Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 73 Crisis

What a broken hotel was built like a maze. He Qian hurried to the ninth floor according to the waiter's description. The floor was right, but he didn't expect to be divided into Block ABCDEFG. The waiter said Block A. He Qian rushed into the elevator directly to Block B without looking at it.

The corridor is magnificently decorated, like the palace. The murals on the walls are all replicas of world-famous paintings, which can sell for at least tens of thousands of yuan. The vases in the corridor are also very exquisite. Just looking at the craftsmanship, you can know the value is expensive and luxurious!

So many rooms can't knock on the door one by one. He Qian decided to listen to the movement in the room and confirm the situation before taking action.

The quiet environment made He Qian's already beating heart more nervous. Science and facts have proved that proper tension can enhance people's sensory **. She doesn't know if she can hear the footsteps from several floors downstairs.

He Qian began to listen from the first room at the entrance of the stairs to the stairs on the other side of the corridor. The room was very quiet. He Qian was a little disappointed and thought, did Ouyang Feibai change his mind and take Yixi to another place?

When she was about to turn back to the banquet, a low and vague conversation came from the room on her right. He Qian put his ears to the door with his waist.

"I really don't understand what Feibai is going to do. If you want the shares of Hanyu Group, you can clearly say why you have to stab the knife of Hanyu Group in the back. How much effort did it took us to get the Royal Restaurant and Hengjiang? Well, he swallowed a quarter of our industry at once! The stock market of Hanyu Group has fallen continuously, and many customers have questioned our power. Cooperative investors hold a wait-and-see attitude. A lot of good opportunities have passed. Shouldn't you take care of it?"

He Qian was struck by lightning, and the Royal Restaurant and Hengjiang were originally Qianyu's industries! Who are they and what does it have to do with Qianyu's bankruptcy?

This sound sounds familiar, but He Qian can't really tell whose voice it is through the door. Is the annexation of the Royal Restaurant, Hengjiang and Meiye done by Ouyang for nothing? Is Ouyang Feibai the owner behind the current Qianyu Group? Why did he do this?

He Qian tried his best to restrain his excitement and the impulse to rush in. He must endure it. He must not startle the snake before collecting enough evidence.

For a long time, a thick and dull voice came from the room: "A bad guy with an unconscionable conscience is destined to be a tragedy! It won't be long for nothing, but she, don't act rashly until you find out her circle!"

He Qian's brain is so painful. Whose circle do they want to find out? Things hovered in her mind, as if there was some important message, but she couldn't catch anything.

"It's almost time to go down. Let's go." The thick and muffled voice said.


The sound of footsteps came to the door. He Qian quickly got up and retreated to the elevator in a panic. That was the only place she could escape and must not be found, otherwise she would be in danger, and the people around her would also be in danger.

The elevator is not on the ninth floor. He Qian pressed the elevator button over and over again. Hurry up! The two people in the room have come to the elevator. He Qian is very anxious. The elevator button shows that the elevator is now passing through the fifth, sixth and seventh floors...

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and you can see her at the corner of the stairs!

What should I do? What's the excuse to get out?

He Qian bit her lips tightly, her face turned pale, and she stood at the door of the elevator. It was too late. Even if the elevator arrived one second earlier than the other party, it was too late to close the door, she would still be found.

The other party's footsteps seemed to step on her heart, so that she couldn't breathe.

She can clearly sense the position of the other party, and as long as she takes two more steps, she will see her! What should I do?

At this time, with a "ding", the elevator door slowly opened. Before He Qian could see what had happened, she was suddenly pulled into the elevator. Her back hit the cold wall of the elevator, which made her eyes black and the strong smell of wine came to her nose. Her lips were kissed and rudely pried open. The other party had nothing Li stroked her arrogance and kneaded it hard, which made her cry.

This kiss is strange but familiar.

"Wow..." He Qian instinctively resisted, but the more he resisted the other party, the crazier he became, the crazier he kissed, the crazy stroke, and the crazy plunder. The image in front of him gradually became clear. He Qian stared at the almost ferocious Ouyang Feibai in front of him in shock. How could it be him? Is the appearance of Ouyang Feibai a coincidence? How can it be!

Ouyang Feibai grabbed He Qian's hand almost savagely, fixed it on the wall, sucked her fragrance unscrupulously, and broke the button of her coat with the other hand, casually threw her coat aside, and went to match her shirt again...

The footsteps suddenly stopped, and He Qian looked at the two people standing at the entrance of the elevator in shock. It turned out to be Ouyang Qingyuan and Ouyang Hanyu!

"Cough!" Ouyang Hanyu coughed to remind Ouyang Feibai in **.

Ouyang Feibai was stunned for a moment, slowly let go of He Qian, turned around and raised his eyebrows to look at Ouyang Qingyuan and Ouyang Hanyu, and said casually, "What's the matter?" Arrogant attitude, rudeness, and impatience after being disturbed by good things.

Ouyang Hanyu frowned slightly, took off his clothes and put it on He Qian. His eyes were full of concern: "Are you all right?" What I thought was: Why are you intimate here? It should be impossible to hear their conversation with such a fierce kiss.

