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Home Boutique Text Recommendation

After a month, I once again bid farewell to the lonely "naked running" years and ushered in the boutique text recommendation on the homepage. I would like to thank all the readers, editors of a grain of sand by the sea, and colleagues who have given guidance and help.

Among them, the autumn wind holds the moon, a steel gun, the king of golden wings, and loves to read **-dang novels (dizzy, my book is obviously not **-sang. I don't know how he looked at it) gave a lot of goodwill criticism and revision opinions.

What colleagues such as Nian Nianguan and Yan Ruomeng give more continuous spiritual encouragement.

Here, thank you!

I remember that when I was a student, I listened to the reincarnation band perform the song "Yangzhou Road". At that time, it was considered to be the best performed song from the famous rock album Beijing Rock. If I were Xin Qiji, when I wrote that word that has been passed down for thousands of years, if there was such rock and roll to accompany me, I would definitely have a higher passion.

Even if you don't have such a poetic talent, you will occasionally listen to this rock music to arouse your emotions during the writing of the novel. If you are interested, you can also listen to this song "China's Good Rock".


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