Xuanhuang Cave is, it will not restrict Wu Wei, because as long as there is wind and where the wind can reach, Wu Wei can take off and Wu Wei can fly, and the speed is second only to the strongest thunder between heaven and earth.

"This law is the normal line of the wind!"

"My law of wind is obviously not so pure. The power manipulated by Kunpeng is more detailed and strange! ...If I integrate this law into the body method, no! It's far from enough. It's still much worse. Now I only understand the speed of the wind, but I don't understand the power of the wind!"

Standing in the void, Wu's eyes were confused again, but soon turned back to Qingming, and his eyes were like two bright lights in the night, shooting into this dark mountain forest.

The devouring, the power of the wind, the storm of the wind, the energy of the wind, and the moment of Kunpeng's breath seem to have become a key, a road to open Wu's exploration of the law of wind in the future.

The moon is in hand, and the shadow of the gun is dense to the extreme all over the space! The dense shadows of guns are everywhere, like holes, like strong winds, with a terrible power invisibly!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mountain shakes, but wherever it is swept by the shadow of the gun, all the material is cracked, and the shallow marks outlined by the force of the wind are everywhere on the ground. In this move, Wu annoyan showed the speed of the wind! In this move, Wu An's understanding of the daytime was written out!

"No wonder some people say that every power has two sides. It seems to be a soft wind, but I didn't expect it to have such an amazing destructive power! Hahaha..."

Wu's angry land and looked at the surface of the mountain as if it had been eroded by a strong wind. Wu's tender cheeks couldn't help showing a trace of ecstasy: "When you are killed, it turns good luck into good luck. It's my difficulty to meet Kunpeng on the road. It's my luck to understand the law of the wind."

"This set of combat skills started because of Kunpeng and should be named Kunpeng, but at present, this set of combat skills has not been perfected. For the time being, it is called Kunpeng. When I improve it, it is not too late to give the name Kunpeng! As for this set of empty body methods, it is called popular all over the world because it contains the meaning of popular all over the world!"

Once I realized, the law of the wind, although Wu's understanding of the law of the wind can only be regarded as a new entry, but he can understand a set of incomplete combat skills and a set of his own air-defying skills, so he has to lament the great harvest.

People are iron rice and steel. Even if monks have power that ordinary people can't compare with, even if they have strong vitality in their bodies, they also have a moment of consumption, so their appetite cannot disappear. As long as they don't cross the link to change their lives against the sky, they can't get rid of this. Even if they are strong people who have crossed it, it is difficult to get rid of the need for food. Even if it's just a full appetite.

I didn't eat during the day, and my stomach had already protested to the owner. I took out two people's share of dry food and a bottle of red bone wine from the storage wrench finger and began to enjoy it. As for the half-day trip pulled by the law of the wind, and with the unique empty operation of the world, Wu Wei didn't care at all.

The night in Xuanhuang Cave is obviously impossible to be as calm as the outside world. Looking at the energy fire that rises from time to time and a sad cry, Wu didn't think much and supplemented his physical fitness.


A blue light exploded, and Wu's body flew to the far north of the Xuanhuang Cave under the support of the breeze.

Although there is only one state in Xuanhuangdong, it has four seasons that are as cold and warm as the world. The further north it is, the faster the heat between heaven and earth dissipates. As early as a hundred miles away, the woodland has begun to mix some common tree species in the north. When Wu Wei really stepped into the northern forest, he waited one by one by one. The melting snow is everywhere. Wu can't help admiring Xuanhuang Zhenjun's methods many times for presenting all the scenes of nature in Xuanhuang Dongtian.

Just like Wu Kui can find the land of extreme gold, the monks who entered the cave and transmitted to the north earlier have already found the land of extreme ice.

Liquid water, solid ice, and gaseous fog are the three states of water. Among the five elements, the law contained in water is the most amazing. There have also been martial artists who entered the Tao alone with the law of water, thus entering the supreme realm. For hundreds of millions of years, only the ice sky has succeeded, but no matter what the law contained in water is absolutely the single law between heaven and earth The most profound.

At the moment when Wu Wei stepped on the northern snow line of Xuanhuang Cave, waves of wolf roared from the mountains and fields. Looking up from the sky, several gorgeous attacks flashed from time to time, and there were several miserable screams, including monks and fierce beasts.

"It's Northwest Sirius! I didn't expect this ancient creature to be alive until now!"

At the top of a mountain at Wu Wei's feet, there stood a giant wolf ten times larger than ordinary wolves, with a full-white body. The northwest Sirius looks very docile and not have a trace of aggressiveness, but Wu Wei, who has read ancient books, knows that the Northwest Sirius is the hegemon of the northern cold land in ancient times. Its fierce name ranks 33rd on the list of fierce beasts. Even if some fierce beasts with a more fierce name than him will not provoke the northwest Sirius as long as they are extinct from time to time of life and death. You can imagine the horror of the northwest Sirius.

Wu Aozhi came here not for the roar of the northwest Sirius just now. It is really an extraordinary treasure in this mountain. In order to find the whereabouts of the polar ice land in the fastest way, Wu Fu will perform a hope every 100 miles to ensure that the route is correct. As early as 300 miles away, Wu Wei found that there was a terrible vitality in this mountain, and a wave of purple gas kept rising into the sky, as if to indicate the news that Chongbao was here.

If it is an ordinary treasure, Wu Wei may not care. After all, no matter how good the baby is, it can't be used as his own strength, but I don't know why Wu Wei feels that the things here are of great benefits for him. This benefit is far more important than the promotion of cultivation, so Wu Wei came here.

With the increase of distance, the deep call in Wu Wei's heart became more and more obvious. If it hadn't been for the northwest Sirius squatting on the top of the mountain, Wu Fu might have fallen.

"What on earth is it? Why does it bring me this feeling? Even astrology can't figure it out!" Falling on the last cloud and looking at the mountain in front of him, Wu Wei calculated, but there was no clue. According to reason, Wu Wei has caught the cause, and it should not be difficult to calculate a general result, but in this way, he could not find a clue. If it hadn't been for the stronger and stronger sense of calling in his heart, Wu Wei might have flashed. The current situation clearly holds that Wu Wei wants to get the treasure, so he needs to clean up the northwest Sirius, but after all, no one wants to have a fight with an adult second-order beast.


The northwest wolf on the top of the mountain seemed to find Wu Wei's peeping and sent a warning roar to Wu Wei!

However, Wu was unmoved and quietly calculated that if the treasures in the mountains were destined to belong to him, even dozens of northwest Sirius did not have them. If they did not belong to him, no matter how powerful he was, he would stare. The current situation was obviously the former. After thinking about it, Wu made up his mind.
