wu dao xian ying

Chapter 23 Injury

Although I don't know what these people are afraid of, the owner of the Cai family will not take the initiative to ask at this time. The owner of the Cai family does not want to break the scruples of these people today. After all, the owner of the Cai family does not know what these people are afraid of, so he is happy. Now Xi Mingshan personally takes action, < /P>

is also more in line with the wishes of the current owner of the Cai family. After the matter is confirmed, the future will be relatively simple. With a series of assigns, Xi Mingshan left the ancestral house of the Cai family. Although Xi Mingshan promised to go, Xi Mingshan was not the only one who went there. In the Cai family for so many years, Xi Mingshan There are still many subordinates, including some masters in the late third stage and even at the peak of the third level. Such a group of people go,

It seems that the delay took a long time, but it was only half a day from the beginning to the end of the discussion. By the time it was getting dark, they had already come to the position of Captain Cai's family, but among this group, there was no Xi Mingshan. After all, although Xi Mingshan agreed this time Come on, but the description of the person who heard the report obviously doesn't take this incident seriously. After all, in the news, it is described that the person has been seriously injured.

This makes Xi Mingshan despise him, and even the people who come here now do not pay attention to it. After all, although the three Cai parents died at the beginning, the three Cai parents who can't live in the eyes of the captain of the Cai family for a day. In the eyes of some people, their strength is only in the later stage of the third level, far from being able to Compared with his third-order peak, the other party was seriously injured in such a duel, which means that the other party's strength is not very strong.

The strongest is just the peak of the third order. Although all of Xi Mingshan's subordinates who came here this time did not come, it was only the peak of the third order, but there were two here. Not only Xi Mingshan didn't care much about all the tasks this time, but also the people who came later didn't care. After all, just thinking that there are two third-level masters among the people who came this time, these people are full of confidence.

So there is no unnecessary worry at this time, but these people of the Cai family are looking for a trace of silence at this time. It is said that it is not easy to be speechless now. After all, Su Wuyan is seriously injured now. After all, when breaking through the siege, they have dragged their injuries many times, so they have not yet I was speechless to find a safe place to heal myself. At this time, the speechless injury completely broke out.

This made Su Wuyan have to find a place to start healing his injury. Obviously, the injury suffered by Su Wuyan this time was relatively serious. Half a day later, Su Wuyan's injury was only slightly improved at this time. If he wanted to completely treat his injury, Su Wuyan was at least However, it will take a month, which is still the result of nearly a year of exercise. Otherwise, according to the words of a year ago, under such a serious injury, it is impossible to completely cure your injury in a year and a half.

From here, it can also be seen that Su Wuyan has completely endured loneliness in the past year. Under the past year of horrible practice, it can be said that Su Wuyan has undergone qualitative changes. This year's hard work can be said to have completely endured loneliness. It can be said that it is very difficult for Su Wuyan to achieve such a result at today's age. After all, although Su Wuyan's hard practice methods today,

It's not a secret in some families, but there are very few people who can really practice like this. It can be said that there are few at all. The most fundamental reason is that the environment for cultivation in these families is so superior that they are not willing to suffer at all. After all, they can do the same without suffering. As a result, why should suffer? This is the idea of most people in the world, but it is precisely because they don't have enough training themselves that the strength of people in the world is often easy to stop.

This is also a common problem of some families. Although there are many geniuses, they are more mediocre, and only a few people can see this. Although there are some things, although they understand, they can't be done. Now it is an obvious example, and now half a day without words are just their own. After the injury stabilized and stabilized, he couldn't wait to leave the place where he is now healing.

After all, Su Wuyan knew that he had not escaped far at all and had not escaped from danger at all. Now that the injury has stabilized, Su Wuyan can't wait to start looking for a safer place. After all, Su Wuyan has no sense of safety here at all. After Su Wuyan got up, It quickly disappeared into the night. At this time, the sky was completely dark and night came.

The night once again shrouded the earth, but for today's silent, it can't affect the silent people who are on their way. Although they can't see too far away, they can't be silent at this point.

After all, Su Wuyan is still the identity of a martial artist. There is still no problem in rushing the road in the night. Su Wuyan is on his way at this time, which is also the sudden painstaking effort just now. He knows that he is in a dangerous position just now. If he continues to stay there. There must be something dangerous, which is why I can't wait to leave at this time.

