wu dao xian ying

Chapter 161 Ancient Secret 9

And the master of the couple did not find this. After all, looking at the couple's eyes hidden in the dark, a group of people entered the forbidden place. Soon many people had entered the forbidden place. Just as these people entered the forbidden place, the anger outside the tribe subsided. Lost, not all of them have entered the forbidden land of the companion tribe. You should know that there are still many people who are spies taken by major forces. At this time, the ghost gas disappears, but these people have passed back the news of the disappearance of the underworld gas. After all, the ghost gas was originally blocked.

Many people enter the tribe. Although they know the situation of the tribe, they are also anxious. Coupled with the deterrence of the demon lord, many people give up. You should know that although there is the deterrence of the demon lord, as the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for people. At this time, no one can stop them, but It is said that this is the character of the people of Kyushu. They know that there is danger and even die, but there is still an endless stream of people who come to accompany the tribe. In the past, because of the underworld, these people knew that even after coming, they could not break the underworld and enter the companion tribe.

That's why not many people went to accompany the tribe. Now the news of the disappearance of the underworld gas can be said to have spread all over Kyushu overnight, and made countless people who peep at the treasures of the companion tribe leave at this time in order to fight for their own opportunities. After all, Kyushu is no better than the number of foreign warriors. , far cannot be compared with the mainland of Kyushu. Among some tribes outside Serbia, the second order can be called masters, and the third order is basically very rare. However, in Kyushu, the first order and second order can be said to be very common. That is, in Youzhou, far behind the rest of the states, the second order is also relatively common, that Only the third level can be called a master, and the fourth level is a divergence leader. Only after the strength reaches the fourth level can it really be counted as a master.

The status of Kyushu is that among some famous sects, it can also be regarded as an elder. It can be said that it is a first-, second- and third-order master. Its status in Kyushu mainland is equivalent to that of second-order masters outside the fortress. The third-order masters outside Kyushu can be comparable to the fourth-order in a low position. The overall strength of Kyushu mainland is much higher than that of Kyushu, but In recent hundreds of years, these martial artists who can't get along in the mainland of Kyushu have come to Saiwai and enjoy the treatment they could not enjoy before, which has also made the strength of Saiwai continue to rise in the past hundreds of years, and the number of people who come to Saiwai has also continue to increase.

Otherwise, it's just like being speechless. In the past, there were not many people from Kyushu who came to stuff outside. Being silent can be said to be very different and not easy to be accepted by people outside the stuffing. However, in the past few hundred years, with the increasing number of martial artists in Kyushu mainland, there are also some customs that can only be found in Kyushu mainland. And people outsiders are no longer strange to the people of Kyushu, so there is nothing strange about everyone who sees a speechless person for the first time, because hundreds of years too many people from Kyushu have come, which has made people outside the outside the world accustomed to it.

I'm no longer strange. I'm used to people with black hair and black eyes in Kyushu. It's not when I saw people with black hair and black eyes. Everyone who came outside was surrounded like a precious animal. It can be said that such a day will never happen again, although I haven't figured out why People with different skin colors appear,

At this time, after the dispute in mainland Kyushu disappeared and spread all over Kyushu, Kyushu can now be said to see a strange phenomenon. Many people use different channels to come towards the outside of the fortress. It can be said that although there are some people in this group Most people don't know how to get to the companion tribe, but they know that the companion tribe is outside the fortress, so they come to Youzhou one after another, and then leave Kyushu to go abroad. It can be said that such people are people who imagine themselves ascending to the sky one step, and the families of all sects have sent people to the companion tribe.

After all, it has been up until now. It's false to say that you are not interested in the things of the companion tribe. You should know that these families and sects are the most needed for such things. Nothing can be more interested in at least the things of the last era. After all, there are all kinds of ordinary things in all sects nowadays. That is to say, these families are interested in ancient times and things, so nowadays, although it is superficially magnificent, many sects have sent people in private. This time, although these families are interested in the treasures in the accompanying tribes,

But I don't have the intention of taking it. After all, the demon lord is in the companion tribe. The stronger the strength of the demon lord is, the more it can be understood, so let's see if it can be obtained this time. If you can't get the treasures in the companion tribe, it can't be forced, but if it depends on who gets it Come on, if it is the devil, no one dares to rob and rob the things in the devil's hands. Isn't this going to die? If the devil's strength is an ordinary person who is not a warrior, there may be no deterrent. As the so-called ignorant are fearless,

is the first-order and second-order warrior. Although he knows the horror of the demon lord, he will unconsciously think that the demon lord is just more powerful than himself. However, only the stronger the person is, the more powerful he knows that the warrior is in the later stage. Although there are only a few levels of martial artists, one The second level may not seem to be separated from the understanding of ordinary people, but after the fifth level, it is not something that ordinary people can imagine, or after the third level, the magic power of running in the air is not enough.

