wu dao xian ying

Chapter 26 The Box Disappears

Your life is not important. What matters is your own family. In the hearts of the elderly, the interests of the family are above all else. Not only their own names, but also their own children can make the family prosperous, and the elderly can give up directly.

However, at this time, under the protection of the guard leader, the old man slowly retreated with a brocade box in his hand, but the old man's goal was too big. The goal of this group was the brocade box in the old man's hand, and after something happened, the old man held the brocade box so

Although the old man's old body is not obvious in the dark, it still can't hide the attention of people. Soon a few people noticed the old man and pressed towards the old man who was hiding.

However, at this time, the old man was not alone. In front of the old man, the guard leader of the caravan and another man in his thirties, a rough beard stood on the left and right sides of the old man, protecting the old man from any harm.

Quickly away from the battlefield, and at this time, two pretending Bai Xuan cavalry came towards here. The old man looked at the two Bai Xuan cavalry coming towards him. The old man looked more flustered, but the two people who protected the old man could be very calm.

In the face of the two people who pressed, the rough man did not move at all and still maintained his original appearance, but the leader of the guard could not be indifferent. The guard leader complained very much about the bearded and rough-looking man next to him. After all, this person was there from the beginning,

The identity is very special. Even the old man can't order. He drinks and sleeps in the caravan all day long and does nothing. This time, when he protects the old man and escapes, he doesn't know what will happen and keeps following him. No matter whether the old man is in danger or not, he doesn't care about anything. On the contrary, It's that I have encountered several dangers,

If it hadn't happened to be here, I don't know how many times this person has died. It's not only been very troublesome to protect the old man, let alone take this person, but fortunately, this person stood next to the old man just now,

The guard leader still think that this person is going to show his strength. Who knows that this person is still the same as before,

This person used to be in the caravan style. Although the guard leader is not ashamed, it gives the guard leader a feeling that he can't see through, so the guard leader doesn't know what his strength is, but now he only knows that this person is a burden, unless he shows amazing strength,

At this time, the guard leader is facing the two fake Baixuan cavalry coming towards him and others. For the two fake Baixuan cavalry, the guard leader still does not pay attention to it. He can sit on the leader of the caravan guard. This person's strength is still very strong. The peak in the middle of the second stage is the strength of the guard leader.

And the guard leaders of these two ordinary fake white Xuan cavalry can't believe that their strength has second-order strength. In this case, these 100-person cavalry and others don't have to run at all and wait to die directly.

So the guard leader is not worried about the strength of these two people at all now. Instead, he is worried about the strength of the captain of this team of cavalry. Since he can come to attack so blatantly, I believe that the strength of this captain must be stronger than himself, far more powerful than himself,

It is not a secret of his strength in the caravan. The guard lord does not believe that the other party will not have an undercover agent in the caravan. His strength will definitely be in the other party's intelligence, so now the guard leader is worried about this.

After walking in, the two cavalrymen saw the old man, especially the brocade box in the old man's hand, and the two rushed up without hesitation.

When they came this time, all the cavalry already knew that the task this time was to grab a brocade box. As for what was in the brocade box, no one knew.

As long as anyone grabs the brocade box, he can be a third-level official, not to mention the richer reward, so all the people who came to carry out the mission this time have been moved.

Now in front of the two, the greedy two did not send a message, which also made the old man escape the disaster. If it hadn't been for the greed of the two,

If the message is sent, the old man and others will immediately become the target of public criticism, but all of this does not exist.

The two greedy people have long forgotten the strength of the guard leader and their own strength,

There is no comparison at all. Although it can be said that the strength of the two is no longer weak, if you compare with whom, one's strength is about the beginning of the first order, and the other's strength is in the middle of the first order, but the strength is not weak.

However, if all the 100-man cavalry are so strong, it will be very horrible, but obviously this is not the case. More than half of the 100 people are still ordinary people, who are about to become warriors, but they are not yet warriors.

Otherwise, hundreds of people are martial arts, which is very horrible. You know, if you want to become a martial artist, it can be said that it is one in a thousand, and there may not be one in a thousand people.

These two people are not ordinary cavalry, but rare elites, which can be said to be one of the elite teams of the captain of the cavalry.

However, it was obviously not enough for the two to deal with the guard leader. Seeing the two rushing up, the five tiger broken door knife in the guard's hand was merciless and cut at the two. The five tiger broken door knife of the guard leader was learned from the alien in the early years.

However, due to the limited talent of the guard leader, his achievements in knife skills are not high, but even so, the guard leader is rarely the enemy with the five tigers broken knife.

Now the guard leader's anger is even more like a tiger adding wings. With a flash of cold light, the five tigers' broken door knives have come to the front of the two cavalry,

The two were swallowed up by the cold light without reacting. The two heads suddenly separated, and the two were killed without even the ability to fight.

It's not above the level at all, and after killing the two, the guard leader returned to the old man's side to protect the old man.

It is said that he was speechless at this time. Originally, after dark, he was practicing the True Sutra of the Buddha, but he was indeed awakened by the firelight all over the sky.

Although it has been silent for a long time, the caravan is not without moving forward, so generally speaking, the two are not much different,

Now the 100-person cavalry suddenly attacked, set fire, and the firelight all over the sky can be clearly seen within thousands of miles. Seeing such a situation, I was shocked when I was speechless.

I don't know what happened before, but I'm still planning to watch what happened.

The fire emitted such a big fire proves that there is a big fire in front of you. You know, this is in the grassland. Once there is a fire, it is not an ordinary fire. That's what wildfires say.

And silently rushed forward quickly. This fire can be seen from thousands of miles. I believe that there will be no shortage of people coming here.

You should know that all the people who can see this fire are more concerned, especially the nearby forces. Although it is relatively rare here, there are still many forces thousands of miles away.

This fire has ruined a grassland that can be graze alive, not to mention that the fire is still expanding,

However, if these forces come to explore, it will definitely take a day. Su Wuyan is not far from here, and after a while, Su Wuyan will come here.

However, Su Wuyan did not rush forward, but found a place to look at it from afar. Now it is already full of fire. Although it is not very close, it still makes Su Wuyu clearly feel the heat.

The heat that comes to the face makes Su Wuyan very uncomfortable, but with the silent day, the Buddha's true scriptures automatically run for a week,

I felt good when I was speechless. At this time, I looked at the front, and the group had a scuffle. Although the fire was shining brightly,

But if it is closer to the fire, everyone's faces are full of red light, and they can't see who it is at all.

However, he is still speechless to distinguish the two sides of the melee from the clothes.