Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 30 Visit

She opened her eyes, and Liu Sheng was 1.85 meters away, standing ten millimeter away from her, like a strong wall. He looked at her with a smile, and his eyes were full of clear.

He Qian laughed awkwardly: "How are you, Dr. Liu? Have you eaten so soon?"

Liu Sheng replied with interest: "Not yet. I was eating. A beast insisted that I see if his patient had eaten yet. In my opinion..." He looked at her up and down. "She should have eaten. She is going to go out for a walk and digest it."

Hehehe, Heqian smiled helplessly. Liu Sheng is so smart that she always feels that she can be seen through. This feeling is very bad. What's a bad way? It's like running naked in front of a stranger, very insecure. She subconsciously wants to stay away from him as possible.

Liu Sheng obviously didn't think that he leaned in front of her, and she unconsciously retreated and tried to keep a distance from him.

"What's your name?" Liu Sheng narrowed his eyes and asked.

He Qian was asked inexplicably, isn't there a patient's medical record? But she still nodded obediently.

His amber pupils condensed in an instant, like a beast staring at its prey: "Learn the law?" Her reflection is imprinted in her eyes.

A strong sense of oppression seemed to hit her, and her hair stood up all over her body. Why did she ask this?

She nodded hesitantly.

"Do you know jewelry design?" His face was almost close to her face, and his tone was clear, as if there were idle greetings between friends, but the sense of oppression was even worse, and He Qian smelled a strong hostility.

She dodged from him slightly and calmed down and replied, "I don't know anything."

He squinted at her, full of hostility and undisguised.

He Qian can be sure that he hates her, but why!

She took a step back, distanced himself, and raised a perfect smile, quiet and sharp: "I don't know if I have offended Dr. Liu."

Liu Sheng was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that she would ask such a thing so boldly and directly. If ordinary people were so scared that they didn't know what their last name was, is this woman fearless or has the universe?

The smile fainted on his face like spring breeze and rain, but there was ice slag in the rain. He said, "That's not, but I'm very interested in Miss He..."

He listened and observed her expression. There was a crack under her quiet appearance. Although it was only for a moment, he did not escape his sharp eyes.

He hooked the corners of his mouth sarcastically, and his tone was obviously cold: "Some people are still a little self-abling. The past has passed. No matter how stupid Ye Chen is, he will not fall twice in the same place. I advise you not to be self-righteous, let alone think of Ye Chen, otherwise you will die miserably!"

He Qian looked at him in a staring way. Why did he fall twice and what was self-righteous? Who did he think of her? Or does she look like a fox who seduces good men? So that everyone thought she was going to flirt as soon as they saw her?

She shook her head mockingly, that's all. She did seduce a man, and the title was not in vain. She even smiled gratefully and said, "Thank you, I know." After saying that, she went straight through him and passed by, her heart was calm and there was no more waves.

Liu Sheng stood still in a stunned place and was shocked by her calm aura. Although his words were obscure, they were unpleasant. She actually smiled so calmly and was right. Did he admit it wrong, or did she really change? As a double-degree doctor of psychology and psychiatry, he was helpless for the first time.

She didn't take Liu Sheng's words seriously. If she had put a little more energy on Ye Chen at that time, they would not have happened later, but fate was sometimes changed by such careful details.

Ouyang Feibai was in the distinguished VIP ward 6. He Qian lost several times before finding the right direction. From afar, she heard a ping-pong sound in the front ward and a hoarse roar: "Get out, get out of here! Where is she? Let her come to see me!"

Then the nurse gently comforted: "Master Ouyang, calm down, your body still needs rest... Ah..."

The little nurse was scared by Ouyang Feibai's murderous eyes and dared not say anything more.

A nurse in a slightly older grade quickly came forward and persuaded, "Master Ouyang, it's not that we don't let you see it. This is Dean Liu's order, and we just follow the instructions..."

"Liu Sheng's instructions?" Without waiting for the nurse to finish speaking, Ouyang asked coldly.

The nurse's aunt is silent, which means acquiescence.

Ouyang Feibai gritted his teeth: "Liu Sheng!"

He Qian was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect Liu Sheng to be the director of this luxury hospital when he was about 30 years old. No wonder he was fearless about Ye Chen. It was also thought that how could the lion's companion be a lamb.

Who is the "she" in Ouyang Feibai's mouth?

He Qian stopped three meters away from us, and the room suddenly fell into silence. The corridor was so quiet that it seemed that she could hear the sound of air flow. She suddenly became nervous. Was she found? She just wanted to escape, forgetting the reason for coming, and forgetting the purpose of coming. Her strong heartbeat and increasingly rapid breathing made her breathless.

She even felt that he was standing on the other side of the door, as long as she pushed gently... But she didn't know what kind of attitude, mood and status to face him.

