wu dao xian ying

Chapter 156 Ancient Secrets 4

Cold sweat kept on his speechless forehead. Although the second-order warriors did not feel the heat, and now he did not seem to have any feeling about all this. He focused on thinking, and the expression on his face was constantly changing. One hour passed, two hours passed, and he was still speechless. Finally, at the third hour, Su Wuyan stood up. After a few hours of thinking, Su Wuyan had carefully thought about all his experiences since he walked into the cave.

Su Wuyan wants to use this to find out the flaws of today's different environments. Looking up, the scene around is still the same as before. The hazy fog fills the whole hole, looking at the fog that keeps drifting in front of him, looking like a fairy, but if you change the more evil fog in front of you It may really make people think that it is a fairy blessed land, but now Su Wuyan is listening to these fog. After thinking for a few hours, Su Wuyan knows that the way to get rid of the fantasy is to go to an extreme. Su Wuyan believes that if a person is about to die,

You can definitely leave the illusion in front of you and completely wake up, but you are speechless and don't plan to follow this method. Such a method is really too dangerous. It can be said to be life-threatening, while the rest of the methods have not been considered. After all, now you are speechless to think of a solution. It's not easy. I stood up without saying a word, but continued to walk forward. This time, I was like walking in a leisurely court. I didn't look anxious at all. However, I walked forward without words, but I was constantly paying attention to the environment around me.

Look at the changes in the environment. After all, although Su is silent and constantly walking forward, he is still thinking about ways to break the illusion from time to time. The fog that keeps appearing in front of Su Wuyan. Now it seems to be laughing at Su Wuhua. There is no change at all. It looks as always, but Su Wuyan still finds A little different, that is, the piercing cold is getting stronger and stronger. If there is another person, the third-order strength may not stick to it. Although Su Wuyan feels that the hole is under the windless, the cold feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Every step, Su Wuyan can feel a cold. Breath from your own feet,

Following his feet, he swept into his body, but at this time, the power of the Great Sun Buddha True Sutra is also reflected. Every time there is a cold breath, the silent Great Sun Buddha True Sutra can clearly understand the cold feeling as long as it runs for a week, which makes Su Wuyan's strength not strong, but But it can still be like an incompetent person. You should know that everyone who enters the mouth of the cave is extremely miserable at this time, except for being speechless.

Looking at the hazy road ahead, the elder of the tribe is secretly anxious. After all, it has been a long time since he entered the cave. So many days have passed, although the elder of the tribe knows that with his third-order strength, he has persisted for a month without food, although However, it is relatively reluctant, but it can still be done for more than half a month, but now it has been a few days. Without food, the elder of the tribe can feel that he has some lightness now. At this time, the elder of the tribe will not think that his kung fu has improved.

But I felt light all over my body when I was hungry. When the elder of the tribe was young, I had not worshipped a teacher. I had been sleeping all the year round, and I was used to the life of alternating hunger and cold, but since I became a teacher, the elders of the tribe have never ventured. From then on, the alternate life of hunger and cold has been far away from the elders of the tribe. Now decades have passed, but now the elders of the tribe have missed those years, while the speed of the elders of the tribes is getting slower and slower. At this time, the feet of the elders of the tribe,

It has been able to faintly see the subtle ice balm. Although it is not obvious, it all tells the current state of the elders of the tribe. His feet are numb at this time, but the elders of the tribe are unaware of it, as if it should have been like this, strode to the depths of the cave, face With a faint smile on it, the original slightly old face, but at this time it gives people a feeling of vitality. It doesn't look in line with the current age of the elders of the tribe, but this state did not last long,

As the smile on the face of the elder of the tribe is getting brighter and brighter, the elder of the tribe is constantly aging at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye. At this time, the originally straight body is crescent. In the blink of an eye, you can see that the elder of the tribe, which is already energetic, has shown that the elder of the tribe has shown old In this state, the elder of the tribe continued to move forward, while the third brother of the elder of the tribe was facing another challenge at this time. After entering the mouth of the cave, the third brother of the elder of the tribe stood in a cave at the beginning.

