Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 41 The Storm Resurreation

He Qian has an impression of sailing entertainment. When He Qian was demoted to the logistics department, he once received the boss who set sail with Ye Chen, but there was Qu Haoyang in that pole man. He was a very capable man with big black-framed glasses and shrewd eyes.

Qu Haoyang didn't talk much when eating. He was polite, not too cold or enthusiastic. Most of these people are principled and stubborn.

He Qian turned over the business card in his hand, which is Qu Haoyang's. Do you want to make a call to make an appointment? Will it remind him instead?

It's not that He Qian didn't expect to ask Ye Chen to help, but something unpleasant happened at night and went to ask for help so soon. She really couldn't do it, and she didn't want to bother him. She always felt that there would be a second and third time... She would rely on him more and more, and then... She didn't want the world to be in herself again. Collapse in front of the eyes.

After careful consideration, He Qian still called Qu Haoyang, and the cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, hello, who is it?"

There are two kinds of people in the world who are the most difficult to deal with. They are stubborn like a bear. He doesn't listen to what you say. The other is as smooth as a loach. He listens to everything you say, but he will never do it. For Qu Haoyang, He Qian thinks it should be classified as a bear. She politely asked, "Is this assistant? I'm He Qian from Hongbo Law Firm.

The other party paused and seemed to have a little impression of He Qian: "Oh, Hello, Lawyer He, what's the matter?"

In such a straightforward conversation, no matter what you want to ask the other party to do, it basically has no chance.

He Qian tried to be gentle and polite and not so smooth and said, "Well, it's a small matter. Can you invite Assistant Qu to have a meal? Let's talk while eating."

The other party didn't hesitate for a second: "No, just say it."

He Qian hit the muzzle of the gun with his scalp: "My little thing is to invite Assistant Qu to dinner, ha, ha!" He Qian secretly wiped his sweat and never knew that he was so thick-skinned.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly, "The work is relatively busy. Let's talk about it when you are free. Thank you, Lawyer He. If there is nothing else, I'll hang up first."

He Qian held his mobile phone in a stunned way, and there was a busy sound from the other end of the phone. He... was really decisive. He Qian's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. This matter must be solved quickly. He will definitely give it to the boss tomorrow morning, and everything will be over.

She hesitated to dial that number.

Ouyang Feibai was originally having fun with his brothers in Meiye. It was his turn to drink. As soon as he picked up the cup, he received a call from He Qian. Ouyang Feibai was so excited that he almost knocked over the glass in his hand. He hurriedly put down the cup and walked straight out of the noisy VIP room. A group of buddies behind him fell to the ground in surprise.


When the evil voice came from the other end of the computer, He Qian was already a little regretful, but the arrow could not be fired on the string. She said with a desperate mood, "Hello, Lawyer Ouyang!"

Ouyang Feibai smiled disdainfully: "Oh, why don't you frown at me? Is there anything to ask me? Qianqian, I've been looking forward to today for a long time. Let's talk about it.

He Qian can almost imagine his arrogant and beaten prince's appearance. She patiently told the whole story. Ouyang Feibai paused and said, "He Qian, if I'm not talking about you, if it's not your own business, don't take it on him. Such a big CASE, whoever It won't be easy to let go. It's impossible to settle this matter without paying the price..."

He Qian's heart was cold. Ouyang Feibai would never say that. In the past, if she needed his help, he never asked the reason to help her as much as possible. Ouyang Feibai in the past would never say that "it is impossible to do it without paying the price".

In the past, Ouyang Feibai would scold her as an idiot, but he would never stand by coldly. Sure enough, everything has changed. Sure enough, the person who has been staying in the past is her. If it was Ye Chen, he would not ignore it. Although she did not beg him, she just felt that if it was Ye Chen, he would do everything possible to help her.

"Okay, I see!" He Qian said coldly.

"What?" Ouyang Feibai didn't seem to understand what was going on. "What do you understand?"

"Ouyang Feibai, thank you for teaching me another lesson."

Hanging up the phone, He Qian felt as if her strength had been emptied. Xia Feng was obviously warm, but she felt cold. In the past, He Qian accidentally dropped her grandmother's relics butterfly hair into the lotus pond. She cried so much that she dared not tell her parents. Ouyang Feibai gently rubbed her hair and said, "Good boy, don't cry. I'll help you find it. Go to bed."

Then the next day, Ouyang Feibai came to find her early in the morning, holding breakfast in her hand and the hair pin she fell into the pond. She rushed over happily, but found that Ouyang Feibai's body was amazingly hot. It turned out that he quietly touched the pond at night, and then looked for the dim flashlight all night before finding it. Although the water was not deep, it only arrived Knee, but soaked in cold water all night, he still caught a cold, very serious, and hung in water for several days.