The distance of a door divides two people into two worlds. She refused to come in and he couldn't go out.

said coldly like an enemy, "Oh, I'm not dead yet!"

or say, "Hey, I'm not dead, otherwise I'll find my opponent!"

Or pretend to go to the wrong ward: "Ah! Sorry, I went to the wrong door, hehe, this is the 95th floor. I thought it was the 59th floor!"

The palm of her hand sweated unconsciously. She wanted to retreat, but she was afraid of disturbing the people in the door, just standing motionless like a sculpture.

For a long time, she heard Ouyang Feibai's voice from the door, which was clear and pleasant. He was very slow, as if he was suppressing his fierce emotions. He said, "Thank you!"

He seems to be talking to himself and seems to be talking to someone.

He said, "Do you remember our bet?"

Remember. The loser in Hengjiang's case must fulfill the requirements of the winning party.

Ouyang Feibai sat quietly by the bed and looked out of the window. His eyes were far away. Xia Feng blew up the white curtains and gently stroked his eyebrows and feet like a lover's hand.

"Remember the bet we made on the lover's slope at school?"

He Qian seemed to be suddenly ventilated and stood unsteadily. It turned out that what he said was... was...

She thought it was a bet on the Hengjiang case, but she didn't expect...

She followed him like a fart, shouting all day long, "Brother Feibai is from Fang Yu!" And everyone said that everyone's awe-inspiring legal talents can't be ashamed.

He corrected her countless times, which is wrong. Isn't it true that he has become an inverted door? It should be said the other way around!

Fang Yu did not obey.

It was useless to force and induce facts to reason. In desperation, he had no choice but to pull her to the lover's slope and make a bet in front of Sansheng Stone. If Fang Yu defeats Han Feibai openly one day, then Han Feibai is willing to announce to the world that Han Feibai is Fang Yu's person!

How could she forget this bet? This is her greatest motivation in her study and life. She should be good enough to match him!


He Qian trembled slightly and didn't want to recall it anymore. She clenched her fists tightly and wanted to suppress the surging emotions and not let herself roar out. Ouyang Feibai, if you really care about the past so much, you really shouldn't have done such a thing!

"I'm sorry..." A very light sentence, almost submerged in the wind, weak and pale.

He Qian closed his eyes tightly and endured the psychological pain. If a word of apology could solve the problem, then there would not be so many tragedies! She no longer worried so much and turned around and left, but heard him say in a low voice, "I won't release the case of Hengjiang!"

She stagnated for a while, but did not stay. The more she recalled, the more she couldn't let go. The more she couldn't let go, the more she hated. Sure enough, hatred is a derivative of love.

However, whose heart was it that she stepped on at this moment? His or... hers?

Hengjiang's case involves Hanyu Group, and Hanyu Group is the pillar industry of the Ouyang family. As long as it has something to do with the Ouyang family, it can become a gimmick for media hype. This time, without Ouyang Feibai, Hengjiang's case has been hyped.

Unlike last time, this time, some media stood on the side of the weak and complained about the workers, while most media paid more attention to the second duel between Ouyang Feibai and He Qian. If He Qian was single-handed for the first time, then the second time, after Ye Chen openly announced his relationship with He Qian, Will Ye Chen sit back and wait for death? Will Ye look at it from the wall? Compared with this, will Ouyang Qingyuan look on coldly?

What kind of person is He Qian who can involve the two families?

He Qian left the hospital in the afternoon and hurriedly found Wu Tong's residence. She happened to meet Wu Tong, who was going out. When she saw He Qian, she hid. He Qian intercepted her way in three steps and two steps: "Wu Tong!"

Unable to escape, Wu Tong said timidly, "Lawyer He!"

He Qianliu's eyebrows sank: "Wu Tong, are you hiding from me? Why? Why don't you answer the phone?"

Wu Tong just shook his head and looked haggard: "Lawyer He, I don't want to file a lawsuit. I can find a job elsewhere."

"Don't want to? Did the people of Hengjiang bother you?

Wu Tong's face turned white. She was a girl who could not hide her mind. She shook her head and refused to speak, but tears couldn't help falling.

He Qian couldn't bear to force her again, so he had to hug her and pat her on the back: "Don't cry, don't cry. What's wrong with Wu Tong? Tell me that I will try my best to help you."

She patiently accompanied her, comforted her over and over again, and tossed for a long time. Wu Tong was finally willing to talk to her. She invited her into the room and told her reason for avoiding He Qian.

It turned out that after the free legal consultation activity of the judicial assistance center, Ouyang Feibai found Wu Tong's residence. As soon as he entered Wu Tong's house, he immediately showed his original appearance, showing arrogance, evil, fierceness and indifference.

He sat arrogantly on the sofa of Wu Tong's house, lazy to turn over an economic weekly, and looked at Wu Tong like a master: "Wu Tong?"