So the stronger they are, the greater their fear of the demon lord. Although they want to avoid conflicts with the demon lord as much as possible when they accompany the tribe, these people did not expect that now the demon lord is determined to get the things in the companion tribe. These people who want to fish in troubled waters, Although it is not a direct conflict with the demon lord, it also occurs indirectly. Some righteous sects are better, because the relationship with the demon lord is originally hostile, but the situation of a neutral family is not good.

Because the devil mainly attacks these righteous sects, the host of Shaolin Temple can never ignore it. Under mutual containment, it can be said that the demon lord does not dare to easily attack the righteous master. Because in this way, it angers the host of the Shaolin Temple. At that time, who can block the Shaolin Temple host except the demon lord? Such a thing between the two came into being tacit, and they could not easily attack each other, but this constraint is only two people, and the rest did not count, and these neutral families did not have the protection of Shaolin Temple.

It can be said that it is obvious unwise to offend the demon lord, but these are not worth mentioning for the treasures in the companion tribe. The underworld generated by the companion tribe is beneficial to the alarm clock, that is, the alarm bell does not want more people to come to accompany the tribe. For the underworld, although The magic clock can't be used skillfully, but in the confrontation with the underworld book for so many years, it has allowed the magic clock to master some ways to control the underworld qi. Although it is not much to control, for the people of Kyushu now, these underworld qi is still very deadly. Originally, the magic bell did not want to use the underworld qi of the underworld book, but now For this scene,

Only the effect of the underworld qi is the most suitable. After all, in ancient times, countless strong people peeped into hell, but they were blocked by the underworld and could safely enter it. It can be said that the underworld qi was able to cut off the ancient era and show its power in the era when strong people emerged, and could be glimpsed by many strong people. It can be said that the main reason why many strong people returned without success. Nowadays, the magic clock is the same as the magic clock, but the magic clock forgets one thing, that is, the underworld book. Although the magic clock also considers that the underworld book will not ignore it,

But beyond the expectation of the magic clock, the underworld book actually wanted to break through the seal at that time. After a war with the underworld book, the magic clock found the purpose of the underworld book. The underworld book did not want to break through the seal at all, because the underworld book knew that it was too difficult to break through the seal, because this seal was the magic bell at the beginning. The seal set by the master, no matter how much the underworld book looks down on the magic bell, but the underworld book has to admit that the owner of the magic bell is a generation of cruel people, although his master has a good status in ancient times,

He was famous, but because he accidentally provoked the other party, he chased and killed him all the way, and even he was also sealed. If it hadn't been for the fact that the other party was obviously in an emergency at that time, he was a treasure nurtured by heaven and earth. He could not be destroyed for a while. Mingshu believes that the other party would definitely make himself and Destroy like your master. After setting the seal, you are afraid that you can't seal yourself, and even leave your treasure to seal yourself. Obviously, the other party wants to completely destroy yourself after he comes back after dealing with the matter.

But I didn't expect that there was an accident at this time, which was also the cause of the destruction of the ancient era. However, when the book was sealed, I could only feel a strong energy fluctuation, but the rest was unknown. Since then, the other party has not returned, and the seal was also destroyed in the ancient times. It has not been broken, but its power has also been greatly reduced. After the passage of time and the medieval era, the power of the seal is getting weaker and weaker now. I think that when the magic bell suppressed itself, I didn't even have to come forward in person at all.

But now you have to fight with each other. At this time, if the Mingshu has an expression, you will find that it has changed from the original fear to the current excitement. At the beginning, the Mingshu did not worry that the other party did not destroy his own strength at all. Now let the Mingshu see his hope of getting out of trouble and feel the companion department. With more and more people falling, Mingshu became more and more excited. After all, the more people came in, the shorter the time they had to get out of trouble. Just now, they fought with the magic bell in order to dissipate the ghost gas outside the tribe. Mingshu felt that if he had taken action directly at that time, he would never succeed, because of the demons. Zhong has been preventing himself for a long time, so the underworld book dissipates the underworld by fighting with the demon clock.

