wu dao xian ying

Chapter 145 Ideal

But after the destruction of the Holy Mountain, the dusty mind began to move again. You should know that when the Holy Mountain existed, Jiaoju wanted to form a tribe. Among them, the most difficult thing was people. At least 1,000 people in a tribe, or even tens of thousands of people could be regarded as a tribe. At the beginning, Jiaoju was empty and powerful. However, there is no possibility of success. Originally, with the strength of Jiaoju, as long as the patriarch of a small tribe was killed,

Then accept this tribe, which can be said to be a very easy thing, but the existence of the holy mountain does not allow such a thing to happen. If the strength is strong, it can kill the patriarch of the weak tribe and occupy its tribe. It can be said that it has long been in chaos outside the fortress, so the thing that the holy mountain hates the most is like this. , so as long as such a thing happens outside the fortress, it will be chased by the whole holy mountain outside the competition,

So although Jiaoju had such an idea before, he did not dare to implement it, but was afraid of the Holy Mountain. However, after the destruction of the Holy Mountain, Jiaoju's mind became active for a period of time and was no longer satisfied with the previous idea of forming a small tribe, so Jiaoju did not immediately implement his plan, but constantly Walking outside the plug is to find some powerful helpers,

Now this time, the companion tribe held a trade, and Jiao Ju can't wait to come and constantly invites individual warriors to join in. He wants to find a powerful helper. Originally, the couple not far behind Jiao Ju are the most ideal two of Jiao Ju. They are not only powerful, but also husband and wife, but Jiao Ju I didn't expect that I hadn't said what I thought, and I didn't wait for Jiaoju to test their thoughts.

I didn't expect that the two would work against me at all. Many people who had gathered around Jiao Yu ran to them. Although Jiao Yu was not very optimistic about the people around him, being able to join this team can show that this person's strength is not weak, at least second-order reality. Li, after all, if it is lower than the second-order Jiaoju, it will not let the other party join at all, but although Jiaoju does not value some people,

But I don't plan to give up. After all, these people can't see the importance at this time, but after the formation of the tribe, they are not only masters. If these second-order people join, it will be very beneficial to the tribe. At that time, it is impossible for them to let themselves take action in everything. If some subordinates share the burden, It's better, so Jiaoju's anger against the two came from this, but he joined without saying a word,

but it makes Jiaoju more confident, but at this time, Jiaoju is not sure whether he will help himself or not. However, at this time, Jiaoju is silent. Jiaoju also knows that this is not the time to speak. Obviously, he intends to wait until the companion tribe and negotiate with Su. If he is speechless, Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Jiaoju's eyes. Obviously, he was speechless and would never let go of his speechless.

Jiaoju is also confident in his own strength. The peak of the second-order is definitely not comparable to the second-order period. After a day, the group finally came to the companion tribe. On the way, they have seen many people who came to the companion tribe. Just by seeing the people who came to the companion tribe, they could imagine the companion department without saying a word. Today's bustle, when you come to the companion tribe, and see the scene of the companion tribe, their expressions are different.

Su Wuyan is not very shocked by the scene of the companion tribe. After all, in Kyushu, such a tribe is not worth mentioning at all, but for some people next to them, it is obvious that they have never seen such a prosperous scene. Except for Su Wuyan, there are two people in the team. The second-level late master, whose expression was indifferent at this time was obviously a person who had experienced the scene. He was not much shocked by all this, and Jiaoju did not expect it at this time.

The companion tribe would develop like this. Twenty years ago, Jiaoju was not the peak of the second level at that time, but in the later stage of the second order, he came to the companion tribe, but I didn't expect that 20 years later, the companion tribe would develop into what it is now. It was simply a big difference. Although it was a companion at the beginning. The strength of the tribe is not weak, but it is just a tribe with ordinary strength. Under the suppression of the Holy Mountain,

The development of the companion tribe is fundamentally unhappy. Now it can develop into what it is today, which is also the reason for the destruction of the Holy Mountain. Although the destruction of the Holy Mountain has not been long, it is very huge for the changes outside the whole plug. At this time, Jiaoju looked at the Ban tribe hotly, ** naked eyes were not at all. There is hiding. Looking at the companion tribe is like looking at the peerless beauty, which makes the people around Jiao Ju look at Jiao Ju with strange eyes.

At this time, Jiaoju wanted to occupy this companion tribe, but Jiaoju had not lost his mind and knew that this idea was unrealistic. Among the companion tribe, there were third-order masters. At that time, when his second-order strength came here, he heard that there were third-order masters sitting here. Now he has been 20 years. In the past, I also reached the peak of the second order. At the beginning, the patriarch of the tribe was in the second stage.

Now it must have reached the peak of the second-order. After all, Jiaoju has seen the patriarch of the companion tribe. Although he only watched it from afar at the beginning, Jiaoju knows that this person can't be compared at all, so now there is a little doubt that the patriarch of the companion tribe reached the second-order peak 20 years ago. No, and at the entrance of the tribe, these guards have obviously seen a lot of stunned expressions of these people in the past few days.

is already common, and there is no difference in the look at all, as if you should have such an expression. On the contrary, it will be strange if you don't have any expression. After standing outside the companion tribe for half a day, the group of people began to walk into the companion tribe, and the couple behind Jiaoju, at this time It was to leave and go towards the south of the companion tribe. Seeing the two leave, Jiaoju had no expression at all. For these two people, Jiaoju had wanted them to leave for a long time.

It's just that Jiaoju is not easy to say this, but now that the two left by themselves, they are with Jiaoju's intentions, and the people gathered around them are very embarrassed at this time, because when they left, several people originally planned to follow, but the couple obviously planned to meet their big brother. How could these people follow, so they left directly. The strength of the two in the second stage was only reacted by Su Wuyan and Jiaoju at the first time.

The remaining few people did not react at all and disappeared into the sea of people of the companion tribe, so several people were obviously uneasy at this time. After all, some people followed the couple, but they did not expect that the two would leave so directly and did not care about themselves and others at all, so they looked at this time. The post was relatively embarrassed, and Jiaoju did not say anything at this time, but walked directly to the companion tribe.

At first, when Jiao Yu left, these people did not follow, and there was some hesitation, but when Jiao Yu was about to disappear, they caught up one after another, but there were still two people leaving, and they didn't know where to go at this time, so they were speechless at this time. I plan to follow Jiaoju first. After all, I am not familiar with the companion tribe. Looking at Jiaoju, I am obviously very familiar with the companion tribe.

So it is the wisest idea to follow a person who is familiar with the companion tribe at this time. At this time, although Jiao Ju came 20 years ago, the companion tribe has changed a lot at this time. Now there are some people who can't find a way. I thought that Jiao Ju is familiar with the companion tribe, but I didn't expect it. Jiaoju, who has just led the road for a period of time, has also begun to slow down, which makes Su Wu know that Jiaoju doesn't know how to go now.

However, there are a lot of people coming to the companion tribe now. Many people look tired and obviously keep on their way. At a glance, they know that they have just come to the companion tribe, so following these people, under the leadership of Jiao Ju, they quickly found a place to rest, but the price is relatively expensive. After all, there are more and more people in the tribe, and the price is also rising. If you continue to wait, there may not be a place to rest here.