I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 48 In the Shadow of the First Emperor

If Wu's divine thoughts were calculated in one unit before, then under the stimulation of breaking the virtual elixir, Wu's divine thoughts increased to 100 units. In the face of such a horrible doubling growth, even if Wu Fu met those strong people who changed their lives against the sky, Wu Fu was confident that he would fight with them in his mind.

The strength or weakness of the divine mind is closely related to a monk's cultivation and the perception of the way of heaven. With the rise of Wu's mind, the original obscure and the law between heaven and earth are once again opened to Wu Fu. The laws that remove the power of the five elements, the empty space law, and the eternal law of time are full of life. The law of life, the law of death... imprinted into Wu Kui's mind, as if as long as Wu Kui had an idea, these metamorphosis and the laws of the five elements were higher than the law of the five elements law, which completely opened a brand-new door to Wu Kui and guided Wu Kui to take a step further under the exploration of heaven.

However, at present, Wu Kuang obviously does not have such leisure. Behind the power of his mind, in addition to being able to understand those higher-level laws, Wu Kui's insight into things is becoming more and more detailed. The strip above the iron ball is full of the principle of heaven and earth, and the pattern containing the heavenly power and terrain is faintly presented in Wu Kui's mind. Following these traces representing the principles of heaven and earth and the majestic terrain, Wu's thoughts quickly integrated into the iron balls.

As an existence beyond the artifact, the interior of the Jade Emperor's battle suit has already formed a small world, but this small world is small, and the whole space is not enough for a small garden, but this place is the central place of the Jade Emperor's battle suit and the storage place of artifacts.

While Wu's mind invaded this point, he has already seen all the things in this point. This small world is based on the template of the classic small courtyard in the south. The courtyard is surrounded by a clump of green bamboo, and there is chaos outside the green bamboo. The rockery, flowing water, small bridges, pavilions, flowers and trees, and carvings in the small courtyard are faintly visible. The plain and quiet environment makes people feel a sense of comfort from the heart. If Wu Wei was not going through a test of life and death outside, Wu Ai might really want to stay here for a while.

"Wu Ao, the younger generation, is lucky to be inherited by the predecessors of the Jade Emperor, and I hope that the predecessors of the weapon spirit can come out and see it!"

Wu's feet fell to the ground, and he felt a fragrance of sandalwood floating along the flowing water in front of him. Even if it was a virtual body, the comfortable feeling was full of Wu's mind. Standing firmly, Wu Wei bowed to the wind of the fragrance. It is absolutely impossible to fight, and there is no hope for recovery. At present, we can only open the attitude of the Jade Emperor's war clothes and spirit first.

The Jade Emperor's battle clothes have existed since the ancient times. The age of existence is almost an era. As long as the weapon spirit of the Jade Emperor's battle suit is not a pig, his cultivation can definitely be described by hard work, not to mention that the Jade Emperor's battle clothes were once the personal treasure of the Jade Emperor. If it is casually stained with the luck of the Jade Emperor, it is a great creation. Wu didn't dare to fantasize about such existence.

It's life or death, just look at this moment...

"Come in!"

A breath of sandalwood blew from the center of the courtyard to Wu Ao. Where the sandalwood aura passed, the scenery in the courtyard gave way one after another. A path made of peach blossoms spread from Wu Ao's feet to the octagonal pavilion in the center of the courtyard. A black-haired teenager sat on the ground in the octagonal pavilion, but with a The precipitation of history, the whole person sitting there gives people a sense of ignorance, as if hiding in the void.

"Thank you, senior!" After retreating and walking for a salute, Wu Wei stepped on it and walked slowly to the octagonal pavilion.

Most of the people in the pavilion should be the artifacts of the Jade Emperor's suit, but from the natural breath emanating from his body, this person's cultivation is by no means under Pu Ji. Pu Ji just hides his void. The fluctuation of that space is faintly audible, and now this person's ability to cover up the void is even more clever, and the whole person seems to have In this space, although Wu Kui doesn't understand the division of faith, the gap between high and low can still be seen.

"People, good, good heart, good, can achieve great things without delay!" The man did not look back, but the praise for Wu Fu had already come.