Because the underworld book knows that it is impossible for him to get out of trouble at all this time. According to the estimate of the underworld book, it will take a hundred years to weaken the power of the seal to the point where he can break through. For so many years, the magic bell has also faced the same realm as the underworld book. , it was not supplemented by the aura of heaven and earth at all. At the beginning, it could still supplement the aura of heaven and earth, but after the ancient times, the sealing power was greatly weakened, and the magic clock had no choice but to use its own power. If the magic bell had not consumed its own power, the underworld book would have been able to Get out of trouble,

But now it has been maintained until the destruction of the Middle Ages, which can't completely suppress the underworld book. It can be said that the magic bell has suppressed the underworld book with its own power for so many years, which shows the power of the peak of the demon bell. However, after so many years of consumption, it is no longer the time. Now there is no way to compare with those years, but after Jingmo Zhong found so many people coming in, it intends to ignore it. After all, after so many years, Jingmo Zhong only felt that one of them was strong and unexpected, but the rest of the people felt that there was no threat at all.

After all, the magic clock has now seen that it is no longer possible to continue to suppress the underworld book. Although it can be suppressed, it is only a matter of time before the underworld book wants to get out of trouble. I can only delay it. After so many years, the magic bell has not been reformed. Continue to consume like this, and continue to consume like this, the alarm clock is about to fall down, which is a great damage to the alarm clock. If the owner of the alarm clock is still there, this is nothing, but for the current alarm clock, it is fatal.

So now the magic clock is watching the development of the situation. If it doesn't work in the end, the magic clock intends to give up its intention to continue to suppress the underworld book, but all these underworld books don't know. His old demon clock is not going to continue to suppress itself now, but all these underworld books don't know, underworld books I'm still thinking about how to continue to get rid of the current predicament. Although some people are addicted to the illusion of entering the cave, most people are not trapped. After all, today's people, in terms of strength, can't enter these people for the first time. In a short period of time, the lively people outside the tribe disappeared, but at this time, there were many people who originally accompanied the tribe. These people were the tribal chiefs and others.

appeared, but left quickly. After all, the current situation of the companion tribe has been known by everyone. More and more people are coming, and at the same time, their strength is becoming more and more horrible. Originally, third-order masters could barely deal with it, but now the people who come are far beyond the third level, and many of them are third-order real. Such people are still the majority. After the dark air disappeared, the tribal chief left quickly under the leadership of the previous patriarch. After leaving, he did not dare to go towards the road, but took the evacuation route that had been prepared for a long time.

After all, the first patriarch of the Yanban tribe created in those years knew that every tribe could not last long, so although it was at its peak, the first ninja patriarch of the Yanban tribe had found a way to retreat. After so many years, every generation of patriarchs The perfection can be said to be that as long as the tribal chiefs and others are careful to evacuate, it is basically thrilling. At that time, the group of the tribe were in the forbidden area. Soon after the elder entered the cave, they had left and went to the place where they had been ready to hide. It was also because of this that, in the demon lord When he came, he was not found. After all, if the strength of the demon lord was where the tribal chief and others were still hiding at the beginning, he would definitely be found.

Because of the transfer, many masters, even the demon lord, did not know that there were so many people living in the companion tribe now, and the spirit outside the companion tribe did not dissipate for a day. The patriarch of the companion tribe had no way to leave at all. He had to wait quietly in the place of hiding, but was in the dark. At the moment, it has been found that although it was sheltered, it was still possible to observe what happened to the companion tribe, which was also more convenient when preparing to evacuate.

The patriarch of the companion tribe and others have always paid attention to the situation of the companion tribe and have never relaxed. At the moment when the atmosphere disappeared outside the companion tribe, the patriarch of the companion tribe already knew it, but the people who were just happy found the number of people outside the companion tribe, especially most of them, The tribal chiefs don't know what their strength is. They only feel horrible and can only distinguish their strength. Obviously, they are the worst people, but these some of them all have third-order strength, which makes the tribal chiefs quickly divert their eyes.

I dare not look more, because the tribal chief knows that the more powerful the master, if someone pays attention for a long time, he can feel it. Fortunately, everyone felt the disappearance of the ghost and was surprised. Otherwise, they would definitely find the tribal patriarch and others. After moving, he began to tell everyone to calm down and stay motionless, for fear that some people would be attracted by a move, but the tribal chiefs were relatively lucky, because these people's attention was fundamentally on the treasures of the tribe, although the constant explorers accompanied the tribe,

However, the tribal chiefs are relatively secretive here, but such continuous inspections will be found even in secret places, but at this time, they found a couple who came together with Su Wuyi, which let everyone know that everything was in the forbidden land and went to the forbidden place one after another to spare the tribal chiefs. Difficult.