Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 33 Go forward

The next day, He Qian got up very early. When he packed up and was ready to go out, he happened to meet Liu Sheng who came out to go to the toilet. He only wore boxers...

He Qian was so shocked that he almost screamed, and his eyes quickly changed from surprise to contempt and alert. Liu Sheng could see clearly that his amber eyes seemed to have the function of reading through people's hearts, which always made her feel very uncomfortable.

Liu Sheng deliberately walked to a very tight place away from her. He was very tall, and his smooth chest was aimed at her forehead. He Qian turned his head awkwardly, this shameless man!

He "pupped" and laughed, very light, as if with a slight sneer. When he listened carefully, there was nothing, Liu Sheng's smile.

He said, "Don't you have experience? Why are you still shy?"

He Qian was angry. She stared coldly at his amber eyes: "Dean Liu, I don't think Mr. Ye will want you to disturb my life."

His eyes narrowed into a long seam, and the corners of his eyes were raised, very charming, smiling, and very faint: "I don't think Zhao Nuannuan should want you to sell your body and feelings?"

He Qian's face was dark: "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing, I just said that you and Mr. Ye have an unusually good relationship." Liu Sheng's smile made people and animals harmless, gentle and warm.

She has clenched her fist: "What on earth are you going to do?"

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "I don't know, but I really like Zhao Nuannuan." He walked back to Zhao Nuannuan's room generously.

He Qian looked at the door fixedly, and her uneasy mood wrapped around her like a poisonous snake. Zhao Nuannuan has always been by her side like a family, but after all, he has to have his own life... She really can't imagine such consequences more unacceptable.

When He Qian rushed to the court, he happened to see Ouyang Feibai get off his Ferrari red sports car, arrogant and evil. When he saw He Qian, he whistled lightly.

"Lawyer He, if you don't want to lose, just admit defeat!" Ouyang hooked the corners of his lips evilly, "Don't be too grateful to me. Anyway, you will eventually be mine, and I'm just doing it for my own good!"

He Qianqijie, is this man shameless?

He followed her footsteps, walked side by side with her, and whispered coldly, "I must get what I want. Do you want to lose more? Let's get to know each other!"

She was stiff for another moment, and she looked back at him coldly: "Really? I'm the same. If you want to do it, you must do it, no matter what you sacrifice!"

In the trial, Ouyang Feibai's accurate judgment, flexible response, clever avoidance, sharp questioning, timely sensationalism, he almost took the lead and once forced He Qian to retreat.

Such Ouyang Feibai is familiar with and her infatuated with the person she once wanted to marry. His handsome face and straight nose are talented, capable and charming. He sharply put forward his own defense opinion: "Obviously, the plaintiff can no longer effectively fulfill the labor contract obligations, according to the relevant laws Law and company rules and regulations, can't you refuse a person who can't perform the labor contract?

There was an abnormal silence in the court. Almost everyone thought that He Qian was exhausted. Even Wu Tong gave up hope and lowered his head. Ouyang Feibai hung a confident smile on his mouth and looked at her as if she were looking at the salted fish on the cutting board.

He Qian's clear eyes tightly locked his figure. No, this is not him, not Han Feibai, not his fascination with. Han Feibai will never embarras her. Her brain cells run quickly: "I don't think the defendant's point of view can be established, and the defendant has no factual basis to confirm the original The party cannot fulfill its labor obligations.

Ouyang Feibai had expected that she would refute this and took out the information he had already prepared: "This is the sales performance within three months after the plaintiff's growth. This is the plaintiff's previous sales performance. These two evidences can confirm that the plaintiff's sales performance has declined significantly. Please ask the court to review."

He Qian: "I object that the sales performance is inextricably related to the company's sales strategy, the quality of the product itself, the degree of publicity, and the market situation. The evidence provided by the other lawyer has no scientific basis and is not credible."

Ouyang Feibai: "The company's system rules clearly stipulate that the recruitment standard for sales personnel is 'good-looking, articulate and good at communication'. The plaintiff violates the company's system and does not meet the company's basic requirements for sales personnel. According to relevant laws and company regulations, it is completely in line with the formal procedures to dismiss him. Law, please be examined by the court.

He Qian: "May I ask the other party's lawyer, what is a better figure and appearance? I'm afraid that everyone has a different definition of good figure and appearance. Has the company ever stipulated the height and weight of a good figure, and how to have specific standards for facial features? If not, then why does the defendant say that the plaintiff does not meet the requirements? Isn't it that he will resign according to his own preferences, ignore the law, and ignore the rights of workers? What is the justice for such irresponsible behavior, and what is legality?

The audience was full of people, some of whom were interested in both sides, some media reporters, and some were purely curious spectators. He Qian's sharp and calm answers brightened their eyes. Originally, they were more inclined to support Ouyang Feibai, but now they feel that He Qian's words are also reasonable.

