wu dao xian ying

Chapter 133 Leave Next

At this time, when he heard Lengyan's words, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe noticed that Leng Yan also woke up. Compared with the shock of seeing Lengyan, he was more gratified to see Lengyan. Not to mention Lengyan, he was his own granddaughter, and even Lengyan was also a member of the Golden Wolf tribe. Lengyan's strength improved. It is also very beneficial to the Golden Wolf tribe. Originally, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe thought that the Golden Wolf tribe would rely on Helian Lilie in the future, so the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe would rather ignore his injury.

It also takes a lot of energy to heal Helian Lilie's wounds, because he doesn't want Helian Lilie to leave a hidden injury, so that Helian Lilie has a better chance to break through the second-order peak. But now when he sees cold words, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe knows the future of the Golden Wolf tribe, but he has to rely on cold words. Now there are mid-second-level cold words. Strength, at this age, is not a problem to reach the peak of the second level, and even reach the third level.

It can be said that the future of the Golden Wolf Tribe is expected to be cold words, but what the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe does not know is that the Golden Wolf tribe will still rely on Helian Lilie in the future, because Leng Yan was accepted as a contemporary descendant by the Yaochi faction of the Kyushu hermit faction, left the outside and returned to Yaochi. Wonderland met Su Wusou again three years later, but the status of the two was completely different at this time.

Without gossip, the attention of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe has just focused on the silent. He did not find the cold words at the first time. Now that he knows the strength of the cold words makes the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe very excited. The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe now wants to unload the burden of the Golden Wolf tribe, because of Yin The messenger of the Yang Demon Sect who came to the Golden Wolf tribe has set a date to let the masters of each tribe go to the Yuanmeng tribe,

Now the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe wants to do the last thing for the Golden Wolf tribe, which is to go to the Yuanmeng tribe. Now that in the Golden Wolf tribe, without a second-order master, the strength of the Golden Wolf tribe is also declining, but the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe himself is different. The old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe knows his The situation has not been long. Even if there is an accident in the Yuanmeng tribe, it will not affect the strength of the Golden Wolf tribe.

After all, I don't have much time to live. Now I know the strength of Leng Yan before leaving, which makes the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe more reassure me. In this way, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe and Leng Yan left here. After all, this place is already in ruins because of the battle two days ago. , can't live, return to the tent where the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe usually discusses,

Su asked directly, "I don't know if the old patriarch knows Li Mei's whereabouts now?" Su Wuyan did not forget the purpose of coming to the Golden Wolf Tribe. Hearing Su Wuyan's silent question, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe, he pondered and said, "Li Mei has led many wolf tribal people with the chief of the Tuwolf tribe. I don't know where he has gone. I don't know Li Mei's whereabouts, only knows how to go to the east."

Hearing this, I was speechless at this time, but I planned to leave, but my purpose of coming to the Golden Wolf Tribe was not achieved. Now I don't know where Li Mei is now, I finally have another direction to pursue, especially because I have been delayed a lot of time, and now I don't know that Li Mei has gone. Where, this makes Su Wuyan more anxious. For Li Meisu's silence, she dare not forget it for a day.

This mood makes Su Wuyan know that if he can't solve Li Mei's matter, it is an obstacle to his future practice. If he doesn't solve it as soon as possible, he will definitely form a demon in his heart after a long time, so Su Wuyan is indeed When he planned to leave, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe saw Su Wuyan's now meditative expression and knew that Su Wuyan had already intended to leave.

The old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe who has read countless people can still see this. Since he decided to leave, Su Wuyan is not a hesitant person. After thinking for a long time, he said directly. "Since Li Mei has left for the east, it's time for me to leave," Su Wuyan was very resolute. When I heard that I was speechless, I planned to leave, but I was about to admonish him, but I saw the eyes of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe.

Just as he was about to speak, he swallowed his words. "Since I plan to leave, I won't stop you. After all, when you came to the Golden Wolf Tribe this time, you said that you came to look for Li Mei. However, although I don't stop you, you don't have prepared food in the package now, plus you have I didn't have a good meal for two days. Although it's nothing with your current strength, it always has some impact. Why don't you leave after having a meal, even if I practice it for you, "

"Yes! Brother Wuyan, since you are going to look for Li Mei, Li Mei has been away from here for several days and doesn't care about the time. Why don't you go after eating this meal?" The cold words are consistent at this time,

Su Wuyi heard but agreed. After eating the wine for himself in the Golden Wolf tribe, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe took the package that had been prepared for him, but made a big strode to the east. Originally, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe planned to match Su Wuyan with a BMW, which could make Su speechless. The speed is faster. Originally, there was some heartbeat and speechless, but now Li Mei doesn't know where it is at all.

