I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 62 The Sword Emperor's Awakening

For the assassins from the Northern Sea, after attracting everyone's attention, they exposed Wu's current residence.

In fact, the forces in Yunzhou County naturally have some sense of Wu Ao, an outsider. Even if there was no gap before, with the outbreak of last night's bloody incident, if these forces do not understand, even if they are eradicated by Wu Ao in the future, they can only be said to be unlucky, but should.

Fortunately, acting last night seemed to be vicious and spicy, but there was no practical damage to all parties in the face of practical interests. At the same time, coupled with the constraint of the news that Yunguo was about to send troops outside Yunzhou County, only then did we have this stability in this situation, but how long can this stability last? You can say a rough deadline, but one thing is certain that it is not a good thing for either side at this moment.

After ordering the relocation order, Wu Wei did not follow the large army, but left Yunnan City alone and flew to the depths of the East China Sea, and finally stayed on a desolate island.

Time has passed day by day, but for Wu Wei, everything he wants to change has not changed at all. However, as long as Wu Fu makes great progress, Wu Feng is bound to make new cards, and this method gives Wu Wei the feeling like an infinite armed police. For this strange feeling, Wu Although he can't believe it, Wu Kui still chooses to accept it behind his reason, but this acceptance will obviously no longer be as passive as ten years ago. This time, Wu Wei's road has become a glorious road through thorns.

Kong Jie, Duke Yun, Wu Feng, who has only one weight as Lei Xian...

Living on a desert island, the ambush scene this morning vaguely flashed in Wu Wei's mind. The switch of each scene was like a fight with Wu Fengxin, a collision between the two.

"It's dangerous! Today, with me and the princes alone, even if they don't die in such a growth, they will fall into the root!" After analyzing the battle this morning, Wu, who was wearing Yuehua and starlight, couldn't help but breathe out a long breath.

"Insurance? What's the danger? Since ancient times, the road of the strong has been destined to be bloody, doomed to sinister, and doomed to loneliness. Feeling the fluctuations in Wu's heart, after this period of recuperation, the virtual spirit suddenly emerged from the ring. "This road can be taken by everyone. Although the road of the strong still seems quite far away for you today, now, your biggest goal is immortals. Only by becoming an immortal can you have a wider range. The future."

Wu Wei naturally understood the ruthless words of the virtual old man, and had to temporarily take back his mood and return to reality from the illusory struggle to think about the next step.

"You must have seen that although your enemy Wu Feng is very strong, his power is not comparable to you. In this case, what can you do? The only thing you can do is to be spontaneously strong and constantly strengthen yourself. Now you can take two ways. One is to constantly strengthen yourself, improve your cultivation, break through the level of life, and achieve the position of immortality. Second, to attract the major forces in Yunzhou County and form a you-centered alliance, but before this The mention also needs to be based on the first article, and no first article is empty. The second article is that I can't contribute to my situation, but the first article can still help something... When you can also understand that I give you in return!"

"Return?" Hearing this, Wu couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

How does the virtual old exist? How to get along with each other? When did Wu Fu hear the active communication of the virtual old? Even the daily communication is not controlled by Wu Fu. Unless Wu Fu is in danger of his life, the virtual old man will definitely say anything more, but even so, he is still full of gratitude to the virtual old man Wu, because without the false old man Wu may have been annihilated. Destroyed between personnel. If he hadn't listened to Xu Lao's words today, Wu Fu would not have come to the island.

Seeing Wu's amburiation, Xu Lao smiled and did not make any explanation. He said directly, "You must remember that I once promised you in Xuanhuangdong Tiantian that in the next year* you will cultivate you to be a strong immortal and a strong man among immortals. However, judging from your current situation, let alone a year, if you don't make great progress in a short period of time, whether you can survive the second half of the year is a question. Although I don't know what the relationship you have to do with that peerless strongman, you are a benefactor, and I will not leave the things to others to protect you!"

"The virtual old man, your kindness to the younger generation is enough to compensate for what happened on that day!" In the face of such a direct passage from the virtual spirit, Wu Wei didn't know how to answer.

"There is no need to say more about this matter. It seems that I saved you in the previous few times, but in fact, you saved yourself in the end. I only played a catalytic role in it. After all, there are too few things I can do to help you. If you don't stay strong, everything is empty. Let's talk about one thing and another, how can the two be confused!" Xu Ling shook his finger slightly and said faintly, obviously not agreeing of Wu Kui's calculation method.

"I don't know how the virtual old man can help me!" The person who is not interested in listening is interested in the intention. At this moment, even if Wu An doesn't know how to express his thoughts, he keeps today's things in mind.