Ouyang Qingyuan ignored Ouyang Feibai. He quietly looked at Ouyang Feibai and He Qian, whose clothes were not neatly dressed. His eyes were sharp and compelling. He looked at the clothes on the ground, narrowed his eyes slightly, and had been intimate for a long time?

He Qian's eyes were foggy, his lips were still faintly painful, his mouth still smelled, his wrists were also red by him, and his face was full of forbearable humiliation and anger.

He Qian gritted his teeth and endured an angry question: "Is this the old mayor's hospitality?"

Ouyang Qingyuan paused for three seconds, suddenly raised the sandalwood crutch and slapped Ouyang Feibai, and said angrily, "You bastard!" The ebony crutch with thick wrist fell heavily on his back and chest, and showed no mercy. Ouyang Feibai clenched his teeth tightly and endured it silently. He didn't even hum. The crutch hit his calf. Ouyang Feibai knelt down on one knee with a sullen hum, and a trace of pain flashed his face. He Qian almost heard the weak broken bones. The sound of cracking.

He Qian's face turned pale. She looked at Ouyang Feibai, who was kneeling on the ground. The trachea seemed to be caught by the claws, which made her breathless and uncomfortable. Ouyang Feibai also happened to look over. There was a cold warning in her eyes, don't act rashly!

It's hard for He Qian to say what's feeling in his heart. He is helping her cover up. Why is he still trying to help her at this time? Is his calf broken?

"Sorry, Miss He, I must take this matter seriously and deal with it with the public security organ by bus." Ouyang Qingyuan put down his crutch and said coldly.

He Qian was stunned for a moment. What kind of father is willing to be so cruel to his son? What Ouyang Feibai did to He Qian just now will be destroyed once Ouyang Feibai is made public? She can't let him be destroyed for protecting her. She doesn't want to owe him anything.

"Look at..." Forget it this time for the face of the old mayor of Ouyang. He Qian originally wanted to say so, but Ouyang Feibai's two strong cold eyes pierced straight, making He Qian's words stuck in his mouth.

He Qian understands what he means, and the acting will be realistic. If He Qian compromises so easily, then everything they have just done will be in vain. But He Qian didn't understand why Ouyang Feibai was against his father. He should know that she will not let go of this clue after today. She must find out what happened five years ago!

"Don't worry, my father will give you justice." Ouyang Hanyu held He Qian and said gently, with a kind and gentle smile on his face, which made He Qian feel dazzling.

He Qian was sent back to the venue. Before leaving, Ouyang Feibai's face was very pale, but he still gave her a light comforting smile and quietly watched her leave.

He Qian is so confused. Will Ouyang Qingyuan really send Ouyang Feibai to the Public Security Bureau?

He Qian looked around and didn't see Ye Chen. He was about to ask someone. As soon as he walked to the top of the stairs, he saw Ye Chen coming downstairs with a cold face and followed him... Yixi!

Is he alone with Icy?

When Ye Chen saw He Qian, a gentle smile immediately appeared on his cold face: "Qianqian!" He came to her and naturally put his arms around her waist, intimate but unpretentious. "Where have you been just now? I can't find you everywhere."

One sentence forced He Qian's jealousy back. She couldn't tell him what had just happened. Now what she said will only make him think that she and Ouyang Feibai are still entangled, and even bring him unnecessary trouble.

"I went to the bathroom, hehe, Miss Yixi, hello!" There is no need to be like a deep boudoir. He Qian wants to thank her career as a lawyer so that she can maintain a faint professional smile no matter how bad she is.

Isi looked at He Qian hostilely, and her eyes linger on her slightly raised lower abdomen for a while. She raised the corners of her lips and tilted her head and asked Ye Chen, "Is this why you refuse me?" She has put down her dignity and begged him. She didn't even hesitate to seduce him, and he...

He Qian's face darkened, and the ambiguous relationship between Yixi and Ye Chen made her want to go crazy, but she resisted.

"Isey, you have gone too much!" Ye Chen scolded coldly.

Isi proudly despised He Qian: "I thought you were a smart woman, but I didn't expect you to be just a fantasy love fool..."

He Qian only looked at her faintly, neither humble nor arrogant, neither happy nor angry. When a woman can't calm down, she can only explain one problem. She is about to lose or has already lost.

"Isi!" Ye Chen's voice was full of anger, and He Qian was worried that Ye Chen would slap her mouth if she continued to talk.

With tears in Yixi's eyes, she stubbornly bit her lips and endured for a long time and said, "You are..." Seeing Ye Chen's cold and piercing eyes with a strong warning, Yixi swallowed the words. After a moment, she suddenly pulled out a faint smile, confident, noble and bright. She came close to Ye Chen's He whispered in his ear, "You still came to see me, didn't you?"

She just played a role with Ouyang Feibai and deliberately let Mohua see that she and Ouyang Feibai went upstairs to open a room. Didn't he run here in a hurry? But his first sentence was, "What about He Qian?" Exi secretly gritted her teeth. It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's his excuse.