Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 64 Soldiers come to block

He Qian quickly summarized the report, compared with the situation from January to August, marked out the department's abnormally high or abnormally low numbers, quickly made bar charts and line charts according to the nature of the department, and then made a simple data description report according to the trend chart to highlight the abnormal data.

After the electronic version and the printed version were completed, it was only 5:30, and He Qian made a simple PPT of the data analysis diagram and integrated the report into the PPT.

The reason why He Qian can talk about the application of data processing software is that she is so profiant in her first job. She is a company clerk, a small company. In order to save expenses, she does several people's work alone. All data reports and reporting materials are sorted out and summarized by her. He Qian often works late and is afraid. Shocked, she was afraid that one day she would be fired by the boss if she didn't do well, and her whole family would starve.

At 5:40, when He Qian handed over all the materials to Ben, the different expression on his face made He Qian feel extremely happy.

"Please take a look first and see if there is anything that needs to be changed. I will change it immediately." He Qian said so.

Ben roughly trafficed the materials sorted out by He Qian, and the expression on his face went from surprise to exclamation to praise. Although the report is not perfect, it is clear and clear at a glance. Although the summary of the report is concise, it is basically in one word. Although there is no further analysis, for a new public This is already very good for employees who have not been at least 8 hours old. More importantly, how did she do it?

"Senior?" He Qian reminded Ben, who was stunned, that he didn't know what to shout.

"Oh, Er, just call me Ben directly. It's okay. You go back first."

After He Qian left, Ben took the materials to the president's office. It was said that no one should be there now. Ye Chen was sent back to the hospital after the meeting. The old man sitting at Ye Chen's desk looked at the material carefully. The expression on his face was very flat, without approval or dissatisfaction, deep like a vast ocean. .

The board of directors was changed to the next morning. As soon as He Qian arrived at the company, he heard Xing Yan, the Minister of Administration, say that the emperor invited He Qian to attend today's interim meeting of the board of directors.

It is impossible for He Qian not to be surprised. When will newcomers like He Qian be qualified to participate in such a high-level meeting? Does it mean Ye Chen?

When He Qian entered the conference hall with doubt, it was already full of people. He Qian was not late, but arrived late enough.

When Rong Ruo, sitting in front of him, saw He Qian, his eyes were obviously surprised, but he didn't say anything. His eyes naturally looked away from her and focused on Ye Zhongzheng, the founder of the Ye family in front.

Mr. Ye was dressed in a black suit and lived on a red sandalwood crutch. The years precipitated a deep and restrained wisdom on him, which was so deep that people could not see through, but it exuded a calm atmosphere.

The old man took a casual look at He Qian and didn't care.

He Qian quickly sat down and thought to himself that the old man's sharp eyes were like the X-ray, as if he could see through people.

When the administrative secretary released the PPT of the performance report, the calm young master Rong almost stood up in surprise, and Rong Ruo next to him gently pressed him.

More than two of them, at least ten people have seen the original version of the report, which has been carefully sorted out, reviewed and carefully analyzed by Mr. Rong. Compared with the one released now, it is much more perfect and fine. After all, Mr. Ye took it wrong. The report, or did Mr. Ye remake a copy of his dissatisfaction with them?

Take a closer look, although this report is not fine enough, the important parts have been highlighted and aggravated. Although it is concise, it is not ambiguous at all.

He Qian looked around and didn't see Ye Chen. It is said that Ye Chen should not attend such an important meeting, but he is now recovering from illness, and it is understandable not to attend. He Qian did not pay attention to it, let alone expect that someone deliberately arranged not to inform Ye Chen.

The shareholders' meeting mainly summarizes the first half of the year according to the performance of various departments, adjusts and improves the plans for the second half of the year, and makes an investment plan for the second half of the year based on the comparison of profits and output and income.

Everything went well until...

The data chart of the real estate industry shows that the total profit of the whole real estate industry has seriously contracted from January to August, and even since June, Ye's real estate has suffered losses.

There was a vacuum of silence in the conference room, and the managers and shareholders became careful to breathe. Rong Ruo frowned tightly. He remembered that the numbers were not like this when he reviewed the reports on the real estate.

Mr. Ye looked at the report with a blank face for a while and said lightly, "Looking at the whole real estate industry, the situation is very good. Why do we have to shrink instead of real estate development?"

Before the words fell, the manager of the Ministry of Land Industry stood up and said excitedly and nervously, "Mr. Boss, the data of this chart does not match the actual data of our department. I remember clearly that since this year, real estate projects have been our leader this year, with a year-on-year increase of 55% and a month-on-month increase of 4 8%, the profit has exceeded 26.7 billion, and there is no possibility of a deficit!"

The words of the manager of the Ministry of Industry caused a lot of discussion below. The old man calmed his eyes and did not raise his head: "Who made this report?"

He Qian's heart skipped a beat. Obviously, she made this report. It was impossible to avoid punishment for such a big loss in such a formal and major meeting.

Rong Ruo, who is calm and self-retained, is a little uncertain in the face of the old man's questioning. He doesn't know whether the old man is acting or really doesn't know. This report is obviously not the same as the report he sent to the master's mailbox. He said that if this responsibility is taken over, all the people of the comprehensive management office will be punished.

At this moment, He Qian stood up and said quietly, "I made it." She is not impudent. She doesn't want to be embarrassed, let alone the people of the comprehensive management office to be punished because of her. Her eyes are as quiet as water, without any panic. On the contrary, there is a trace of frankness and fearlessness in her eyes.

doubts and gratitude flashed in Rong Ruo's eyes, quietly watching the changes in the situation.

