Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 1 1 against a thousand

The climate in the south is mild, but Wu County in winter (Note 1) is different. The city is surrounded by a flat river, unlike Jingkou City, which is hundreds of miles away, with mountains blocking the cold wind from the north.

Riding a horse slowly in this field, the wind can't help drilling into his arms and avoiding the chill. Looking around, the fog is a clear field, and there are no crops in the fields and no pedestrians on the road. Except for the occasional cold wind, there is only silence.

During the march, we often heard the retreating soldiers or fleeing people talk about how Sun En's army was raging and doing evil. However, we have never met Sun En's army from Beijing to Wu County, and we have not seen a devastated scene. Wu County is the first military place we are about to encounter. Now, its city wall has faintly appeared in front of us.

The military officer (Note 2) handed over the drawn map and immediately put his frozen red hands in his mouth and breathed. Several wisps of white hot air floated out of his fingers, and his frostbite face appeared from time to time. I took the map and smiled at him. This young man has been following me for two years. When I left Jingkou to rush to the army, I only took him.

Although there is only one color on the map, the terrain, distance, the march route I analyzed, the location where the enemy may ambush, etc. are clearly marked and very clear.

We are located 30 miles from our camp and 5 miles from Wujun City occupied by the enemy. If the army chooses to attack in this foggy morning, then when the enemy guarding the city senses that the situation is abnormal, what is left for our army is the time to march five miles. Whether the sneak attack is successful or not, this time is extremely critical.

If you go further, you will be found by the enemies in the city. I motioned the soldiers to stop and took a few steps forward, ready to return and have a final look.

Just as I turned my head to return the map to the recording officer, I found that a dark shadow was moving towards us in the thickest part of the fog. Although we were vigilant all the way, when we looked at Wu Juncheng, we only paid attention to the movement in the direction of the city and did not pay attention to the back. Before I could remind, the black tide came to us shouting.

When the recorder and soldiers heard the noise behind them, they looked back at the crowd in astonishment.

The closer they ran, the more clearly we could see: there were raised things waving above the crowd. From this, it can be concluded that they are not the people, but soldiers; even the people, they are a group of people with weapons.

I took the map in my arms and ordered the soldiers to pull their horses back to the right.

Our horse's head has just been transferred, and countless people in front of us have come out of the fog like ghosts. When we wanted to turn around again, we found that there was no way around.

The situation is very serious: we were ambushed by the enemy and trapped in a circle!

No wonder I didn't see anyone smoking on the way here. At that time, I thought that because of the early hours and cold weather, people did not want to rush to the city early. But I didn't expect that because someone was lying here, even if there were pedestrians on the road, they would have been driven away.

I asked the soldiers not to panic, set up a defensive formation according to my order, waiting to find an opportunity to break through. We only hope that they are not Sun En's thieves, so that we have at least a chance to adapt to the situation.

Even such a faint hope finally disappeared.

A soldier said with a slight trembling voice: "Okay... It seems to be a thief under Sun En... Thief!" His words made everyone palpitate! Everyone has seen that although those people are dressed in people's clothes, they are wearing a piece of white cloth on their left wrists.

That small white cloth is a divine blessing for that group of people, but it is undoubtedly a symbol of death for us.

The white cloth is said to be the fairy charm presented by the white tiger mythical beast when the heavenly master accepted the heavenly way. This fairy charm can solve the difficulties in the world and the sorrows of the world. Sun En claimed that as long as the white cloth representing the fairy charm is tied to his left wrist, he can be protected by the heavenly master, live a hundred years old, and be free from pain. Therefore, believers, men and women, old and young, wear white cloth with white tiger charms on their left wrists.

From the capital to the county, many dignitaries, soldiers, farmers, industry and commerce who believe in Tianshi Road (Note 3) have this symbol. Later, the court thought that this wind would lead to a great change in the national wind, so it ordered a ban. After Sun En gathered believers to rebel against the court from Huiji County, everyone with this white charm was regarded as Sun En's thief, killed or captured. Therefore, even if the wound is bandaged, no one dares to tie a white cloth on his wrist to prevent him from being treated as Sun En's thief.

Since we can recognize them as Sun En's thief soldiers through the white cloth, they naturally recognize us as soldiers of the Great Jin Kingdom, because we have something more revealing our identity than the little white cloth - military uniforms. Therefore, after the two sides met, they did not need to talk and fought directly in one place.

Since the beginning of the battle, the atmosphere of slaughter has enveloped everyone. For the thief soldiers, it is slaughtering; for us, it is slaughtering.

Under my order, all the horses gathered together and charged in the same direction, hoping to break through the obstacles of the thief soldiers with the assault force of the cavalry. **'S war horse is our only advantage now.

Everyone got rid of the thief soldiers who pestered them and turned the horse's head with me. However, the recorder was still looking at several thief soldiers approaching him, as if he didn't hear my order. He and **'s horse seemed to be frozen.

I took the horse over and patted him hard on the shoulder before he woke up, followed me with rein.

When I approached the recording officer just now, I seemed to hear a strange sound. After the horse ran forward a few steps, it realized that it was the sound of the recorder's teeth touching each other. When I patted him on the shoulder, the violent shaking of his body passed to my arm.