"The elders praise, and the younger generation dare not!"

After listening to the words of the black-haired man, Wu's heart couldn't help mentioning it. It's not that the man praised himself. It was really that the development of the things in front of him was too smoothly, which surprised Wu Fu, who was preparing to experience a war. Anyway, the spirit of the jade emperor's suit is also an old monster that has experienced an era. Without wisdom, it is absolutely nonsense. Even if there is the order of the former master, before accepting Wu Wei, a latecomer, he will set up some difficulties, but the spirit of the jade emperor's suit in front of him did not do so. You should know that if things calm down, it must be a demon, and Wu can't deal with this carelessly.

"Ha..." The crisp laughter came from the pavilion, but the next words changed greatly: "Jiang, you met the attack and killing of the overlord squid king in the outside world and didn't want to escape. Why did you come here? Do you think I will help you? Do you really think that if you get the inheritance of the Jade Emperor, you will become my master? Don't you think your idea is a little naive?

"This is the only life of the younger generation at present!" In the face of the sudden words, the smile on Wu's angry face was already there, and he raised his chest to answer the humble answer under the octagonal pavilion.

"You are gambling! What, do you think you can win? Now I am the fivefold of Leixian. I understand the existence of the origin, and I can get a huge vitality with the void. I don't need anyone's worship at all. He snorted coldly and continued to say.

"I don't like gambling, but I'm really gambling now, and I've won! Isn't that the case, senior?" Stepping into the pavilion, Wu Wei's diameter found the futon opposite Zhang Wei and sat down, smiling at the supreme existence who had understood the origin.

"You are very good. I can help you, but you have to pay the conditions!" His eyes opened, and a pair of eyes as vast as the starry sky stared at Wu Ao in front of him, as if to see through Wu Ao's whole body.

"No problem!" In addition to the experience of refining various treasures, there is also a detailed analysis of the artifact. As a product of creation, the artifact can practice with monks, but it cannot be reincarnated as a human. Unless you get a great opportunity, you can only exist in the form of a soul for a lifetime. No matter how strong your cultivation is, you can't escape the sky. The bondage of the earth.

"You should know that in addition to monks who want to practice, I also want to practice. Before you set foot on Wusheng, you can only mobilize 20 of my strength. For every more mobilization of 10, you must pay a thousand-year medicinal herbs and supply me with ten thousand-year medicinal herbs every month. When you step on Wusheng, before you are not enough immortals, you can mobilize 50% of my strength, more than one part of which is calculated as a 3,000-level medicinal herbs, and supply me with 30 thousand-year-old medicinal herbs every month. Before cultivating immortals to understand the law of life and death, you can mobilize 70% of my strength, more than three thousand-grade medicinal herbs, and supply me with 100-year-old medicinal herbs every month. Of course, I can also guide you to practice the skills on the Jiuyu tablet. At the same time, if you don't practice the skills on one side, I can let you use my strength more. When will you learn all the things on the Jiuyu tablet, and when will you be my real master? The starry eyes slowly closed and said calmly.

"Of course, if I can, I will help you find agate and blood redstone in the future to make you a real monk." At the beginning, when he heard the conditions, Wu Fu couldn't help frowning. When he heard that he would teach the secret method on the Jiuyu tablet free of charge, Wu Fu's dissatisfaction immediately swept away. Compared with the strength, the secret method left by the Jade First Emperor was the most important. These things could be taught free of charge, so what are the above conditions? ?

"Let's talk about these things later. Go out, or you will really become the secretion of the overlord squid!" With a smile, the figure turned into light spots and dissipated. This small world that was originally open to Wu Ao suddenly twisted, separating Wu Ao's thoughts.

"Good boy, I even know what I think." Hearing the last sentence, Wu Ao couldn't help picking up the corners of his mouth and smiled gently. His huge mind instantly regained the control of his body. As for Wu Ao's consent, he was not slow to do things. Just as Wu Ao just stabilized his falling body, the iron balls that had been swallowed into Wu Fu's stomach quickly dissipated, and a pure power Wu Wei's meridians quickly spread to all corners of Wu Wei's body, wrapping Wu Wei's whole body...