I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 44 stirring up the wind and rain

Looking at Wu and the two who slowly came out from the door of Daohuaxiang, Jin Tenglong couldn't help putting on a few layers of ice, swept his sleeves fiercely and said to the steward behind him, "Go quickly and find the landlord and the guardian. I would like to see the origin of these people. How dare to come to the door like this, Jane Just don't put my fragrant face on the table..."

waved his hand and accepted it as he said. As for Jin Tenglong himself, he took a group of guards out of the door of rice flowers and rushed in the direction where Wu and others left.

With the departure of Jin Tenglong, a cold air suddenly swept through the front hall of the fragrance of rice flowers. Fortunately, at this time, the moon has sunk in the west, and the guests who play have already slept sweetly, or have left this golden nest, otherwise this scene alone will really bring more indecent to the sign of rice flowers. .


The moonlight is hazy, the stars are shining all over the sky, and the bright moonlight and stars are scattered from the sky like curtains, putting a thin silver veil on the whole earth. Perhaps because the forests outside the city have been destroyed by the hands of drought, the cool sea breeze keeps blowing from outside the south gate, even if you can live in the city. Smell a faint smell of seawater from the air, bringing a different peace after this quiet midnight.

Wu and his entourage walked slowly on the path at night, and finally turned into a long and dark alley, but when they entered less than ten steps into the alley, Wu Kui, who had been walking in front of them, stopped...

For no other reason, at the other end of the alley, a man in a black suit and carrying a nine-foot long knife appeared. Where the golden knife stood across the horse, he blocked their way...

Wu looked at the man who was afraid of force in front of him, and couldn't help showing a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. Dishuitang, the fragrance of rice flowers jointly created by Zishuixuan, the largest entertainment place in Yunnan is indeed unusual. In this small place, he can actually find a master of the innate realm, although this innate realm The master is only in the early days of nature.

But for some secular gangs without martial arts, a master of the innate period is simply a god-like existence. Of course, Wu Wei also felt another breath that has also reached the innate realm of hiding and hiding in the dark.

In the face of the siege of the two innate warriors, any of Wu Wei can completely kill the two in this alley, and can guarantee that it will not cause any inconvenience. However, Wu Wei did not do anything, because Wu Wei still has to wait for the master to play. Only in this way can he continue. If you drop this fishing and let the big fish go for these two little shrimps, it's really not worth it.

"I don't know why this prince came tonight. If there is really a shortage of gold and silver, everyone knows each other. Who doesn't have a shortage of money? If the prince comes to my house with kindness, I dare not say it, but as long as I can relieve the prince's worries for a while, it's really not good for the prince to act like this..." The sword landed, a The terrible energy was like a dragon crossing the river, until Wu, who stood on the other side of the alley.

Now this warrior belonging to the fragrance of rice flowers has felt the naive innocence in Cai Zhongxing's body. He knows that the other party also has a congenital master of the same realm. He frowns slightly, but he doesn't care at all, because he still has a companion in the shadow. Two innate masters deal with one. The victory or defeat is obvious, and more Don't say that the guardians and others will come later...

As for the leading Wu Wei and the princes, the three overlords were directly ignored by him. He could not feel the breath of the martial arts saint. At most, he included the overlord in the scope of consideration. As for Wu Wei and the princes, they were completely included in the scope of neglect. After all, there was no internal interest and no strength. How can ordinary people with tibia be paid attention to by the congenital strong?

"Ha, you are here to ask for money. If you want to die, you like awkwardness. I don't like young master. If you don't ask for money, there is life, but this life is not mine but yours. Get out of here before the young master is angry!" With a slight smile, Wu said arrogantly.

"Young people, arrogant, but too arrogant will only bring you a bigger disaster!" In the face of Wu's provocation, the innate master's face was obviously stiff. The sword between his hands had fallen into his hands and took a big step towards Wu's anger. The fierce murderous spirit on his body was completely different from the words of preaching.

"Who will come? Anyway, I won't take action!" Seeing the man walking towards him step by step, Wu couldn't help stepping back three steps behind Cai Zhongxing and said with a smile.

The formation of the four people is like this. Wu is the head, the princes and the queen of the overlord. As for Cai Zhongxing stands in the middle, one can play a role in the middle, and the other is that when there is danger, it can be blocked by the front and back. After all, the worst of the four people is only the congenital high-level Cai Zhongxing, although Cai Zhongxing follows Wu Kui's cultivation has been increasing day by day, but it is not so easy to break through the current realm and reach the next link, otherwise there would not have been such a warrior in the innate realm.

Hearing Wu's words, Cai Zhongxing had a very impulse to scold his mother. He thought it was Wu's kindly arranged position, but now it has become a position to betray himself. Moreover, all this was still standing upside down long ago, and he was even more angry that his first-time master actually wanted to deal with a pseudo-previous Although both of them are innate masters, the gap between the two can be described as heaven and earth in terms of control of power and understanding of laws. However, Cai Zhongxing still stood up when he thought of the three people beside him.

"Hmm!" Resentment, depression, and all kinds of emotions combined, Cai Zhongxing took a gentle step forward.

