wu dao xian ying

Chapter 137 Sweep

It is impossible to deceive themselves in the status of two, but the chief of the Cobble tribe still intends to ask the patrol soldiers in person, so he hesitated to say, "Go and call in the patrol soldiers outside and let me ask carefully?"

The younger man walked directly out and went outside the tent and said to the waiting patrol soldiers. "The patriarch asked you to come in," after shouting, he returned directly to the tent, and the patrol soldiers rushed into the tent, otherwise there were countless bodyguards standing around the tent. Each seems to give a slight pressure to the patrol soldiers, which makes the patrol soldiers know that these guards are not ordinary people.

Obviously, they are all warriors, and only a few warriors they saw not long ago gave themselves such a feeling. Entering the tent, the patrol soldiers saw the Coble tribal chief and the two who had just brought themselves in standing beside the Cobble tribal chief at this time. After seeing the patriarch, the patrolling soldiers He immediately knelt down, and the patriarch Coble couldn't wait to ask after the patrol soldiers came in: "What's going on?" Tell me more about it,"

At this time, I heard the patriarch's question, and the patrol soldiers were a little nervous. After all, although it was not the first time the patrol soldiers saw the patriarch, every time the Coble tribe patriarch was basically in the tribal assembly. At that time, they were not facing the patrol soldiers themselves, so they were not very nervous, but now they are in person. For the patriarch, the patrol soldiers were very nervous at this time and hesitated to speak. After listening to it for a long time, the chief of the Coble tribe did not hear it clearly.

"It's clear! I can't tell if I'll kill you right now!" I couldn't hear what the patrol soldiers were saying. The chief of the Cobble tribe shouted upsetly. Sure enough, the words of the chief of the Coble tribe worked, and the words were much clearer. Although there was still some tension, anyway, now the chief of the Cobble tribe can hear it clearly and listen to the place of the patrol soldiers. After saying that, after the head of the Coble tribe directly let the patrol soldiers go out,

began to think about what had happened. The chief of the Coble tribe knew what had happened. Today, the patrol soldiers and others were still patrolling as usual, but they met the man who came alone to call his father out. A team of patrol soldiers did not take this man's move, but only the patrol soldier was going back to the tribe to pass it. The news is safe and sound. This is the basic story. The strength of the patrol soldiers is not strong, and they are not even martial artists at all, so the patriarch of the Cobble tribe can't distinguish the strength of people according to the news at all.

So at this time, the Coble tribe had some indecisiveness, but the younger man, Fei Bao, the young apprentice of Ferron, could not stand it at this time. He quickly walked out of the tent and went out of the Coble tribe. The two people adopted by Feren since childhood were the surname of Feren, who followed Feren, and gave The two are named to repay kindness, one word, the older one is called Fein, and the smaller one is called Feibao. The meaning of the two words is not forgetting to repay kindness,

It can be said that such a name is very special. If the people of Kyushu would not have named this name at all, and only the thinking of Saiwai and Kyushu will have such a name. Seeing Feibao quickly walk out of the tent, Fen wants to pull Feibao and look at the posture of Feibao. I knew that Feibao must have gone outside the tribe. After all, Fenn is older and young. Although Fien's heart was full of anger at this time, Fien resisted.

is similar to the idea of the Coble tribal patriarch. Fen knows that his master's strength is the peak of the second-order, and he is absolutely prepared to come to provoke, so he doesn't understand the details of the other party, but he dares not act rashly, so Fenn now agrees with Cobb. The current practice of the tribal patriarch is to prepare a perfect strategy, but the Feibao is different. When the Feibao was originally devoking his master outside as the patrol soldiers said,

Feibao couldn't stand it at that time and was about to rush out. It's just that Fenn pulled Feibao to see what the patriarch should do. Now Feibao saw that the patriarch of the Coble tribe had not given orders yet. Thinking about it, Feibao couldn't help going out directly. In Feibao's opinion, people have bullied home now. Outside the tribe, he directly provoked the god-like master in his mind, and simply didn't pay attention to the Cobble tribe.

This made Fei Bao unbearable. Seeing Fei Bao disappear into the tent, when Fen was about to chase him, the head of the Coble tribe stopped Fein and said; "It's okay for Fei Bao to go, let Fei Bao test the strength of the other party and find out the details." Fen, who was about to stop Fei Bao, listened at this time. Seeing the words of the Cobble tribal chief, he nodded and obviously agreed with the words of the Cobble tribal chief,

"But you'd better take care of it in person. If the other party is too strong and the fee is invincible, you can also save it, and I will go to my father's place. At that time, the two of us will arrive a little later. I have a bad feeling in my heart. Just in case, let my father go. Insurance." After the Coble tribal patriarch went to Feibao, he suddenly had a bad feeling,

So after explaining Fein, the chief of the Coble tribe went directly to Ferron, and after the chief of the Coble tribe left, Fein also left for the outside. After saying that he was speechless, he waited after the patrol soldiers left, but after half a day passed, he was still speechless. When the head of the Cobble tribe comes, I have no doubt what the Cobble tribe is now.

has been hit at the door and can still endure it, which makes Su Wuyan admire the Coble tribe. It seems that he is still too kind. At that time, he should have added a sentence to let Ferren come out and die. If he can resist this sentence, he will believe that Ferren will die in the future. When he was unable to stand outside the plug and was a little impatient, a person appeared in the Coble tribe at this time.

He came to himself quickly and saw that this person had distinguished his strength at a long distance. The strength of the second-order middle stage made Su Wuyan very disappointed. When Su Wuyan did not make a huge breakthrough in his strength, Su Wuyan was able to fight for the second stage and kill several second-order late stage. Nowadays, Su Wuyan's strength is already the peak of the second-order, and Su Wuyan's strength in the middle of the second order has no desire to take action.

However, Su Wuyan now intends to stand up, but at this time, Su Wuyan sees that there is still one person following at this time. The strength of the second-order period, which brightens Su Wuyan's eyes. As long as he solves this second-order person, I believe that there are few second-order late in the Coble tribe. At that time, Feilun absolutely couldn't stand it, so at this time, he was silent and paid attention to the later person.

Later, this person was Fane. Because he was delayed with the head of the Coble tribe for a period of time, he had to be one step slower than Fei Bao, but Fane's strength was stronger than Fei Bao. When he was about to leave the Coble tribe, he was finally caught up by Fei Bao by Fane and saw Fane catch up. Fei Bao thought that Fen was going to pull himself back at this time, so he said directly to Fein: "Brother, I won't go back with you. The master's status in my heart is like a god. This man dares to insult the master. I can't stand this breath and I won't go back."

Looking at Feibao's resolute expression, Payne said fiercely: "I'm not here to persuade you to return to the meeting. The eldest brother intends to go back to this person with you to see what strength this person has, and he dares to provoke the master." Hearing this Feibao was overjoyed: "Since the eldest brother came to help, this person can never leave alive. Here, the strength of his eldest brother is clear. Although he has just broken through to the second-order late stage, none of the second-order masters in the Coble tribe are opponents of his eldest brother.