"Since I have called you out, I will naturally give you an answer today!" Xu Ling gently nodded, "Wu Sheng to immortals is a hurdle. This hurdle is an absolute ridge in ancient times, ancient times, and now. Even in the ancient period when martial arts was the most prosperous, six of the ten martial artists who died in this ring, and only four people could rise from the sky and become strong. . But even if you take this step, it doesn't mean that things are over. As the last part of martial arts, the immortals generally have their own level. Lei immortals are ninefold, sewing three and changing. Compared with the one, the road of immortals is relatively simple. The five realms of immortals are three flowers gathering, five yuan to heaven, seven The first sunrise, nine heavens and ten realms, and the last emptiness and boundlessness!"

As for the statement of the virtual old man's immortals and five realms, Wu Kui has heard of it, but he has never seen it at all. Except for knowing some of the three flowers gatherings and five yuan to the sky, the specific things do not understand the meaning at all. In the face of this situation, Wu Fu at this time can only choose to be silent and wait for the words of the virtual old general. Continue.

"In the five realms of immortals, the first realm corresponds to the fourfold and fivefold of Leixian. However, all the martial artists who practice at the peak of the three flowers can also be compared with the Venerable Leixian. As for the latter four realms, they correspond to the sixfold of Leixian, the sevenfold of Leixian, the eightfold of Leixian, and the ninefold of Leixian at the peak of the Holy Master. The martial arts strong man named Ji Lao, who met on the mudgang last time, is a perfect existence, and only such a martial artist can play such terrible power. However, compared with these concise cultivation divisions, the road of martial arts is more and more difficult to go. The virtual spirit's words are light, but the solemn feeling in it is beyond doubt.

For this solemnity in the tone of the virtual spirit, Wu Wei will naturally not think that what he just said is just a beginning. Even without this solemnity, Wu Fu will not easily forget the words said by the existence of the virtual spirit.

"Although your current accumulation is at the end, once you break through the last ring to explore the bridge of immortals, your accumulation will definitely reach a peak. If under ordinary circumstances, this accumulation is enough for you to help you become invincible under the venerable, but if this kind of thing is put in the past, it is definitely a It's something to be proud of, but it's a desperate shackle on you, so your savings before hitting immortals, only when your savings can help you reach the sky one step can you break the shackles of heaven and earth!" Wu Ao's situation was by no means what the virtual spirit could think of before, so there was more or less a heavy tone when analyzing Wu Ao's practice.

" Accumulation?" In the face of Xu Ling's statement, Wu asked annoyanly.

How can Wu Wei understand the importance of accumulation? But you should also know that before the realm of immortality, the strongest power of monks can only reach a thousand crystals, and the understanding of the law can reach twofold at most. For these two steps, Wu Fu is confident that he will reach the first step in extreme time and push his own strength to the level of a thousand crystals, but for the first Two steps to understand the second law of immortality, and I don't believe that I can do it even if I kill Wu. After all, this step is really too difficult! It can't be done with one work a day!

"Yes! It is accumulation. Nowadays, whether it is in the practice of martial arts, the cultivation of combat skills, or the use of boxing, you have reached the peak. There is no possibility of improvement before breaking through the immortals, but in the control of energy, there is still a chance to make progress in the understanding of the law! So your savings can be thickened!" Seeing the doubt in Wu's eyes, Xu Ling waved his hand and continued, "Whether it is in the control of energy or the understanding of the law, it is very difficult to reach your level, but this is just a difficulty and does not mean that there is no way to go. There are policies and countermeasures. The boundary of a thousand crystals cannot be broken for ordinary people, but it is not difficult for you, a warrior with thousands of dragon grass. Judging from your current accumulation, your strength will reach a thousand crystals after reaching the perfect situation of martial arts saints. At that time, your limit of taking thousands of dragon grass will Reaching about 1,200 crystals, as for the understanding of the law, I can lead you, so these two steps are nothing! At that time, it's okay to have an old man to help you. The most important thing to call you out today is to teach you this secret method!"

With that, a silver-gray light mass floated out of the thin soul body and finally poured into Wu Ao's body at a speed that Wu Ao could not respond at all. With the end of all this, a large amount of information flow poured into the ditch like a vast sea of river water, and the vast soup was endless!

In the face of the change of the sea of consciousness, Wu Wei naturally knew how much power the virtual spirit needed to consume for all this, so he did not dare to delay at all and accept it at the first time.

"This secret method is called the Sword Emperor's Awakening Sutra, which is one of the eighteen secret methods of the Sword Sect in those years. It is very suitable for you. With the blessing of this secret method, your accumulation will be stronger. At that time, with the assistance of thousands of dragon grass and the old man, even if it is impossible to push you to the position of venerable, it is enough to protect you. You become the first person under the venerable!" There is a trace of expectation in Xu Ling's eyes, "If you can practice this method, even if you face the venerable, you may not have the power to kill. There is only so much I can help you now. How you should go in the future depends on yourself!"

"Work hard!" Looking at Wu Ao, who was wholeheartedly accepting the inheritance, Xu Ling smiled and turned into a green smoke and rushed into Wu Ao's wrench finger.

The night is still the same, the sea breeze is as usual, and only Wu Wei is left on the island...