Another discussion is probably that such an important report form can be mistaken. It really can't be retained.

The eyes of the manager of the industry department are even more deeply dissatisfied and condemned. I almost lost this year's project because of a data error. Where did the wild girl come from?

He Qian said, "I made this form. I am sure that the data here is absolutely consistent with the data provided by various departments. I have no right to review the source data."

The manager of the Ministry of Industry was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the little girl's answer was so calm and watertight. If the mistake really came from his own door, then he would definitely be punished.

I haven't seen a film about a little girl who dares to talk back to the boss. Even if there is no problem with her, she should respond first and find a way to explain it after the meeting. It's really impudious.

The old man "hummed" and couldn't hear an emotion. He said, "Since you are so sure, you can talk about the performance data of the last three departments." This is really not an easy task. Who can have such a strong memory?

The old man made it clear that he wanted to look good to young people. If you can't remember, it means that you are impetuous and not accepting mistakes with an open mind. You remember that it is your own praise, and remember that it is right.

How can He Qian remember so many numbers, ranging from six or seven digits to more than ten digits, investment, turnover, profit, cost... Impossible! It's impossible to remember it all!

She looked at the old man frankly and said, "The remaining departments are catering, tourism and law firms. The growth rates of the three companies are 50%, 377% and 103 percent respectively, and their total revenue is 1.87 billion, 63 billion and 900 billion respectively. Sorry, I can only be accurate to 100 million."

Such memory is admirable, but it is not enough to shock people. As long as you are careful, it is not difficult to remember a few numbers. The reason why He Qian is so sure that her data is not wrong is not because of her accurate memory, but that she has carefully checked it countless times. It is absolutely impossible to be wrong. She will not take her own. She made a bet on the rice bowl and formed a habit when she was 18 years old.

Obviously, some people under the stage expressed disdain for her report, which is very rough, okay? Can you say "absolutely consistent" with this?

The old man was obviously not satisfied and frowned slightly. He ordered the Comprehensive Administration Office to make a new report within 15 minutes, and He Qian went to the president's office.

All the people are waiting to see how the old man will deal with He Qian. Ye has not had such a reckless newcomer for many years. Moreover, the newcomer was airborne by the prince, and he was somewhat unconvinced.

As soon as the meeting broke up, Rong Ruo called Ye Chen. He asked, "You asked He Qian to do the statements and reporting materials of the shareholders' meeting?"

"What? Is there a shareholders' meeting today? Ye Chen was even more surprised that he didn't hear anything at all.

Rong Ruo's face darkened: "Don't you know?" If Ye Chen doesn't know, who has the ability to command He Qian to write reports for the shareholders' meeting?

In the president's office, the old man looked at He Qian lightly. He looked even kind, but his eyes were very sharp. The first sentence he said had nothing to do with the report and the meeting. He said, "Chen'er is too nonsense!"

Too nonsense? What's too nonsense? Is it too nonsense to arrange her to work around Ye Chen or to make a girlfriend like her too nonsense?

He Qian continued to be silent.

The old man praised her for being so calm. If others had been able to ask, she would have been very good to adapt to changes and prevent dripping.

"I'll give you a chance" The old man seemed to sigh and sigh, "Take advantage of now, go, or die more miserably."

The old man's words are clear, or pat his buttocks and leave, leave Ye Chen forever, or be hit so hard that he will never turn over. Ye can't make all companies and enterprises not hire you. Yes, you can wash dishes, but it is more difficult to enter a large enterprise than to the sky.

He put down his words so frankly. You are not welcomed by the Ye family!

He Qian raised his eyebrows: "I can go, but I won't leave Ye Chen. That's my nature. I'm sure that I won't look back after hitting the south wall."

I didn't expect He Qian to be so fearless that he dared to challenge him. Just as he was about to continue to press pressure, the door of the president's office was suddenly opened with a bang.

Ye Chen stood at the door indifferently and coldly. His beautiful eyes were faintly sad, and his breathing was slightly unstable. Obviously, he was in a hurry when he came. He paused, walked gracefully, walked slowly to He Qian's side and took her hand: "What on earth is worth looking for money in person to 'talk' alone' ?" His voice is as low and elegant as himself.

The old man raised his eyebrows. Isn't this grandson in the hospital? Are you here so soon?

"At work, Chen'er doesn't want to pretend to be public for personal gain." The old man's light words were four or two thousand pounds.

Seeing that the two grandfather and grandson were about to draw their swords, He Qian suddenly put his hand around Ye Chen's waist, put his toes up and pecked him on his lips. He blinked his eyes playfully. When he turned around, he saw the old man's slightly surprised eyes. He probably didn't expect He Qian to be so "bold".

He Qian was bolder. She took Ye Chen's waist: "The report is definitely a source problem. You can let the following people check it. If I am wrong, you can do whatever you want. In addition, as long as I am still alive, I won't give up Ye Chen's feelings. It's up to you." After saying that, he stepped on high heels and pulled Ye Chen away.

Mr. Ye saw Ye Chen leave him and run away with his little girlfriend, and he immediately became angry.

Ye Chen let He Qian pull and followed her with a deep smile. Except for seeing her like this in Xinghua Village, he rarely saw her impulsively at other times.

Ye Chen pulled He Qian down into his arms with a little force and asked for a long kiss. The little girl was obviously afraid that her relationship with her grandfather would rather jump out and be a bad guy, little girl!