Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 97 I want to be ordinary

Ye Chen's phone kept calling like a reminder, and the phone in He Qian's hand became more and more like a hot potato. Zhao Nuannuan looked at He Qian worriedly: "Why don't you... see him again?"

He Qian replied with a comforting smile and finally answered the phone. Ye Chen's cold and slightly impatient voice immediately came from the other end of the phone: "Where is it?"

Where is it? On the way to the airport, He Qian felt unprecedented fatigue. Over the years, she has become less and less like herself. All the motivation and goal of her life has always been revenge. Now the goal is suddenly gone, and her life has lost its course.

She didn't want to see Ye Chen for the last time, because she didn't know how to face him. He Qian's silence detonated Ye Chen's patience. He said, "Is Zhao Nuannuan by your side? It's a big deal. Let him listen to the phone!"

"What's the matter? What's wrong?" He Qian was worried and asked without thinking about it. He only heard Ye Chen sneer, "This can only be said to him."

He Qian hesitated for a moment and finally called Zhao Nuannuan. Zhao Nuannuan answered the phone doubtfully and hung up the phone before the word "Hey" was finished. Zhao Nuannuan looked at He Qian confusedly, and He Qian also looked at him blankly. Zhao Nuannuan shrugged her shoulders and changed the phone to He Qian.

Ye Chen put down the phone, with a sneer on his face. The little assistant who was driving stepped on the accelerator and ran through the red light.

"Go to the airport right away." Ye Chen ordered that according to the information he got from Liu Sheng, Zhao Nuannuan is a Chinese American and his parents are both in the United States. If he is not mistaken, He Qian should follow Zhao Nuannuan abroad. It's good. When Ye Chen is transparent, he really spoils her too much. Even if all flights are grounded, he will stop her!

When He Qian and Zhao Nuannuan arrived at the airport, they suddenly found that there were many police officers to maintain public security, and the security check was also particularly strict. He Qian was curious about whether there were any Jiangyang thieves to abstain abroad recently?

They heard the chat of the patrol police next to them while waiting in line for the security check.

Police A: "What kind of person is he? He can shock the big boss, and all the logistics forces have been sent."

Police B: "I heard from a buddy at the security check that he is a woman named He Qian or something. The specific situation is not clear. I guess it is a major crime at the international level."

Police A: "Is the woman so awesome?"

Police B: "Shh!!!! If you are heard, you will die. This is confidential. Hurry up and cheer up. If you let it go, you will lose your job.

He Qianxu broke out in a cold sweat. Is it Ouyang Qingyuan's order or Ye Chen's? She quickly made an analysis that Ouyang Qingyuan is now in trouble, and I'm afraid that no one dares to help him so loudly after the criminal act is exposed. In this case, it's Ye Chen.

"Nuannuan, is there any other way?" He Qian asked worriedly.

Zhao Nuannuan thought for a moment and said, "I have a private helicopter."

"Okay, let's take a private plane." He Qian pulled Zhao Nuannuan and left. Her behavior was particularly eye-catching in the neat team waiting for the security check, which suddenly attracted the attention of the public security police.

"Hey, you two, please show me your ID card."

He Qian took Zhao Nuannuan's hand tightly and walked faster and faster.

"Hey! What about you?" The police immediately followed.

"Run!" He Qian and Zhao Nuannuan ran up, and the police behind them chased after them. Zhao Nuannuan was out of breath while carrying her luggage. When she dropped her luggage, she was dragged and continued to run by He Qian before she could pick it up.

Zhao Nuannuan howled sadly: "My wallet! The wallet is inside!!!! ~~~~”

The two bumped into countless passers-by, stepped on the green belt in the middle of the road, and got into a taxi like a robbery. Zhao Nuannuan was so tired that she was out of breath: "Shuan... Qianqian, why should we escape? They... have no reason to detain our personal freedom. This... This is a legal society!"

"He's right." There was a low magnetic voice in front of me, melodious and beautiful, with a faint smile, but it made people shudder.

The person sitting in the co-pilot's seat turned around with a smile.

"Ah! Why is there anyone on the co-pilot!" Zhao Nuannuan was surprised that she had just been robbing, but she didn't see it.

Compared with Zhao Nuannuan's surprise, He Qian was shocked, because the person who spoke was actually Ye Chen! Ye Chen's beautiful eyes were bent into a crescent suit, which was ridiculously beautiful. He said, "What a coincidence, shallow."

There was a momentary blank in He Qian's mind, and then all kinds of emotions came. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or lost, whether he was speechless or a thousand words, angry or helpless. His mind was still confused, and the cruel words had been blurted out: "Ye Chen, what on earth do you want?"

Ye Chen's spring breeze-like smile gradually condensed into ice slag, and the air in the car suddenly fell to absolute zero. Zhao Nuannuan and the driver couldn't help shivering and secretly moved farther than Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said, "Stop," he stretched out his white finger and nodded, "You, you, go down!"

The driver seemed to have been pardoned and ran away. Zhao Nuannuan, as He Qian's best friend and confidant, could not be too obvious about betraying his friends. He looked at He Qian with resentment, and his body was stiff. Under his buttocks was like a needle felt, and Ye Chen's eyes made him stabbed in his back.

He Qian said, "Nuannuan, go out and wait for me."

If Zhao Nuannuan was granted amnesty, He Qian's words had not yet fallen. He had left the car one meter away, and there was a black line hanging on his head.

Ye Chen looked at He Qian quietly: "Do you want to go abroad? Why don't you tell me that I'm here to see you off?" Obviously, the clouds are light and the wind is light, but He Qian feels like the top of Mount Tai.

She took a deep breath and met Ye Chen's burning eyes: "Mr. Ye, you have your life, and I also have my life. You make me difficult and embarrassed. Since you have Icy, where do you want to put me? Now that I quit, can't I go to the ordinary life I want? Why do you still pester?!"

"Entangled?" Ye Chen bit these four words between his teeth, "Are you just because of Yixi? I never said I would marry her!"

"No, Mr. Ye, you misunderstood me. What I want is not marriage, but love. You can't give me loyal love."

"Why?" If his eyes can eat people, Ye Chen must have left all the bones He Qian ate.

He Qian is also a little excited: "Because the person you love is Exi after all. If you have put down the past, why are you so close to her and why do you make her pregnant with your child!"

Ye Chen said, "Why don't you ask me what the truth is?" Why did you just listen to Isis's words and leave? Because you don't care at all, because you don't miss it!"

He Qian looked at him for a long time. Ye Chen, I couldn't continue. My heart was confused. She sighed secretly, "I'm a timid person, Mr. Ye. I have psychological obstacles to love. What you said is not wrong, so let me go."

Ye Chen looked at He Qian stiffly. She slowly opened the door, waved to Zhao Nuannuan, and the two left side by side.