wu dao xian ying

Chapter 154 Ancient Secrets 2

It can be said that the elder of the tribe now has a sense of conspiracy, but at this time, the elder of the tribe is walking in the front but no one has noticed the expression of the elder of the tribe. Otherwise, he will certainly be surprised to find that the elder of the tribe smiled and soon accompanied the elder of the tribe. Leading everyone to the mouth of the cave again. This time, the third brother and the fourth brother, who accompanied the elder of the tribe, were involuntarily afraid of the mouth of the cave. After all, at that time, the two personally felt the horror in the mouth of the cave, and they didn't even know anything in the mouth of the cave.

At that time, the two just felt a horrible shout, which had already scared them, and when they were about to leave the mouth of the cave, they were attacked by unknown forces. If it hadn't been for the timely rescue of the elders of the tribe, it can be said that they would not have survived at all, so now the two have come to the cave again I couldn't help feeling fear. The action of the two made Su Wuyan and others notice behind them. The strength of the two could not be felt at all. They didn't even know which level they belonged to, but they saw the fearful look of some third-order masters next to them. < /P>

Su Wuyan knew that the strength of these two people was at least third-level, but now when Su Wuyan was following the elders of the tribe on one side, he was also constantly paying attention to the elders of the clan on the other side. It can be said that he was paying attention to them all the time. Now the third brother and fourth brothers of the elders of the tribe, although they are not After a short moment, the involuntary movements of the body were noticed by Su Wuyan. At this time, Su Wuyan looked aside and found that several people next to him also showed contemplative expressions at this time. Obviously, they also noticed it, which made Su Wuyan more careful.

It can make the third-order masters show a look of fear. Obviously, there is a great danger in front of them. They look away from several people. At this time, they noticed a dark hole in front of them. Although Su Wuyan and his party were under the forbidden land of the tribe at this time, they were very bright, although they were illuminated and outside. There are still some gaps, but they do not affect the sight of the warriors, and the hole in front is different. Although he is speechless and does not think that his eyes are sharp, since his strength reaches the second level, things within 100 meters can basically be seen clearly, and his vision is several times better than at the beginning.

But now this hole is not far away from me, but I can't see what's inside. I can only see the dark hole standing in front of me, and there is continuous fog from it. It looks strange. If you listen carefully, you can still see it from the hole. Hearing the gloomy roar and hearing this sound again, all the people in the group could be sure that this hole was related to what was happening to the companion tribe now, because when they were in the companion tribe, everyone heard this sound, not to mention not long ago.

Although there is some difference between the figure and shouting caused by the fog, the basic difference is not big. From this, the association can know that at the moment of hearing the sound, all the faces of the six people who have been silent have changed, although they know that the hole in front of them is the source of everything, the source of everything now But no one dares to act rashly. After all, the fog surrounding the companion tribe alone is already very strange and powerful. So far, no one can meet it safely. If there is such a fog in the mouth of the cave, it can be said that many people will go for nothing.

But if you don't go now, it's even more unsexy to sit here and wait for death. If you go, there is still a glimmer of hope, but there is no hope to sit here and wait for death, which makes everyone choose. It's not enough. Although there seem to be two choices now, they are in front of them. It's just one, that is, to explore this strange hole. After all, there is still a glimmer of hope. There is no hope to sit here and wait for death, but the silent party is worried about the elders of the tribe. Looking at the surrounding buildings, it is obvious that the tribe has known this hole for many years.

But he has always kept his mouth shut, and no one has talked to anyone. After so many years, I believe that some clues have been studied for a long time. Therefore, now it is very embarrassing for the elders of the tribe. If you let the elders of the tribe lead the way, I am afraid that the elders of the tribe will be familiar with it. It can be said that you and others have no chance of winning at that time, but if you don't allow the elders of the tribe to lead the way and the elders of the tribe to enter, it may be a trap, which is basically a Jedi to deceive yourself and others.

It can be said that it is not a good thing to bring the elders of the tribe with or without companions. It can be said that the choice placed in front of several people now can be extremely difficult. It is better to kill the elders of the tribe now, but the elders of the tribe obviously expected this and stood behind the elders of the tribe. The two brothers accompanying the elders of the tribe, but although everyone did not know that they were the elders of the tribe, the momentum of the two showed that their strength was extraordinary, so they dared not do anything at all. Although there were more people on their side than the other side, everyone was injured.

