I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 14 Nine-pin Ascension Ladder

PS: Damn the network has been suspended until now, and now it will start updating, the next update 23;00, the third update 24:00

In the era of flood and famine, Buddhism has created the glory of Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha, the mother of Bodhi and the ancestor of Buddha. After the development of the flood and famine era, Buddhism has been divided into two schools, one is Mahayana Buddhism centered on the original Western Buddhists, and the other is Hinayana Buddhism centered on the power of the extradition of Buddhism. .

Whether it is Mahayana Buddhism, the foundation of Buddhism, or Hinayana Buddhism centered on future visitors, the ultimate glory of the monks of both schools will be introduced to Leiyin Temple by Buddha.

Leiyin Temple, annotated in Buddhist classics, is a holy place with no disaster, no difficulties, no law, no cause and effect. The Leiyin Temple, whether Buddha, Bodhisattva or Buddha, must have great merit, great karma, great perseverance and great magic power, so it can be said that Leiyin Temple is in Buddhism has a supreme position and is the most inviolable part of the whole Buddhism.

Looking at the floating and sky, and the magnificent Leiyin Temple in the sky, which is projected, even if Wu Fu has not yet entered it at this moment, Wu can conclude that the magnificent and solemn Leiyin Temple in front of him is not the holy place of Buddhism in the flood and famine era, at most it is the Great Zen Temple. The structure of the ancient Leiyin Temple and the shape refined from ancient and modern times, because there is no exclusive atmosphere of the flood and famine era in this suspended Leiyin Temple.

Rao is like this, and a small and medium peep can also let Wu Wei see the power of the Great Zen Temple today?

The three bells are like the salute of the guests in the secular world, solemn and solemn without disrespect.

The bell is set! Representing the white, pure, elegant and noble nine-pin golden lotus like snowflakes scattered from the gate of Leiyin Temple, full of the whole void, but these nine-pin golden lotuses are obviously some virtual shadows, not substance. After falling to the ground, they quickly dissipate and blend into the ground.

The fragrant and pleasant lotus fragrance, Zhuang Kang's elegant nine-pin golden lotus, and the mysterious and magnificent Leiyin Ancient Temple, no one can speculate before all this appeared, but when all this appeared, everyone felt that it was very reasonable and felt that everything should be like this, and should be like this.

"Jinlian attracts guests, the world is separated by two generations, the past has passed away, the present is like returning, the latter has no fixed number, the so-called cause and death, may all cause and effect be decided from now on, may everything..."

The monk pinched the orchid seal with his right hand and picked a nine-pin golden lotus in the void, but this golden lotus obviously did not melt like the previous lotus leaves, but kept rotating in the old monk's thin palm. The old monk held it solemnly in his hand and said a string of heart jing that could purify people's spleen into Buddha. The sound and tone rhythm are tightly combined with this holy place, giving people a sense of comfort.

At this time, the old monk looked so ordinary. He was like an old man next door. He did not have the colorful Buddha light, the compassionate breath of the Bodhisattva, and the pure yang spirit of the Buddha that could sweep away the world's demons, but this ordinary old man, here At a moment, it gives people a sense of no sadness, no joy, no desire and no detachment, which makes people's hearts have an idea of worship.

"Jiupin Jinlian, ascending ladder, friends, please!"

The inscription was settled, and the golden lotus seemed to be paired with an invisible hand at this moment, laying an infinite golden road in the void. One end of the avenue was connected to the empty Leiyin Temple, and the other fell in front of Wu's feet.

"Thank you, Master, for your advice! Master, please!"

The theory of cause and effect should have been the method of understanding reincarnation karma and practicing the way of faith. It should have nothing to do with martial artists such as Wu Wei, who practice and rebirth and pay attention to themselves. But now, after hearing the theory of causal karma in the holy land of martial arts, combined with the classics of Buddhism known by Wu Wei, Wu Wei was originally detained The thought of mud suddenly opened, and a road that had never appeared in Wu's mind suddenly opened. This road was not to let Wu's reincarnation, nor was it limited to rebirth, but to let Wu to combine his understanding with heaven and earth and walk out of his own way.

What a powerful idea it is to form its own way, but how many people have taken this step in the ages, and which one can come to this step is not a shocking talent? Before that, although Wu Fu heard Xu Lao mention this idea, Wu Fu at that time only accumulated and did not understand, such as Today, this door suddenly opened to Wu Wei, but Wu Wei also understood that the Tao was connected, but whether he could reach the end of the Tao and when he could reach the end of the Tao was still unknown.

