wu dao xian ying

Chapter 92 Conflict Resurreation

Now he was speechless. Half a day passed in a blink of an eye. The old man had driven to the coyote tribe. After entering the coyote tribe, the old man found a nearby person. After asking about the way, he did not stop and drove away again, but the old man did not find the journey he told himself. At this time, his expression was relatively gloomy. At this time, he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and then left quickly.

Soon after, a group of people went towards the Golden Wolf tribe. After the old man learned where the Golden Wolf tribe was, he was not in a hurry. After all, he thought it would take half a day for the coyote tribe to think of the Golden Wolf tribe, but now he did not think of the coyote tribe to the Golden Wolf tribe. It only takes two hours, which can be said to be very short. Now it's just noon,

So it was very sufficient in time, so the old man was not in a hurry. Soon the old man heard a violent sound of horses' hoofs, and then a group of fierce gods riding horses appeared behind the old man. Seeing this group of people, the old man gave way to his way very interestingly. There have been many such things. The old man has already had this experience. In the eyes of the old man, he can't afford to provoke it alone.

So every time the old man gave way in advance, but this time the old man was wrong. The goal of this group of people is obviously the old man here, so after the old man gave way, a group of people immediately changed direction and came to the old man. Seeing such a situation, the old man did not know what was going on. At this time, this group of people is not far from the old man, and the old man can clearly see the fierce expression on the faces of this group of people.

The old man immediately panicked. Although he was always driving the carriage desperately at this time, the speed of the carriage was not as fast as the people behind him. It was just a matter of time to catch up. At this time, the old man said in panic and said to the plain in the carriage: "Grandma, there is a group behind The fierce man chased me with bad intentions. What should I do?

At this time, Su Wuyan was still practicing, but Su Wuyan still knew everything outside. Now that he heard the old man's words, Su Wuyan suddenly opened his eyes because of meditation and practice and said lightly, "Don't run anymore. Our speed is not as fast as them at all. It's just time to catch up. Problem, stop it!"

I was speechless and talked to the old man without being idle. Looking out from a small window left on the side of the carriage, I found that there were a group of more than a dozen people, each of whom were fierce and evil spirits, so that people could tell at a glance that they were not good people, not to mention that they were aggressive towards themselves. Come on, it's malicious at first glance. At this time, it's strange to be speechless. I haven't been here for more than an hour at all, although I have killed a lot of people from the coyote tribe in the past.

But Su Wuyan can guarantee that no one can leave alive, and no living person knows that Su Wuyan has a grudge against the coyote tribe at all, so it is very strange that the coyote tribe sends people to kill themselves when they see it for the first time.

In fact, what I don't know is that this group of people are not from the coyote tribe at all, but a group of horse thieves 500 miles away. They have been plundering the nearby generation all year round, but the horse thieves also need to buy something, some daily necessities, some weapons, and the coyote department Luo is just satisfied with this. The coyote tribe does business regardless of who the other party is, as long as the other party can escape the money, so this group of horse thieves will come here several times a year.

Now this time he happened to come to the coyote tribe, and the leader of this group of horse thieves received the news that a luxurious carriage was going towards the golden wolf tribe. The person who reported it was the person who just told the old man the road. There is no doubt that after all, the old man only saw this person when he went to the coyote tribe. Originally, this person didn't look good when he heard that the old man was going to the Golden Wolf Tribe. After all, it's not just the Golden Wolf Tribe that hates the Coyote Tribe.

Similar to the Golden Wolf Tribe, some people in the Coyote Tribe also hate the people of the Golden Wolf Tribe. Originally, this person did not intend to tell the old man, but as soon as he saw the old man's carriage, he changed his attention and sent the old man away. This person couldn't wait to find this group of horse thieves. After all, this group of horse thieves often How can there be no eyeliner when you come here? This man is the eyeliner of the coyote tribe. Just looking at the old man's carriage, you can know that he caught a fat sheep this time.

So as soon as he heard the man's high density, the leader of the horse thief chased after him with more than a dozen of his men. At this time, he was speechless from the stopped carriage. At this time, a group of fierce horse thieves also arrived one after another, surrounded the silent and the old men in the middle and forced him to get off the horse one after another. Come here, Su Wuyan looked at the leader and looked at the fiery eyes of the old man's carriage. Su Wuyan knew that this time it was caused by the carriage.

The living conditions of the old man are not very good, but there is such a good carriage, and no one dares to take it away. This is a very strange thing. With the luxury of a carriage, I know without saying a word that the old man can't earn it in his life. Obviously, the old man is also a person with a story, but Wuyan has no time to take care of it, but now he has grabbed his head. At this time, he took out the hot sun knife.

In front of him, he looked coldly at the few people in front of him. At this time, Su Wuyan planned to show his fists and feet. After all, Su Wuyan is just a breakthrough now. It happened that he had not tried his own strength. He happened to practice with these people, but the old man was relatively flustered at this time. Hiding behind the silent body and daring to look at the surrounding people, the silent can obviously feel the old man's panicked expression.

At this time, the leader of the horse thief has no nonsense. After all, reality is reality. In the TV series watched in the past life, every time a horse thief or mountain thief comes out *, he has to say half a day and wastes a long time. At that time, he will turn the other party over, and in reality, this will not appear at all. After all, who doesn't know how to fight quickly? These four words are the consistent style of horse thieves.

Come and go like the wind, describing it as horse thieves. Otherwise, this group of horse thieves would not have been so rampant in this place, which is simply beyond anyone's control. You know how many times this group of horse thieves have experienced encirclement, but they are safe and sound now.

Because the style of the horse thief was really fast, before the encirclement army came, the horse thief who received the news had already taken the lead in withdrawing. When it was not too long, it continued to appear, back and forth, and finally the nearby tribes, That is to say, turn a blind eye. As long as this group of horse thieves don't do anything important, after all, every time they eliminate horse thieves, they have to spend a lot of money.

It is not easy to want the army to appear once. There is an old saying that a cannon is ten thousand taels of gold, which often appears in a speechless previous life. It is a metaphor for countless money spent after a war.

This group of horse thieves also knew that the old man could not do martial arts. After all, the old man hiding behind Su Wuyan at this time had trembled all over. Everyone chose to ignore the old man and attacked Su Wuyan. This group of people was very strange that Su Wuyan did not see the strength of this group of people now, but this No wonder they are speechless. After all, this group of horse thieves have special means to hide their strength. It is precisely because of this that they can escape the encirclement again and again.

As long as you hide your strength and go to the pile of people who don't know martial arts, you can't distinguish it at all. When the limelight continues to gather and live the life of a horse thief, it can be said to be extremely free. Now the coyote tribe has obviously hidden their strength, so that in the coyote It's easy to do things in the tribe.