"Don't panic! Come with me!" This sentence is not only for the recorder, but also for everyone. In the face of danger, fear is undoubtedly a great enemy. I'm very worried about him.

Although the thieves surrounded more than a dozen of us, their battle was very unlawable. Although the number of people is large, they are almost separate. We kept looking for weaknesses and adjusting attack points. After three rapid charges, we finally succeeded in a bloody road and rushed out of the encirclement.

However, we found that getting out of this encirclement is not a comforting ending, but a worrying beginning - we are trapped in another larger encirclement. From the high horseback, the periphery of this encirclement is gathering a larger encirclement.

For each of us, this triple encirclement is undoubtedly a desperate signal.

Everyone can barely defend themselves, but not everyone can take care of **'s war horse. More and more injured horses, and the injuries on the horses are getting worse and worse. Finally, after the war horses fell one after another, the soldiers who fell off the horse became the preferred target for the slaughter of the thief soldiers.

A heartbreaking scream pierced the scream of the thieves and soldiers came to their ears. I repelled the thief in front of me and looked sideways: the recorder who lost his horse was pierced in the shoulder by a long gun. As soon as the knife in his hand blocked the long halberd that stabbed him, his body was stabbed by two other long guns.

I suddenly felt that those captains didn't seem to be recorders, but my chest, and there was a sharp pain in my heart. I didn't have time to adjust the formation again. I took the lead in pulling the horse back and cutting down a thief soldier who was entangled with me and rushed to the recording officer. In the prevention of a long knife cutting head-on, I dodged, but the knife cut off a horse's ear. The horse gave a long cry of pain, raised his hooves and stood up, almost throwing me off the horse.

"Mother, mother--"

This is the last shout from the bloody recorder. This cry did not come from my ears, but from my body and aroused an echo in my heart. This echo raised a stream of blood to the brain and instantly turned into a "buzz" sound in the head.

When he was in Jingkou, he was just one of my own soldiers and had not yet become a record officer. Whenever he passes by the door, whether there is anyone at home or not, he will shout into the house, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Sometimes his mother would come out of the room, wipe her hands with a dirty cloth, and look at us with a proud smile on her face. Her son is riding a tall horse with the officers. What a glorious thing for a poor mother!

This is the first time that the recording officer has left home and participated in the war with the army. He told me more than once with an excited look, "Mother is very happy to know that I am the only soldier you selected to fight in the south. She said that I would definitely become a hero.

"You will." I looked at this relatively thin young man with a smile and thought to myself: mothers all over the world said that they wanted their son to be a hero, but did they really think so? When a hero may pay the price of bleeding, which is usually unbearable for ordinary mothers.

He was very happy to hear my encouragement. He said that when he came home after the war, he would proudly bring more glory and glory to his mother. This is his greatest ambition when he is young.

I tried my best to urge the horse to rush forward while blocking the weapons that kept attacking me. In the wet sight, I saw a thief swinging a knife into the head of the recorder. I was only a dozen steps away from the recorder, and this narrow space was full of dozens of bandits waving at me with weapons.

I opened a long gun that stabbed me and stabbed a sword on the horse's buttocks. The horse took a long time again and jumped up. The thief soldiers in front of him were stunned by the sudden rise of one person and one horse. However, the horse's volley was not completed. In addition to my sword, several additional weapons were stabbed on the horse's buttocks.

When the horse fell from the air, it lifted the thief soldiers who had no time to take their hands off the weapon that stabbed the horse into the air.

A round thing flew from a distance and fell into the horse's head. When the horse was about to fall to the ground, I quickly took my feet off the horse pedal and staggered almost fell.

Fortunately, the thieves were busy protecting themselves and did not attack in time, so that I could stand firm beside the fallen horse.

The person who hit the horse's head and kicked around at the feet of the thief was the head of the recorder. I rushed forward crazily, but was blocked by the continuous rush of thieves.

My strength is bigger than ordinary people, and after years of training in the army, I added a sense of murderousness. I cut left and right with my sword. I only felt that the thief soldiers fell down in front of me one by one, and my body was full of wounds, but I didn't realize it.

The scene of killing the enemy in my eyes overlapped with another scene in my heart: the recording officer's mother was doing dirty and tired work that others did not want to do, and she suddenly stopped and ran out of the door and held the doorpost and looked out. A cavalryman stepped on the horse and ran past her door without looking back. She sighed: My son has only left Beijing for more than ten days. How can he come back so soon?


Zi: "One against a thousand"? Isn't this title incredible?

Xiaohu: That's what it says in history books. When I read Zizhi Tongjian, I also felt incredible. I didn't expect that the serious history book would describe this paragraph in detail. Even Chu Han's "ten-sided ambush" did not describe the details like that.

Zi Guo: If this is true, this slave brother can be said to be the first person in thousands of years.

Xiaohu: He is an extraordinary person. Otherwise, how could Xin Qiji praise him for "Thinking that year, the golden horse swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger"? Sadly, I still need to explain the incredible things written in history books in a logical way in a novel. So as not to make readers think I'm fooling.

Zi Guo: History is fooling, and it's okay for you to fool around. Isn't there a saying: "Novels are true except for the name; history books are all fake except for the name."

Xiaohu: My depression is that the name really doesn't matter. I'm going to talk about it like that.
