wu dao xian ying

Chapter 101 Before the Shock

After following into the tent, Su Wuyan found that the dress in the tent was obviously a cold room, because the dress inside looked like a woman's room. At this time, as soon as Su Wuyan saw it, she could know that it was impolite to enter a woman's room. For, if it is in Kyushu, unless a woman has something important, otherwise, it will not be like this at all. Another man enters,

But there is no such rule in the outside. After all, the people outside the fortress are much more bold than the people in Kyushu. More importantly, anything can happen outside the fortress, so no one pays attention to this at all. This is the difference between the customs outside the fortress and the mainland of Kyushu. In the eyes of the people outside the fortress, How simple is something to do, but Kyushu is different. There are all kinds of scruples in mainland Kyushu, so you have to think carefully before doing things.

And now there is a trace of embarrassment when he just entered, and then it has been released. Although Su Wuyan is now affected by the customs of Kyushu mainland, in his past life, he has seen many such things at all and doesn't care at all. Now the owners of the tent don't care. Speechless and even more indifferent, and these people outside the tent, at this time, after seeing Leng Yan walk into the tent with silence,

One by one has evacuated. After all, the cold tents are not accessible to ordinary people. These people have left one after another, especially those who found to be speechless. At this time, they are not worried about not being able to receive rewards. After all, so many people have seen it this time, so this At that time, these people left and went back to receive rewards, and the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe, at this time, after walking into the cold tent without saying a word,

had already come to the tent of Lengyan and entered Lengyan's tent. At this time, Su Wuyan was chatting with Lengyan, but at this time, the tent was opened, and then an old man came in, with an angry and arrogant expression. Although he looked old, he was giving people A very energetic feeling, silent in this person, I feel a mountain-like momentum, which is simply unfathomable.

Looking at the clothes of the comer and the momentum on his body, he has guessed that this person's origin. If nothing unexpected happens, this person is the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe. "The head of the Golden Wolf Tribe," said involuntarily when he saw this man without words, "That's right! It was me who wanted to thank you for saving my two descendants. If it weren't for you, my lineage would have been extinct." When I said here, there was a trace of sadness on the face of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. This sentence reminded the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe of his tragic death of his son.

When I heard the words of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe, I once again recognized one thing, that is, the world is very important for the inheritance of the descendants. If there are no descendants to pass on incense, it can drive people crazy. "It is also a coincidence to save the two, and the patriarch does not need to thank them," Su At this time, when he heard the words of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe, he answered,

"This time, there are two things coming to the Golden Wolf tribe. One is to confirm the situation of the cold man and sister. Now the cold man and sister are safe and sound, but the first thing has been completed, and the second thing is to ask a person. If there is no accident, it is It's from the coyote tribe," Su Wuyan continued to say at this time. He had already said his purpose of coming to the Golden Wolf tribe. Su Wuyi also reported that he planned to let the Golden Wolf tribe investigate the person who seduced his demons at the beginning.

After all, if you rely on your own strength and want to find out, but you don't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey, and you can't wait, so at this time, you are speechless to explain your purpose. "I don't know what the appearance of this person you want to inquire about. You should know that the coyote tribe is not a big tribe. But tens of thousands of people still have it. If there is no unique appearance, it is very difficult to find out." At this time, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe heard that he was speechless and wanted to inquire about a person.

said hesitantly. After all, tens of thousands of people in the coyote tribe do not have a specific appearance. It can be said that it is very difficult to inquire about a person's words. At this time, Su Wuyu fell into memories with the words of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. The scene suddenly became silent, and he was speechless for a long time. He continued: "This person's status in the coyote tribe is not low, at least the strength of the second-order medium, and he is still a woman,"

"In this case, it is easier to find. After all, there are not many people with the second-order strength of the coyote tribe, not to mention the strength in the middle stage of the second-order, which is rare, and she is also a woman. You should know that the only woman who is the patriarch of the coyote tribe is a woman, and her strength is in line with you. Requirements, but I don't know if there are any hidden characters in the coyote tribe. Please talk about the characteristics of this person and confirm, "

"This person's first feeling is desire, and his dress is very enchanting," Su Wuyan just finished saying, and the ancestor of the Golden Wolf Tribe immediately said, "That's not wrong. This person is definitely Li Mei of the Coyote Tribe, and only this person is the same as what you said. The year before last, I saw this person, as if he were Xiu Caused by the kung fu, the first sight is to give people a desire. If a person with weak self-control, he will definitely be fascinated by this person. Li Mei is definitely practicing the skills of charming mind, but he doesn't know what you are doing?

At this point, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe looked at Su Wu. After all, he was speechless to inquire about the important figures of the Coyote tribe in the Golden Wolf tribe, which made the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe have to guard against it. If this person has something to do with Li Mei, although this person is the lifesaver of the cold brother and sister, Jin The old patriarch of the wolf tribe also did not intend to let this person leave the Golden Wolf tribe alive, and he saw the eyes of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe without saying a word, but at this time, he looked at the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe without hesitation.

Then he said lightly; "At that time, I asked the Leng Yan brothers and sisters to go first. Compared with this matter, the old patriarch already knew about it!" Hearing Su Wuyan say this, the chief of the Golden Wolf tribe nodded to show that he knew about this matter. After Leng Yan came back, he had already told the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. Seeing the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe nodded, Su Wuyan continued to say at this time; "At the beginning, he asked Lengyan brothers and sisters to leave because he was worried about the front of the coyote tribe. There were too many people to intercept, so it was not enough to protect the cold Yan brothers and sisters, but when the pursuers came, I found that there was only one person, but the strength of the other party was not low. At that time, it was the same strength in the early stage of the second order. After a long battle,

This person was finally killed by me. At that time, I immediately thought of daring to go ahead and planned to catch up with the cold brother and sister, but I found that I didn't find a shadow at all. I had no choice but to meditate and practice to restore the internal strength consumed in the battle at that time. Later, I met Li Mei, no At that time, I didn't know that this person was Li Mei. At that time, Li Mei asked me about the whereabouts of the person I killed. At that time, I immediately denied it, but later, due to the rapid growth of my skills, the building completely exploded. At that time, the demon in my heart was actually seduced by Li Mei, but later it was Li Mei's negligence. I picked up a life, but now my strength has been greatly advanced. The purpose of coming to the Golden Wolf Tribe is to find out this person and take good medicine to revenge.

When talking about this, there was a wave in Su Wuyan's body. Obviously, Su Wuyan's heart was not calm at this time. Otherwise, the momentum on Su Wuyan's body could not fluctuate. At this time, Su Wuyan was out. After all, Su Wuyan had already said it at this time, but Su Wuyan was still He concealed himself from being teased and only said that he was seduced out of his mind by Li Mei.