wu dao xian ying

Chapter 69 Auction Day 2 3

Therefore, the masters of this generation do not intend to continue to focus on studying the Qinglian Sword. You should know that in order to study the Qinglian Sword, generations have paid the painstaking efforts of generations, and the time wasted is also uncalculable, not to mention the cost of studying Qinglian Sword.

It can be said that the role of the Qinglian sword has not been studied yet, but it has done a loss-making business. So this time, the person in charge sent the Qinglian Sword out for auction without hesitation.

And with the dawn, Su Wuyan also woke up from the state of practicing the True Sutra and began to practice the sun-eating knife method. This is a habit of silent for many years. It was not until after practicing the Sun-eating knife method that Su Wuyan came to the auction. This time, Su Wuyan planned to find a relatively high position. Set.

After all, Su Wuyan was not until the bad points behind, but Su Wuyan underestimated the enthusiasm of the people. Originally, Su Wuyan thought that he could definitely find a place and a relatively high position so early this time, but when Su Wuyan came, he found that now the auction was Lian The place I did yesterday has been occupied.

You should know that today's speechless is two hours earlier than yesterday. Seeing such a situation, speechless, I secretly admire the charm of the auction, which shows that it is ordinary. Now Su speechless has to find a closer position to sit down. The series of actions can be said to be very Quickly,

Because Su Wuyan was afraid that if his movements were a little slower, he would not even have this position. After all, at this time, Su Wuyan had noticed that several more people came outside the auction at this time, so Su Wuyan was so anxious at this time.

After doing it without saying a word, all the seats at the auction were full at this time. It should not be said that all the seats on the first floor are full. There are still many vacant seats in the second floor, but no one dares to go. After all, what is needed in the second floor is identity and strength.

If you don't have the strength, you have to sit in the second floor. The auction may not say anything, but the major families sitting with you on the second floor will feel ashamed at this time. After all, you are sitting with them, which makes the families unable to lose this person.

If such an overpowering person really goes, he will definitely not want to live and will definitely be torn away by the anger of several big families. At this time, there is still more than an hour before the auction will officially start, although everyone came very early,

But no one showed impatience. They all began to talk happily about yesterday's competition for the Qinglian Sword. Although it was not early to leave yesterday, but after all, Su Wuen did not experience what happened to the Qinglian Sword yesterday.

So now that everyone began to discuss the Qinglian Sword, Su Wuyan came to the spirit at this time. However, when Su Wuyan heard that the Qinglian Sword was fake, Su Wuyan was surprised. Finally, the four forces competed for the Qinglian Sword, and finally found out the fact that the Qinglian Sword was fake.

The forces of the four parties dispersed unhappily and were shocked and had no desire to continue fighting. After all, they all came for the Qinglian Sword, and the biggest suspicion was the three people who won the Qinglian Sword that night, but one of them died in shock. The biggest suspicion was the two people.

In addition, one of the two people does not know who it is, so now it is the Nangong family that can be suspected. After all, only Nangong Xiangtian was recognized by everyone at that time, but no one found that the black cloth that took out the Qinglian sword in the auction. The body of the face has disappeared.

No one has found this now. All of them think that the body of the black cloth masked man was dismembered and died, but what no one knows is that this person is not dead. At that time, it was just an illusion.

And now, more than an hour has passed in a blink of an eye, and the auction is about to begin. At this time, Bai Trillion slowly walked on the auction table of the auction. Today and yesterday is different is that today's Bai Trillion does not look particularly good. After all, yesterday's nearly one night of struggle, although Bai Wan Hundred million did not participate, but it is impossible for Bai Trillion to rest, although Bai Trillion did not participate,

Still paying attention to the changes in the situation. For the Qinglian Sword, Bai Wanyi knew that the Qinglian Sword was absolutely true at the auction. This is an indisputable thing. After all, Bai Trillion personally tried it at that time. Qinglian Sword was indeed true, which is beyond doubt, but when the Qinglian Sword was replaced. ,

After receiving the news, Bai Wanyi also thought about it for a night, but Bai Wanyi still did not figure out when the Qinglian Sword was replaced. Although most people doubted the Nangong family, Bai Wanyi knew that the Nangong family was impossible at all.

If the Nangong family gets it, it is impossible for the Nangong family to come to participate in the auction now. With such a big swagger, it will still be like a nothing person now. I'm afraid it has not been secretly evacuated long ago. That's why the Nangong family was excluded.

But now Bai Trillion does not know the Nangong family at this time. At this time, it has indeed begun a heated discussion. Yesterday, as soon as they received the news that the Qinglian sword was fake, this time the master of the Nangong family knew that things began to be unfavorable to the Nangong family.

So that night, all the main members of the Nangong family who are now here were called to discuss countermeasures, but after half a night, they still did not think of a good countermeasure. At this time, the master of the Nangong family knew that the Qinglian sword was simply a hot mountain grass. Anyone who met it If there is no good result, it will be coquettish.

But now it is impossible to get rid of the relationship. After all, Nangong Xiangtian obtained the Qinglian Sword at that time, but countless people had already seen it. At this time, Nangong Xiangtian was also silent. Nangong Xiangtian did not expect that he would get the Qinglian Sword in such a short time.

Unexpectedly, the Nangong family brought such a big impact. You should know that if this matter is not solved well and let others mistakenly think that the Qinglian sword is in the Nangong family, it is not good. This time, the person in charge of the Nangong family saw the madness of robbing the Qinglian sword, that is, the rare venerable people have appeared. Four.

Although the Nangong family is also a top family, it can't show the strength of the four venerable people. If it grabs the lineup of the Qinglian Sword last night and unites it, the Nangong family can carry it, and it is also greatly damaged.

It's okay if the Nangong family gets the Qinglian sword, but now the Nangong family has not got the Qinglian sword. If it is white on this black pot, I believe no one will feel good, so now in the Nangong family's residence, there has been a quarrel in the small tent. Midnight.

Still, a satisfactory solution has not been discussed. Now the auction the next day has been held, but at this time, the Nangong family has no intention to continue to participate. However, some people have proposed to return to the Nangong family at this time, but it was rejected immediately. It's okay not to leave now. If you leave, it will definitely cause people to suspect that the Qinglian sword is in the Nangong family.

Originally, the Nangong family was deeply suspected, but at this time, they could not make this mistake again. Therefore, at this time, they can't leave. Seeing that there is still no solution in the middle of the night, there is still no solution. Now that the auction has been held. At this time, the master of the Nangong family gritted his teeth and stood up first and said, "Go, go to the auction meeting. If our Nangong family does not go, we will give it to people I feel guilty, so our Nangong family must go to today's auction, but our Nangong family can't go quietly, and we have to go forward with great fanfare to speak up early.

After the head of the Nangong family finished speaking, he went down to prepare. After all, at this time, this person intends to go in person.