After all, for the painstaking efforts**, it has helped Su silently avoid the crisis more than once. It can be said that it is extremely effective, but Su Wusping is very convinced that many warriors will appear in this kind of painstaking**, which is just a kind of warning in the dark. Although it is relatively vague and unclear, in Before something big happens, you can always feel anxious and uneasy. This is the painstaking efforts**,

It's just that every martial artist's performance is different. Those who have virtue can know it, but some warriors don't care about it. However, after so many years of bloody lessons, on the mainland of Kyushu, there is no one who doesn't believe in painstaking **. It can be said that the painstaking efforts** It is a precursor to a crisis. As long as there is a warning of painstaking efforts**, it absolutely means that there will be a crisis.

However, painstaking efforts** will not appear every time. If it appears every time, then the warrior can be said to have predicted the danger in advance, so there will be no assassination or assassination, so painstaking efforts** is just sometimes It's just what happened. Some warriors may not appear in their lifetime, but for some warriors, their painstaking efforts** may happen from time to time.

Such a thing is not fixed at all. Everything is full of changes, but this time there was painstaking efforts**, but Su Wuyan had to pay attention to it. After all, on the Kyushu mainland, there are so many examples in front of us, and Su Wuyan has to learn lessons from it, so Su Wuyan has a lot of painstaking efforts** After a feeling, it immediately stopped the action of treating the injury and became what it is now.

Keep going on the dark road. After all, I have suffered a great injury now. At that time, it can be said that there will be a danger to my life at any time. Although half a day has passed, it is just that I have just suppressed my injury at this time, and the situation is only slightly If there is no painstaking **, then at this time, it can definitely be said that I am so angry that I want to completely cure the injury I have suffered now.

However, now this is just an idea. It can be said that it is impossible to achieve it at all. Although it is night, the speed of Su Wuyan is not slow. Su Wuyan did not rush blindly. At first, Su Wuyan originally wanted to return to Youzhou, but with the direction of the subsequent breakthrough, plus At this moment, I have given up the idea of returning to Youzhou. After all, although it seems safer to return to Youzhou at this time,

But I thought about it carefully and found that although it was safer to go back to Youzhou, what Youzhou has become now. I knew it without words. Now it can be said that it has become a deserted place. It can be said that going there is no different to go to a deep mountain to hide, and sneak in. Qingzhou is different. Although I have been speechless and do not know what the current situation is in Qingzhou, I also know that with the situation that the foreign troops have invaded Qingzhou at this time,

The situation in Qingzhou is not much better. Even if it is good, it is just better than Youzhou. Now it seems that Qingzhou is a better place, that is, Qingzhou has a large number of people at this time, and it is not like Youzhou now. It can be said that it has fundamentally become a deserted place. With the chaos in Qingzhou now, it is not easy for these people behind them to find themselves.

Otherwise, Su Wuyan would not have returned to Kyushu so blatantly at this time. You should know that Su Wuyan has not finished the matter with the underworld at this time. At this time, the biggest dependence of Su Wuyan returns to Kyushu is just the chaos of Kyushu now. If Kyushu is not chaotic , Su Wuyan will not return to Kyushu. The maximum limit of Su Wuyan is just in Youzhou, and he dares not come to Qingzhou at all.

But when I inquired about it in Youzhou, I already knew that the current situation in Qingzhou was speechless. After knowing that Kyushu was in chaos, I knew that the underworld would lower his attention to a few levels at this time. At this time, he went to the underworld organization to entrust the task. There must be many people. At that time, who will think that it is just the silent of the first-order strength? After all, when the silent in Kyushu, it was only the first-order, but now, the silent has reached the middle of the third-order.

It can be said that it is simply the same as in the past. The gap is so huge that no one would have thought that the boy of first-order strength in those years has only passed in a short time now. Now he has the strength in the middle of the third stage, even if he says that others will not believe it, let alone The most critical point is that I have always been speechless in the growth stage of a body at this age.

In the past period of time, the silent appearance has changed significantly compared with the beginning, that is, the face is paler, only the elements are speechless and do not become popular figures, do not do something that shake Kyushu, and do not attract the attention of the underworld organization, so it can be said that it can completely express the present. There will be no more threat from Pluto, but the future is full of changes. Who can be sure of what the future will change?