wu dao xian ying

Chapter 75 The Second Day of Auction 9

Holy Mountain has been the hegemon outside the fortress for thousands of years. Now that such a major auction has been held outside the fortress, how can the holy mountain not be ignored, so the arrival of the holy mountain is a sure thing,

However, although the major forces in the second floor know that the Holy Mountain will come sooner or later, they don't look very well when they see the Holy Mountain coming one by one. After all, the arrival of the Holy Mountain means that there is another opponent of bidding. No one will be happy if such a thing is done.

However, several people in the Holy Mountain look arrogant one by one. After all, the Holy Mountain is a holy place outside the fortress. Whoever dares to be disrespected by the Holy Mountain outside the fortress can absolutely count the life and death of countless people. Over the years, these people of the Holy Mountain have been boiled to their bones.

It has been seen that the Holy Mountain is different from the major forces of Kyushu. Although the major forces of Kyushu are powerful, although the major families have been arrogant for so many years, they also know the great crouching tigers and hidden dragons of Kyushu, so they have not formed the pride of the Holy Mountain.

I saw four people coming to Shengshan silently. There were four people from Shengshan this time, two men and two women. Among them, one man and one woman were relatively young, about 20 years old. The man was handsome and handsome, and the jade tree was windy. He did not look like an outsider at all. After all, most of the people outsiders grew up in a bitter cold place. Several people are tall and tall,

After all, this nation grew up on horseback, and this person is indeed a little polite and thin, which is simply different from the people outside the fortress, while another young woman is dressed as a person outside the fortress. The biggest difference between the fortress and Kyushu is that the outside is more open than Kyushu. Many,

This woman has natural blue hair and is dressed charmingly, which gives people a charming feeling. Such a woman stands with the young man just now and shows a very different feeling and has a sense of non-nonsical feeling. You should know that you can know their personalities by looking at their clothes. How,

The remaining two people in the Holy Mountain are a middle-aged man with a beard, a black cloth wrapped around his head, a piece of tiger skin, and a pair of wolf leather boots on his feet, while the last one is a * ten-year-old old lady with white hair, trembling even when walking.

Helped by a young man and a woman, she stepped forward step by step with a dragon crutch. The wrinkles on her old face were clearly visible, but no one dared to be disrespectful. This time, the four-person group that came to the Holy Mountain was very strange. If it was normal, it was the young man, look It's more formal,

However, this is the idea of the people of Kyushu. After all, the dress of this person among the four is a Kyushu custom, and the remaining three are simply non-conventional in the eyes of many Kyushu people.

However, the strength of Shengshan is also placed here. Although it feels strange, no one dares to be disrespectful. After watching the four people sit down, he continued to look at the 3,000-year-old Zhuguo on the auction table. For this Zhuguo, he was speechless and very moved.

But when he went through the turmoil just now and squeezed forward, he found that he could not even squeeze such a short distance from the auction table, not to mention that no one in the second floor had taken action at that time, which made Su Wuyan recognize the gap in strength today.

My strength is still too poor. Although the strength in the early stage of the second order is no longer weak, compared with some major forces in Kyushu, it is simply weak and vulnerable. Some of them can't be accepted silently. After all, in my silent heart, I have to climb. At the peak of martial arts,

However, now it has also let Su Wuyan formalized his own strength. Originally, Su Wuyan's rapid enhancement of strength still made Su Wuyan a little complacent, thinking that his strength was good, but now it has let Su Wuyan know that there are people outside, and some of his strength are not counted at all. What is it?

Although Su Wuyan suffered some blows, it made Su Wuyan more strengthen his determination to climb the martial arts. This time, the four people from the Holy Mountain obviously have aspiration for Zhu Guo, who are 3,000 years old. Not long after the four people from the Holy Mountain arrived, they have joined the auction. Among the ranks of Shengshan is obviously prepared this time. Each price increase is 100 purple stone. Although the four people of Shengshan have not come for a long time, it has raised the price of Shengshan to the auction price of 1,500 purple stone in a short time. Shengshan has only increased the price three times, but each time it is A hundred purple stones have grown,

You should know that before the four people of Shengshan didn't come, each price increase was just 20 or 30 purple garden stones. You know, a purple garden stone is 5 million taels of silver. Now more than 1,500 purple garden stones are a sky-high price. This price can buy several cities,

Nowadays, the 3,000-year-old Zhuguo is just a natural treasure that can be exchanged for several cities, and now the price of the 3,000-year-old Zhuguo auction is still rising. The price of 1,500 Ziyuan stone is not the highest price of 3,000-year-old Zhuguo at all.

Although many forces have united today, they have underestimated the attraction of Zhuguo for 3,000 years. By now, the bidding price of Zhuguo in 3,000 years is almost twice the price of Qinglian Sword yesterday. Now it is a little close. At this time, all forces are glaring at the Holy Mountain. After all, like the Holy Mountain The price increase of one hundred purple garden stones,

These forces in mainland Kyushu can't stand it. This is not a matter of financial resources, but that the major forces in mainland Kyushu have not collected much purple stones at all due to the rush of time, so now the price increase in Shengshan makes all forces unable to stand it at all.

However, looking at everyone's angry eyes, a young man and a woman in the Holy Mountain not only did not look afraid at this time, but also looked more arrogant. That look seemed to say that if there is no purple stone, don't come here to participate in the auction and don't come out to lose this person.

The arrogant look of the two people. No one in the scene is a fool. The impression of the Holy Mountain is even worse. The Holy Mountain, which is not good in the eyes of everyone, is now even worse in the eyes of everyone. If there is a score, if it is five points at the beginning, now it is two points. < /P>

From this, it can be seen that these people in the Holy Mountain are very poor, which is simply a domineering posture and gives everyone a very poor impression. However, this time, although the Holy Mountain is relatively poor, the strength of the Holy Mountain is beyond doubt.

Ziyuan stone is very rare for others, but for Shengshan, Ziyuan stone is very sufficient. You should know that Ziyuan stone is abundant outside the fortress. Although Shengshan has not deliberately collected Ziyuan stone for nearly a thousand years, Ziyuan stone has been accumulated after thousands of years of collection. A very horrible number, and this time I heard that the auction will be auctioned on a purple stone,

Shengshan can be said to be very happy. You know, Ziyuan Stone can be said to be just a pile of stones for Shengshan, which has no effect at all, so it does not reflect its importance to Ziyuan Stone Shengshan at all, and these Ziyuan stones have been slowly collected from many forces for so many years. ,

After all, the Holy Mountain is the hegemon outside the fortress. If the general forces want to get the protection of the Holy Mountain, they have to hand in some precious items, and the Ziyuan Stone is one of them. Several forces offer the Ziyuan Stone every year. Over time, it is difficult to have many Ziyuan Stone. After all, the Ziyuan Stone has little effect in the Holy Mountain.

So this time the Holy Mountain brought all the purple garden stones. In the view of the Holy Mountain, more than 1,000 purple garden stones are not in the eyes of the Holy Mountain at all, so it is relatively implicit to add 100 purple garden stones this time, but people who don't know the current situation of the Holy Mountain don't think so. .

So this time the Holy Mountain has offended everyone. The Holy Mountain has not dealt with people for too long. As the hegemon, the Holy Mountain has not dealt with others for a long time.