There is a faint fog around, but after the three brothers accompanying the elders of the tribe moved forward for a period of time, the scene in front of them began to change. Now the three elders in front of the elders of the tribe are no longer in a cave full of fog. The third brothers who accompanied the elders of the tribe have come to a mountain at this time. In the valley, the breeze blew and blew the hair in front of the forehead of the third elder of the tribe. At this time, the third brother of the tribe could not believe it. When he just passed through a glowing hole in front of him, due to the dazzling light,

The third brother of the elder of the tribe unconsciously closed his eyes. After opening it again, he had come to a completely different environment from just now. Here, the third brother of the elder of the tribe felt that the breeze was blowing, and a sense of comfort rushed to his heart and looked at a small path paved with bluestone in front of him. At this time, the third brother of the elder fell involuntarily and walked forward, looking at the bamboo and willows on both sides. With the blowing of the breeze, the third brother accompanying the elder of the tribe at this moment seemed to have come to the green sea and has never felt relaxed and comfortable.

Since he was a child and was valued by his master to practice martial arts and became a martial artist, the life that the elder of the tribe wanted to live most was the hermit life that his mother told him when he was a child. This idea not only did not fade, but also evolved more and more. Lie, the scene seen now is completely in line with the fantasy of the three elders of the tribe, that is, the elders of the tribe never thought that the three brothers, who have always been known for their coldness, would have such an idea, which can be said to be these warriors who entered the mouth of the cave.

is now in a variety of scenes, but no matter what kind of scene, they have one thing in common, that is, these scenes are what every martial artist wants in his heart. It can be said that with the passage of time, everyone is trapped in it, unable to extricate himself, and speechless. Originally, he continued to observe his surroundings and pay attention to the changes at all times, but without waiting for a long time to move forward silently, Su Wuyan walked out of the hole and looked ahead, which made Su Wuyan doubt whether he had just thought wrong. After all, at this time, Su Wuyan knew the place in front of him.

It's only a day away from the companion tribe. It can be said that before Su Wuyan didn't meet Jiao Ju and others at that time, he had come here alone. Looking back, there was no vision behind him. The pale green grass swayed left and right in the wind and looked far away, which made Su Wuyan know himself. He has left the mouth of the cave, and it can be said that he has been far away from the companion tribe and has appeared in the grassland outside the fortress. He has left without much speechless and quickly, which makes him speechless and full of strange places.

Leaving here without words, he continued to wander outside and challenge all kinds of masters. His strength was constantly increasing, and he soon broke through to the fourth level. When his silent strength reached the fifth level, three years later, and the chaotic war was held as promised. Su Wuyan was young and his strength was extraordinary. Wherever he went, he would attract a burst of envy. Mu Wu's eyes, who returned to the mainland of Kyushu, swept all the young generation with strong strength, but also offended many people. It has been more than 20 years since he returned to Kyushu to escape the assassination of the underworld. More than 20 years have passed since Su Wuyi has changed from a young man to now full of vicissitudes. Sang's middle-aged people,

Escape! Escape! Escape! Now Su Wuping has only one idea. He rushed forward and couldn't help looking back. In Su Wuping's sight, a few dark shadows appeared. Seeing these dark shadows, he couldn't help cursing, "It's just that I swept your face during the war. It's worth more than 20 years. Sending the strong to kill himself, he has not allowed himself to stay safely in one place for three days at a time for more than 20 years. "Although he was speechless and scolded, he ran for his life speechless, but his speed did not slow down at all.

Speaking of more than 20 years, most of Su Wuyan has been spent in his escape career. At the beginning, it was because he accidentally offended the young masters who chased him and killed him now. He constantly sent masters to chase and kill, and still offered rewards in Kyushu. However, in So many years of escape career, The strength is growing rapidly, but no matter how his strength is enhanced, only after the elements are speechless to get rid of a few strong men who chase and kill, there will be more powerful strong men. However, this time, he knows that he is more evil and less lucky.

Looking at the red palm prints on my chest and the faintly painful chest, I feel that my strength is constantly weakening now. I know that I have not been able to hold on for a long time and will lose the ability to resist, but there is nothing I can do about all this without saying anything. I will chase myself later. Several people are really too strong. They are alone. They know that they are not opponents, not to mention that there are two people with similar strength behind. At the beginning, when they fought closely, this red and black palm print has appeared on his silent chest.

If it hadn't been for Su Wuyan's more than 20 years of escape career and rich experience, there would have been nothing he could do about all this in front of him, but after Su Wuyan got rid of the three people once with his own experience, no matter what he used in the future would be useless. Looking back at the three people who kept approaching him, a sense of despair filled his silent heart. Now it can be said that he has fallen into the biggest life-and-death crisis. Su Wuyan's current speed is very fast, and he can know it through the scenes on both sides.