It's better to walk forward by yourself. Although it is slower, it can keep you in practice all the time, which is beneficial for you to increase your strength. Although you have reached the peak of the second level, you still haven't forgotten that in three years, you will face the major continents of Kyushu. If the genius of the sect family relaxes for a moment, he will not be the opponent of these people in three years.

Although Su Wuyan is looking for Li Mei now, he also regards this trip as a practice. After Su Wuyan left, he looked at Su Wuyan who disappeared in the vast grassland and said to the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe at this time: "Grandpa, why did you stop me when I was going to stop Brother Wuyan from leaving just now? ?"

"He doesn't belong here. The Golden Wolf tribe is too small to tolerate him at all. If he stays, it will also destroy him." When the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe said with emotion, he turned around and left for Helian Lilie. After all, it was time to heal Helian Lilie, but he said coldly. I have been standing in the east of the Golden Wolf tribe for a long time, thinking about what the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe said for a long time.

And Leng Yan also knew that Su Wuyan would leave this time. The opportunity to meet him again can be said to be very slim. It can even be said that there will be no opportunity to meet in the future, but Leng Yan did not expect to meet Su Wuyan again three years later, but Shi Lengyan is the most outstanding descendant of Yaochi.

After saying that Su Wuyan left the Golden Wolf tribe, he had been walking towards the east. During this period, Su Wuyan was not sure whether Li Mei had changed his direction or not, but Su Wuyan also considered that after Li Mei changed direction, he could not tell which of the other three directions he was going in. It was better to keep going east. Go, there is still a glimmer of hope,

After Su Muyan left the Golden Wolf tribe for more than half a month, the experience during this period made Su Wuyan feel that the outside is very chaotic, and there are wars everywhere. Compared with the whole Saiwai, he was relatively calm when he first arrived. Su Wuyan also knew that the holy mountain outside the fortress was suddenly Destroyed, only the descendants of the contemporary Holy Lord successfully broke out, and the rest were basically killed,

Without the suppression of the Holy Mountain, the tribe that was originally in the power of the Holy Mountain did not dare to move. At this time, they had no scruples and expanded their own strength crazily. The pattern outside the fortress was completely broken. The weak tribes could not escape the fate of being annexed. For all this yin and yang demon religion, there was no If there is a stop, everything is tacit, which makes many tribes who did not dare to make big moves at the beginning even more unscrupulous when they find that the Yin and Yang Demon Religion has not stopped it.

Originally, a plate of scattered sand outside has formed a situation of dividing the party in a short period of time. In another half a year, there are almost only a few tribes left outside the fortress. Originally, the situation of scattered sand outside the plug is that I don't know how many years it took for the Holy Mountain to form a situation. Only such a situation for the Holy Mountain The outside hegemon is the safest. Otherwise, the strength of the tribe is too great to threaten the status of the Holy Mountain, which is indeed not allowed by the Holy Mountain.

After all, if the strength of one of the tribes outside the fortress grows too fast, the Holy Mountain will be suppressed. It is because of such a strategy that the Holy Mountain can be the hegemon outside the fortress for so many years. Without such a strategy, the Holy Mountain would not have such a status outside the fortress. If it hadn't been for the Yin and Yang Demon Religion to destroy the Holy Mountain. It can be said that the holy mountain that has been implementing such a strategy has always been able to be in a dominant position outside the fortress.

Today's chaotic scene has made Su Wuyan relatively numb. At the beginning, Su Wuyan would go to save him, but after a long time, Su Wuyan became numb. After encountering the same thing again, Su Wuyan has no reaction at all. After leaving, Su Wuyan himself does not think of himself. He is a saint with so much energy that he can manage everything, but the more chaotic plug is a relatively silent practice. There are battles everywhere in the chaotic plug, which makes it more convenient to challenge the master speechless. At that time, when something happens, you can't think of the silent.