Just this step, the master who was still walking forward immediately stopped and frowned slightly. He seemed to feel that Cai Zhongxing in front of him had been a little different from before. As for the difference, he could not say anything. After all, no one can believe that the other party was different because he was I was weak and angry.

Sett down, put aside the miscellaneous thoughts in happiness, and clenched the big knife with both hands. The congenital innocence in the body of the fragrant rice flower master surged. At the moment of the unity of the human knife, he had already cut at the four Wu. Why are the congenital strong people different from low-level, middle-level and high-level warriors? That's because the congenital strong have been recognized by heaven and earth. However, you can always use the power of the outside world to assist yourself. Of course, this degree will increase with the continuous improvement of cultivation, and it is impossible to achieve it overnight. However, the attack of such an innate master is different from ordinary people. The combination of human knives is still in mid-air, but the big knife in his hand has been fiercely split and communicated with the five elements. A knife of the power of the law, with a sharp knife spirit, came out of the air and fiercely cut at the four people.

In the face of this knife gas that is enough to open the golden rift stone, Cai Zhongxing's body can't help moving aside. After all, Cai Zhongxing and the other party are at the same level. If you want to be completely bound by the five elements law, at least you need to wait for Cai Zhongxing himself to achieve innate perfection. To do it, Cai Zhongxing suddenly stretched out his big hand in his sleeve and pierced the other party's neck fiercely.

Master, an absolute master. If the martial artist can't judge the strength of the other party at the first time of the fight, then the martial artist will simply abandon his cultivation and feel the power that seems to lock everything. The man immediately understands that he has met the master. He wants to retreat, but now the big man is in the air. Li can turn around and can only gushe out his congenital innocence desperately. The sword turns around a period of gorgeous knife flowers and keeps flashing, hoping to force Cai Zhongxing's claws and give himself a way to live.

"Ding! Ding..."

However, Cai Zhonghang, who had already suffocated a fire for this, could not give him such a chance. The same gorgeous golden power rose from his left hand, and the blade of the sharp knife was reflected to death. The power of the law was broken, and the sword that lost its protective power was gently twisted by Cai Zhongxing, which became a roll of twist. The waste iron, then burst and turned into bursts of iron pieces. While the iron pieces fell to the ground and scratched a spark on the bluestone ground, it also provoked a few crisp golden sound.

In the frightened eyes of the big man, Cai Zhongxing hit his claw again and patted at the big man's chest without hiding the diameter...

The big man was shocked. His hands instinctively protected his chest, and the congenital innocence in his body was even more crazy, and his chest turned into a burst of gorgeous brilliance. However, Cai Zhongxing's claw did not look at all, and the diameter was reflected on the big man's chest.

"Khan..." With a crisp sound, the big man's arms broke in an instant, and the violent true qi rushed into the meridians of the big man like a horse taking off the reins.

"Puff..." A mouthful of blood was sprayed directly, and the big man's body flew straight out. The arms protecting his chest were no longer like a pool of meat mud. As for his chest, it was sunken. When he fell to the ground, his body twitched tightly, and then He couldn't move, and finally died of breath.

At the moment of death, the big man could not understand why he, who was also an innate opponent, could understand himself like cutting melons and vegetables.

If you want to find an answer, perhaps on the "pseudo" word "pseudo-innate", what is the innate recognition of heaven and the martial arts who began to rest the law? Although they are in the innate realm in the early stage, they are still doing the work of refining the body and constantly refining the ontology to obtain the opportunity of other laws of the law. And only when the innate middle martial artist can control the law in the true sense, it is really a word difference but thousands of miles away. Of course, such a pervert like Wu Kui is no longer listed.

Killing the man with one palm, Cai Zhongxing's body did not stop there. He gently jumped like a humanoid bird and rushed to another innate martial artist who was ambushed dozens of meters away. He ignored the surprised eyes of the innate martial artist, but grabbed it fiercely with one claw...


When the innate martial artist saw Cai Zhong's action, he already knew the horror of the other party. Even though he was extremely panicked, he still made a judgment at the first time. While flying the sword in his hand, he pulled the signal in his arms, and a purple flash bomb suddenly carried a harsh sound from the woods. The rage rose from the woods and shot straight over the void.

"Hmm! Looking for death!"

The innate martial artist's movements are fast, but can they escape the agility of Wu's fist? While thinking, a magnificent boxing wind suddenly dispersed from Wu's body, and the purple signal was stopped in a blink of an eye. As for the sharp hissing, it was grabbed along Cai Zhongxing's claw and replaced by a dull explosion sound. Everything was covered up so perfectly that even if someone found it, it would not be found. Too much.

"Bang!" Cai Zhongxing's palm containing true power slapped the man's spiritual cover fiercely, and his head burst like this. The white brain and broken meat flew out, and his eyes showed a desperate and unbelievable look. His mouth moved at the end and faintly spit out three Words: "Wu Shengqiang..."

Un until he dies, he can't understand why there is a strong man here? You should know that no matter where the strong man of Wusheng is, which one of them is not a high-level force, and how can he do it by himself like Wu Wei? Generally speaking, the things that require the strong man of Wusheng to take action in person are basically involving the annihilation of a force...

I don't know, I can't figure it out, only fell to the ground with a heavy unwillingness, and there is no more breath...