However, the speed is silent, and the speed of chasing the three people who are silent is faster. Originally, it was just three black spots, but at this time it can already be seen. The three figures appeared behind Su Wuyan and continued to run away for a period of time. Su Wuyan was caught up. Until this time, Su Wuyan did not intend to give up. People surrounded Su Wuyan in the middle and glared at the three people, but Su Wuyan could not say a word, because Su Wuyan found that these people who chased him were all expressionless and looked like puppets, but if Su Wuyan hadn't paid attention to the movements of several people, he would not have no sense of strangeness and been speechless. They all think that the three are puppets. After all, no matter how much they abuse, the three of them can maintain the same expression, which is what they suspect now.

After Surrounding Su Wu's words in the middle, the three directly attacked Su Wu's words. The completely different energy filled this narrow space. The scattered energy destroyed all the things around that could be seen by the naked eye and was affected by this powerful energy. Su Wuyan was injured, but On the other hand, there was nothing wrong with chasing and killing the silent three people. When the powerful energy swept over the body, it was directly absorbed. There was no abnormality. At this time, the three people did not even change the way of attack, and all the three palms were printed on Su's speechless chest.

At this moment, he is speechless, but he does not feel that death is closer than usual. Although he is facing a desperate situation, he does not give up. After all, he is not a person who gives up easily. He constantly runs the energy of the Buddha's True Sutra towards his chest, intending to resist this attack. However, Su Wuyan now only feels that his strength is not the same as usual, only the strength of the second-order peak. Su Wuyan has forgotten what year it was at the peak of the second-order. After all, after such a long time, Su Wuyan's strength has long exceeded the second-order,

As I fell into the memory, I slowly remembered something about the outside of the fortress. After I came to the fortress without saying a word, my strength coincidentally reached the peak of the second-order. Finally, I left strangely in the companion tribe and returned to the Kyushu mainland. With the continuous echo of silence, The vague memory is constantly clear in Su Wuyan's mind. On the contrary, the memory of the past 20 years is constantly blurred, which makes Su Wuyan find something wrong. As Su Wuyan feels this trace of wrong,

But it reminded Su Wuyan of the scene of leaving the companion tribe. At the beginning, it could be said that he left strangely. When he left, he was infatuated and didn't think about it carefully. Now he remembers that everything is suspicious, but at this time, Su Wuyan felt a coldness in front of his chest and looked up. Go, Su Wuyan found that it was one of the three who gave him a sword at this time. It seemed that he would die here. Thinking that Su Wuyan couldn't help closing his eyes here, but as time went by, Su Wuyan, who closed his eyes and waited for death, never felt that he was dead.

Open your eyes and see, where is Kyushu and where there are people chasing you? What appears in front of you are ice sculptures, but in the ice sculptures, you can clearly see the expression on everyone's face, comfortable and fearful. , happy, all kinds, and I also felt that my whole body was frozen at this time, and there was a cold feeling around my body. If it hadn't been for the continuous operation of the Buddha Sutra in my body, I could say that I would have died long ago.

However, even so, the True Sutra of the Great Sun is no longer in its original state at this time. The speed of running in its own meridians is getting slower and slower. I believe that in a period of time, it will definitely stop running. At that time, I was speechless and could no longer resist the freezing cold. Like these people, it became a living ice. The sealed ice sculpture is sober and speechless, but it does not intend to sit and wait for death and control the rapid operation of the Tathagata Sutra in his body, which is different from the autonomous operation. Now there is no words to control. The Tathagata Sutra was originally dim, but at this time it emits a crimson light.

The ice sculpture that sealed the silent ice sculpture was constantly melting. As time passed, the ice sculpture that sealed the silent ice sculpture was finally completely melted. Breathing again and took two mouthfuls of it fiercely. Only then did the spirit look around. Although I just noticed that it was all frozen ice sculptures here, But Su Wuyan did not observe carefully. At this time, Su Wuyan found that there was an entrance behind the place where he was now. He could clearly see the outside and look at the familiar scene outside. Su Wuyan knew that this entrance was definitely the hole he entered.

This surprised Su Wuyan. Su Wuyan didn't expect that he had just entered the hole. Looking back on the faded memory, although most of the memories had been blurred, Su Wuyan could still remember what had just happened and be chased and killed. He imagined that for more than 20 years, he actually However, I spent more than 20 years in the environment, which makes me speechless and don't know how much time has passed in the environment during the period when I fell into it.