It can be said that both sides have fallen into an embarrassing situation, but at this time, Su Wuyi did a surprising thing. At this time, Su Wuyi resolutely rushed into the hole regardless of his injury. At this time, neither of the two sides was willing to take the lead in entering, and basically I didn't expect that Su Wuyan would have such a move, not to mention that at the beginning, Su Wuyan kept approaching here. When Su Wuyan rushed to the mouth of the cave, although Su Wuyan was not the closest person to the cave, the other party did not expect Su Wuyan's speech. In constered, he had already looked at Su Wuyan. Entering the hole, the silent action can be said to break the balance between the people. After entering the hole,

At this time, several people closest to the mouth of the cave also rushed towards the mouth of the cave. Seeing that almost all of them had entered the mouth of the cave, the elder of the tribe also rushed in, but the third brother and fourth brother of the elder of the tribe were hesitant at this time, but then the chief of the tribe The old rushed in, but the apprentice of the elder of the tribe did not enter at this time. At the beginning, the elder of the tribe had discussed that he would not let his apprentice enter it, because in the eyes of the elder of the tribe, it was almost nine dead to enter the mouth of the cave.

There is no hope of ferment at all, so the early tribal elders have arranged some of the tribal chiefs in a secret room next to them. If it hadn't been for the silent group still retain five third-order masters, the elders of the tribe would not have Let his apprentice come out and have arranged for his apprentice and the tribal chief to stay together, but in order to deter Su Wuyan and others, he did not stay with the tribal chief. As for the two brothers of the elder of the tribe, they also wanted to continue to stay in the tribe,

However, I found that if this is the hope of leaving here safely is very small, so I also agree with the plan of the elder of the tribe. The consideration of the elder of the tribe is that he and others will enter the cave. If the fog can be successfully solved, the crisis of the people who stay in the forbidden land will be relieved, but If you can't break the fog, there is no hope even if you go forward. After all, the strongest of these people is the strength of their apprentices in the early stage of the third level. Such strength basically doesn't matter much now, because the elders of the tribe know that the power in the mouth of the cave can actually be mysterious. He felt that his two brothers were seriously injured or even killed.

The power that exists in it is worth considering. After all, the strength of his two brothers is still known by the elders of the tribe. Among them, the strength of the three brothers has definitely reached the fourth level, and the fourth brother is also the peak of the third level. However, the two brothers are now seriously injured by the strange power in the mouth of the cave, although it is better now. But the strength is equivalent to the third-order master. Otherwise, the third brother of the elder of the tribe alone can get rid of the silent people. However, this is on the premise that the third elder of the tribe is not injured, when the apprentice of the elder of the tribe has just left the mouth of the cave and entered the secret room.

Originally, the empty hole entrance, but several people appeared one after another. Several people came one after another, looked around, and then rushed into the entrance of the cave. These people came one after another and did not meet, so no one knew that there was anyone behind them, but these people did not notice the side of the cave. If it hadn't been for the anxious and careful observation of these people, they would have been able to find the secret room 100%. After saying that they were speechless, they would not dare to rush into it quickly after entering the mouth of the cave. Although when they just entered the cave, a piercing chill came towards silence,

However, the silent cultivation of the Great Sun Buddha Sutra is not afraid at all. After the automatic operation of the Great Sun Buddha Sutra in the silent body, the silent feeling of discomfort did not arrive. He quickly went to the depths of the cave. Su Wuyan made such a move when he saw the mouth of the cave. After thinking about it, you should know that Su Wuyan acted as a pathfinder for these people not long ago, but fortunately, he did not encounter any mechanism and had left the dangerous place, but despite this, it still brought a crisis to Su Wuyan.

When Su Wuyan saw the mouth of the hole for the first time, he knew that he would be forced to do the same thing with his current strength. If he hadn't been injured, Su Wuyan could resist it. But at this time, Su Wuyan was seriously injured and had no ability to resist at all, so Su Wuyan had been After thinking about how to get rid of the current situation, it can be said that the appearance of the hole really gives a chance to be speechless. Anyway, he is also the first to enter. It's better to enter first and fight to get rid of these people.