Ouyang Feibai pressed step by step, He Qian fought steadily, Ouyang Feibai went deep and shallow, He Qian's clever tongue was like spring, Ouyang Feibai entered the wood three points, He Qian's movement with emotion and reason, such a confrontation can be said to be wonderful, and people can't help but want to clap their hands.

The lawsuit entered a state of stalemate, and the judge couldn't help frowning.

Ouyang Feibai hooked the corners of his lips lightly: "We request witness No. 1 to testify in court." This faint smile that fascinated all sentient beings almost shook He Qian's eyes. Like him five years ago, the elegant and confident smile under the spotlight is still clear today.

The judge approved Ouyang Feibai's application.

The person who came to testify was the manager of the personnel department of Hanyu Company. Ouyang Feibai asked, "Manager Huang, are you responsible for the company's personnel recruitment? You only need to answer yes or no."


"What are your company's requirements for sales staff?"

"First of all, sales staff should be good-looking, standard figure and articulate, and their sales performance during the probation period will be evaluated and become regular personnel."

"How to define the standard figure?"

Manager Huang answered calmly: "We are based on the reference standards given by the National Health Association, as long as the deviation is not large."

Ouyang smiled lightly: "Okay, thank you, Manager Huang." He turned around and said to the judge, "I have a statistical table of the personal situation of the sales staff of Hanyu Company, which has a more detailed description of the height and weight of the salesperson. Please have a look at it in court."

He smiled evilly: "The company's rules and regulations have been carefully discussed and decided by the trade union. The company did not force workers to abide by unreasonable systems or rules as a strong group or rights. On the contrary, these are the rules and regulations formulated by the workers themselves and promised to abide by themselves. Now the plaintiff has violated the system. Is it wrong for the company to resign according to the corresponding regulations? If any worker can break the company's system at will, how will the company implement management and develop? Isn't it a general fallacy to punish others with their own mistakes and the company with the mistakes of workers..."

Someone in the audience nodded secretly and expressed his approval of Ouyang Feibai's point of view. Even the judge's eyes flashed with a reasonable light. Ouyang Feibai's argument was solid, the argument was sufficient, the point of view was clear, reasonable and legal, and the workers's own organization and trade union were moved out, which undoubtedly improved his argument. Persuasive.

The situation suddenly turned to Ouyang Feibai's side. Chen Jia, a colleague of Hongbo Law Firm, sat in the auditorium, was anxious and anxious to go up and block Ouyang Feibai's mouth. If it goes on like this, He Qian will lose.

In the central control center of Guangyang Building, not far from the court, in the all-glass design top floor office, Ye Chen sat coldly in front of the work and quietly stared at the monitoring screen, with a panoramic view of He Qian's passivity.

"Has the chairman of the union of Hengjiang Company arrived?" Ye Chen asked.

Song Wentao replied respectfully: "I'll be there in two minutes."

"Prepare to let him testify in court!"

Yes! Mr. Ye.

Ye Chen took a lot of effort and even used some means to make the chairman of the Hengjiang Company's trade union testify in court. This key evidence can help He Qian turn the tide.

On the ultra-clear and high-resolution computer screen, He Qian quietly stared at Ouyang Feibai, with love and hatred overlapping, infatuated, deep, hot, full of hatred, like a lover who is deeply engraved in love but can't be together because of various misunderstandings, a natural beautiful picture.

And Ouyang's eyes were fixed on her, as if it contained thousands of words, as if it were telling endless thoughts and helplessness, as if it were endless regret and sadness.

Ye Chen squeezed his thin lips and couldn't help clenching his fist: "Wait!" His cold aura filled the whole space, as if the air had condensed into ice slag, so cold that people couldn't breathe.

Song Wentao stopped, put Ye Chen's forbearance into his eyes, and waited silently for his instructions.

Ye Chen stared at the screen for a while before saying, "I don't need it for the time being." Does she want to break up with him? He hates lying women! The mouse was pinched by him, as if it would be pinched by him the next second. She was obviously infatuated with Ouyang Feibai. Such eyes were definitely not only hatred, but also meant to stop it.

The trial fell into a state of stalemate for a while. Nearly three hours later, the judge couldn't help frowning. This state lasted until the end of the first court. Ouyang Feibai was always in the upper hand, but He Qian also refused to give in. When he saw the move, he finally died without a disease. The next court session will be held in three days.

He Qian went to the bathroom to wash his face. During the court session, he did not feel tired because of high excitement. Now as soon as he rested, his fatigue suddenly came like a mountain and sea. His head buzzed, mixing everything together like a soy milk mixer and finally turned into paste.

She picked up the clear water and closed her eyes and rushed to her face. The cold ** made her find some thoughts a little. When she opened her eyes, she suddenly found that there was an extra handkerchief in front of her, white, embroidered with cyan flowers, and the fingers holding the handkerchief were clear, slender and powerful, and beautiful.