She was sad, but he said, "For Bo Bao Si's smile, King Zhao You also wanted to laugh at the beauty, but I didn't want to make the beauty cry, and it hurt and sad. What a loss!" She burst into laughter and scolded him for not being serious, but he said, "Even so, I'm willing to do everything I can for you, Fang Yu."

People will always change, and emotions can't stand the corrosion of time, and that feeling may not be true.

Thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang. He Qian thought it was Ouyang Feibai who called back, and his tone couldn't help combing coldly: "What do you want to do? What else do you have to say!"

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and then a low and clear voice came: "He Qian!"

"Ah!" He Qian's scalp tightened and quickly bent down to apologize. Thinking that he couldn't see it at all, he immediately said respectfully, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Ye! Sorry, I thought it was..."

"Who do you think it is?"

Roadside cars roared past and rolled up a few fallen leaves.

Ye Chen asked, "Where are you now?"

He Qian looked blankly at all kinds of red and green flashing billboards. There were many snacks on the roadside, but there were no landmark buildings. He just came out from Charming Night to think about things and walked here all the way. Where is this?

"I only know that this place should not be too far from Meiye, but I don't know where it is."

Ye Chen whispered, "Is there anyone on the roadside? Let him listen to the phone."

There were a lot of people on the roadside. He Qian stopped by a snack stall with a shed and said to the boss's wife, "Sister, I'm lost. Can you listen to the phone and tell me where this is?"

The boss's wife enthusiastically agreed. She took over the mobile phone and didn't respond for a long time. She took it down and found out that there was no power.

He Qian just remembered that she forgot to charge it yesterday. She was supposed to charge it at night, but she ran out with a phone call in midsummer night.

"Sister, do you know the other party's number? Use mine to call." The stall owner smiled and went to take out his mobile phone.

He Qian shook her head fixedly. She never remembered the number. The only number she remembered was Ouyang Feibai. Unexpectedly, his mobile phone number had not changed for so many years.

In the past, the phone book of all He Qian's relatives and friends was backed up at Ouyang Feibai. When something unexpected happens, just ask Ouyang Feibai. She never thought that Ouyang Feibai would not be with her, so she developed the habit of not remembering the phone number. She didn't expect that day to come so much. Suddenly.

He Qian shook his head: "No, I don't remember whose number. Can you tell me how to get to Meiye?"

"Go straight along this road for 300 meters, go north at an intersection, turn east at two lower traffic lights, and cross the pedestrian street."

He Qian was dizzy when she heard it. She had a particularly bad sense of direction and fainted as soon as she took a detour. Now she can't tell the difference between the southeast and northwest, and the road ahead is a little dark. I'm afraid she can't even see the intersection. How on earth did she get here just now?

There was a rumble of thunder, and the beans were so big that the raindrops fell down. The situation was fierce. The boss's wife said, "Oh, it rains anyway. Girl, you'd better take shelter from the rain here before you go."

A flash of lightning crossed the sky, as if to split the sky, followed by earth-shaking thunder. The rain beads hit the ground in a row of rain lines, and the low-lying areas were filled with water in an instant.

People stood on the edge of the shed and watched the rain. No one noticed that He Qian curled up his legs tightly covering his ears in the corner, and his face was pale.

Another thunder. He Qian closed her eyes in pain, and sweat oozed from her forehead. She was afraid of thunder. All the bad memories were connected with the thunderstorm. Her father died, the company went bankrupt, her mother was seriously ill, car accidents, betrayed, and those demonic memories mixed with thunder strongly hit her heart.

The rain was getting worse and bigger, and there seemed to be no sign of it. He Qian buried his head between his legs. When will the night pass?

Suddenly, there was a burst of ** in the crowd. He Qian raised his head and bumped into a pair of star-like eyes. The bottom of his eyes was faintly concerned and as deep as the sea. There were still drops on his thick eyelashes, and his trousers were wet to his knees.

He Qian looked at him in shock and said in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Ye...!"

"Ye" Ye Chen answered carelessly, "I'm just nearby. By the way, come and see if I can find you." Of course, he won't tell her that he braved the heavy rain to find all the places nearby. The water on the road was too deep and the car broke down, so he was looking for it.

Before He Qian could answer, she saw a flash of lightning explode in the sky. She covered her ears in a panic and closed her eyes. The expected panic did not come. She was tightly hugged into a solid embrace, a pair of warm hands covered her hands, and the earth-shaking thunder became less shocking. Deaf, she looked at the handsome and irresistible president in front of her, and her face suddenly overlapped with a moment in her memory.

She exclaimed that he would not be, not...

Ye Chen slightly raised the corners of his lips: "What's wrong? Suddenly found that I was amazingly handsome?"

He Qian was not struck by lightning, but he was thundered by President Ye, and he was amazingly able to tell jokes! It's just so cold!

He looked at her scornly: "Qianqian, do you remember something?"