wu dao xian ying

Chapter 106 Gathering in the Golden Wolf

Although it was a pity, he couldn't turn back the time, so he regretted for a moment and was attracted by Helian Lilie's words. "The Yin and Yang Demon Sect released the news that now people can rush to the Golden Wolf tribe tomorrow to announce such news. Fortunately, our Golden Wolf tribe took the lead in knowing it. If you can have time to prepare, you should know that many tribes just don't have any preparation time. When they hear such news, they don't believe that the Holy Mountain will be destroyed at all, so they don't pay attention to the messenger of the Yin and Yang Demon Sect at all. As a result, the whole tribe will be killed by the Yin and Yang Demon Sect. There are many tribes that have been exterminated."

The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe nodded after hearing it. If it hadn't been for what Helian Lilie said, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe would have doubted this matter. After all, the strength of the Holy Mountain is not weak, and the three words invincible have been deeply rooted in everyone's hearts. I couldn't wait to hear a stranger say that the Holy Mountain no longer exists. Yes, ordinary people will not believe it at all, but fortunately, it is Helian Lilie who took the lead in knowing the news, so such a thing will not happen at all.

"Lie, go and prepare for it, make a place and turn it into a forbidden area. No one is allowed to come in without my permission. Do this matter quickly," the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe said to Helian Lie as if he just remembered. The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe really wanted the master of the Water Wolf tribe to come after , there is a place to settle down, and no one is allowed to come in, but the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe intends to keep it secret. After all, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe also knows that there must be people from the Coyote tribe in his own Golden Wolf tribe.

It's like there are people from the golden wolf tribe in the coyote tribe, so the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe does not intend to leak his own plan, so. It can be said that the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe can be said to be careful to deal with the coyote tribe, but what the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe does not know is that in the coyote The tribe is also gathering masters, but the reinforcements of the wind thief continue to appear this time. As for the conditions promised by the chief of the coyote tribe to the wind thief,

Now we are constantly looking for the murderers who killed several wind thieves. It can be said that the patriarch of the coyote tribe has made a big fight for this matter. The people and horses in the coyote tribe seem to be crazy, constantly looking for hundreds of miles around the coyote tribe. Baili has not continued to search more. The scope of such a big search is more blatant than the original Golden Wolf tribe's silent search,

When the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe just returned to his tent, he had heard that the coyote tribe was looking for something in a big way now, but it is unknown what it is. The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe is now plotting against the coyote tribe. It is the time when there is a ghost in his heart. At this time, he saw the coyote tribe Now the big action is immediately ordered; "Try! Do whatever it takes to find out why the coyote tribe did such a thing?

It can be said that the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe thought that he had been rumored in the coyote tribe, so he was so nervous at this time. After the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe left, he had to leave. After all, Su Wuyan planned to look for Li Mei, but at this time, he invited Su Wuyan to stay. Sheng Under the difficulties, Su Wuyan stayed for a few more days, and after Su said goodbye, after Su Wuyan personally received the accommodation arranged by Leng Yan for Su Wuyan,

Leng Yan left, but Leng Yan did not return to his tent, but came towards the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. Just now, when the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe left, he hinted at the cold words. The meaning was very clear and waited until there was no one. Come to find yourself, so at this time, after arranging the silence, the cold words came to the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe.

Although Leng Yan just came back for a long time, everyone respected the granddaughter of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. After all, Leng Yan's quiet and elegant temperament that only Kyushu women have conquered all the people in the Golden Wolf tribe. Leng Yan came to the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. After the tent, he went straight in, looked at the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe who was wiping the treasure knife, and asked coldly directly, "Grandpa doesn't know what's important to come to me?"

Hearing the cold words, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe raised his head and looked at the cold words and said, "Grandpa's body is now overwhelmed. If he had been an ordinary person at Grandpa's age, he would have died long ago. Although Grandpa has supported it until now, Grandpa knows that I can't live for long now, and I'm still more assured of your grandfather, but your brother's cold heart is not yet an adult, and it's time to take care of him."

When the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe said here, he suddenly sighed, and the melancholy expression on his face also appeared. There was no momentum of the race in front of people at all. Only at this time was it that the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe was like an elder who cared about his younger generation, just when he was about to speak coldly. The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe raised a hand that was wiping the treasure knife and waved the cold words. "If there were no coyote tribe, Grandpa would have died. With the protection of the Golden Wolf Tribe in the Golden Wolf Tribe, your brother and sister are not in danger at all, but now it is different. The Coyote tribe The patriarch is ambitious and has been successively annexed by the coyote tribe in just a few decades.

The five major tribes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, now there are only the Golden Wolf tribe and the Water Wolf tribe. The resister Coyote tribe. Now there is a grandfather in the Golden Wolf tribe, so the Coyote tribe dares not make any action, but if Grandpa dies, the Golden Wolf tribe will have no deterrent. After all, the Golden Wolf tribe Among them, only Grandpa is the master of the second-order peak. In addition to Grandpa, the most powerful among the Golden Wolf Tribe is only your Uncle Helian Lilie, the strength in the later stage of the second stage. Although Grandpa has been training you Uncle Helian Lilie in the past few years, if there is no accident, your strength will stop. At this point, if there is no chance and adventure, it can be said that the Golden Wolf tribe has no possibility of turning over.

But when I saw your life-saving benefactor speechless today, it rekindled my grandfather's hope. When Grandpa saw it speechless, he already saw that he was less than 20 years old at a glance, but now he has the strength in the middle of the second order, which can be said that the future is boundless, and the peak of the second order is It is not the peak of the second son. It can be said that the silent future of your lifesaver is not something that Grandpa can guess at all. After all, although Grandpa's strength does not look weak here, compared with the rest of the warriors, Grandpa's strength is nothing at all. No matter how bad it is, it can reach the peak of the second order, but As long as you are a better person now,

is crucial to the future of the Golden Wolf Tribe,

Hearing the words of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe, Leng Yan saw the lonely look of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe at this time, but couldn't help but feel sad. Leng Yan also knew what the situation of the Golden Wolf tribe is now. Although he looked at the current scenery of the Golden Wolf tribe, Leng Yan knew that this was just a superficial phenomenon. Today's Golden Wolf The tribe is already like a sailboat in the sea. As long as you are a little careless, you will be overturned by the waves and buried in the endless sea.

If their grandfather is alive, the coyote tribe will worry about the strength of their grandfather's second-order peak and dare not do anything to the golden wolf tribe, but if their grandfather is gone, the first to do anything to the golden wolf tribe is the coyote tribe. After all, the coyote tribe has not been staring at the golden wolf tribe for a day or two. Not to mention that no one can resist the second-order peak masters in the coyote tribe at that time.