"This nine-grade ascension ladder is prepared by the Zen master for his friends, and the poor monk dare not go over it! Let's invite the benefactor first!"

Wu and others are not from the Great Zen Temple, so there are not many rules about it. For example, this nine-grade ascension ladder is modeled on the nine-pin ascending ladder of Buddhism in the Honghuang era. The name is similar, but the meaning is completely unequal.

In the era, nine grades climbed the ladder, one grade examiners, two grades of view of the heart, three grades reincarnation, four grades of rebirth, five grades of heaven, six grades of the past, seven grades of present, eight grades of the future, nine grades of heaven. As for the imitation nine-grade ladder under Wu's feet, it only has the five karma of examination, mind observation, reincarnation, rebirth and celestial phenomena, and these karma are not perfect, but this is of great benefit to a person's mental cultivation.

"The master is in appearance, but I will go with this square nine-grade ascension ladder."

After listening to Xu Lao's story and learning the role of the nine-grade ladder of Buddhism, Wu Wei did not understand what the so-called Zen master's desire meant, but this time it was a process of refining his heart. Besides, Wu Wei has now chosen the Tao. In order to prove the Tao, there is no possibility of extinction to retreat, otherwise this matter is likely to become Wu Ao. There will be a heart barrier on the road in the future.

"Amitabha, good, good, please, as for how many benefactors are waiting here with me, I don't know?" Reciting a Buddha's name, the foot monk retreated to Wu Wei, making the nine-pin ascending ladder appear in front of Wu Wei, while he stood together with several people who came with Wu Wei.

In the face of the powerful and powerful foot monks and more than 100 black armor soldiers who have just taken a step back. Whether it is the identity of the old monk or the amazing magic power just now, the kind old foot monk in front of him can be recognized by everyone.

"Sit down and rest collectively. After I leave, everything is at the order of the master!"

It takes three days to cross the area of the whole Holy Land. According to reason, Wu Ao and others have just entered the Holy Land and are still far from the center of the Holy Land, but the nine-grade ascension ladder in front of them gives people a feeling that as long as they step on it, Wu Fu will fall into the 45 steps. It feels strange to reach the center of the Holy Land smoothly, but that's it.


In the face of Wu's brainless order, more than 100 people did not understand, but the old monk smiled back at Wu's words, and this smile made Wu's affirm his previous thoughts.

"Then there will be a master!"

Turning around and looking at the nine-pin ascension ladder that was about to break, Wu sold it and landed steadily on the first golden lotus.

The two feet settled down, and when Wu Wei took the second step, an eternal momentum had surged towards Wu Wei. In this penetrating momentum, Wu Wei's calm mind gradually became waves, but this did not have any impact on Wu Fu, and he adapted to the momentum of next week. Wu Wei's right foot stepped out again, which seemed to be a short step in Wu Wei's eyes, but it was several miles away in the eyes of outsiders.

Among the nine grades, nine steps become one grade, and the nine grades rise to the sky together. Although the nine grades ascending ladder cannot be compared with the nine-pin ladder, it is roughly the same in the direction. One step out of the momentum is double, and the mood caused is even more.

If you regard Wu's heart and mood as a guqin, then the eternal momentum of the ancient sea is to move the big hand of this guqin, and Wu's footsteps are the beat of this divine song. On the ninth-grade ladder, as long as Wu's persistence, this divine song will be more and more exciting. .

Some people have seven emotions and six desires.

seven feelings, love, friendship, family affection...

Six desires, greed, delusion, annoy...

Every emotion is a training, and the stimulation of every feeling is an attempt. Only through the entanglement of the thirteen most fundamental emotions of the human heart can the monk transcend everything and concentrate on cultivation. It's not that monks can't have these. The setting of this level is to consider the monk's grasp of their own emotions. Only by controlling this degree can monks grasp themselves. After all, there are many places similar to casinos and brothel in the practice world. Why? It's very simple that monks are also human beings. People have emotions, and people have desires and needs.

As a state of mind born outside of cultivation, some people think that they can't enter the Tao for a lifetime, and some people can be saints with a short period of more than ten years. Why? Because it needs to be understood!

If you look at the mountain as a mountain, looking at the mountain like a mountain, looking at the mountain is not a mountain, looking at the mountain is not a mountain, looking at the mountain is like a mountain, and looking at the six levels as a state of mind cultivation, then now Wu Fu has reached the third level of looking at the mountain not mountain under the guidance of virtual old age. Looking at his seven emotions and six desires in such a state of mind is obviously one A kind of overlooking attitude, but even so, Wu Wei still chose to go deep into it and re-understand these thirteen emotions.