So Su Wuyan has such an action now, but Su Wuyan's such an action gives a crazy feeling to the five people who came forward with Su Wuwu. Originally, at this time, the five people were thinking about letting Su Wuyan be the first to explore the way. After all, persimmons should be soft and silent. The strength is the lowest among several people, and now they are seriously injured. The few people who can survive from the organ can be said to be not ordinary third-order masters. None of the five people's strength is lower than the middle of the third-order, and even the latter half of the third-order. After all, if they are weaker, they have died in the organs.

Most of the third-order masters who died are the strength of the early stage of the third-order, but now Su Wuyan's seemingly crazy and bold move has given Su Wuyan a vitality. Otherwise, when he enters later, Su Wuyan will encounter all kinds of dangers under the control of these people. It can be said that he is speechless and absolute. It is the first test, that is, the silent luck has not happened once or twice, but no one can have any accident without saying a few times, but now it is different. It is different to take the initiative in some dangerous places, and you can choose to avoid some dangerous places.

At this time, it can be said that all these people have been separated. This time, it is different from every entry of the elder of the tribe, and it is also different from the third brother and fourth brother of the elder of the companion tribe who entered it not long ago. Although it seems that the two entered together, they are entering the entrance of the cave. In an instant, it was strangely separated, so now all the people have been dispersed. It can be said that if you know it, it will be very painful, because all the actions that are silent seem to be futile and in vain.

Even if Su Wuyan enters with these people, they will also be separated in an instant. These people have not entered the mouth of the cave, so they don't know the specific situation inside, but the elder of the companion tribe knows that although the elder of the tribe has never entered with others, the companion The elder of the tribe saw his two brothers enter together and then come out together, but now the elder of the tribe found that after entering, there was no one around him, and he was the only one in the gray space.

The elder of the tribe clearly remembered that he followed him. Originally, the elder of the tribe thought that he would see this person after entering, but he did not expect that he would be alone around him after entering. Although he found it wrong, the elder of the tribe still had no choice. At this time Going forward, the face of the elder of the tribe became more and more gloomy at this time, because as he moved forward, the elder of the tribe felt that the entrance of the cave was easier than any time he used to come. You know that the elder of the tribe remembered that he walked more than ten steps into the mouth of the cave. , I can't stand it anymore. Now I have gone forward at least 20 steps. Although I have felt the cold,

However, the elder of the companion tribe knows that this is far from reaching its own bottom line, and he can continue to move forward, which is also the reason why the elder of the companion tribe's face is getting more and more gloomy. After all, the situation in the mouth of the cave today is very different from usual. The information in the past is for the current companion tribe. For the elders, it can be said that there is very little help. Not to mention that the elders of the tribe found something abnormal here, that is, the third brother and the fourth brothers of the elder of the tribe felt surprised at this time, because the two clearly felt that they were entering together, but now there is no one around, leaving only one here. ,

It can be said that it is not much different from the elder of the tribe now. After hesitating for a while, he went forward, but the rest of the people have not entered the hole. They take for granted what has happened now and do not know that they have been In the past, it was very different, but after rushing into the mouth of the cave and moving forward for a period of time, he could no longer stand it. He stopped. He had already suffered a serious injury. Just now, he had been forcibly suppressing the injury. Now after moving forward for a period of time, he finally couldn't stand the injury. ,

However, although Su Wuyan stopped at this time, he still leaned to both sides. The injury was more serious. Now as soon as he stopped, the injury broke out completely, and his frowning eyebrows had not been stretched. Su Wuyan has been moving forward for so long and found that the surrounding environment has always been hazy. It's full of things like steam, and the line of sight does not exceed the range of three meters ahead. Even the formed divine consciousness has also been tested. It has been suppressed here and is not much different from the range of the line of sight. So now Su Wuyan clearly knows that his injury is more serious and needs immediate healing, but he still endures it. Leaning to one side, I finally felt that I could no longer continue to move at this time. I had seen the overall smooth stone wall, leaning against the stone wall and gasping for a while, and began to cross my knees to practice the True Sutra of the Great Sun.

Su Wuyan believes that no one can find himself at this time. After all, Su Wuyan entered the cave all the way forward desperately, and at this time, he approached the stone wall. In the cave, his sight and divine consciousness have been restricted and suppressed. He wants to find that Su Wuyan is simply a crazy thing, unless the other party He was very lucky and met him directly, but he couldn't believe that there would be such a lucky person. It was because of this consideration that he began to heal his wounds so blatantly at this time. When he entered the hole, he found that the situation here was very beneficial to himself.