Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 4 The joy of the world 6

The battle has been divided in less than half an hour. Although Amaran is polite to everyone, she can see which people she like from her eyes and eagerness. After all, people with better eloquence have the upper hand. He Wuji doesn't have to say anything, and even Liu Jingxuan is extremely proud.

Amaranth's hand is not only an ordinary handkerchief commonly used by ordinary women, but also an ordinary sachet that is not commonly used by ordinary women. It is common for a woman to hold a handkerchief, but the sachet is unusual. Everyone wants to know why.

Amaranth raised his eyebrows, shook the green sachet in front of the crowd, and said with a smile, "This sachet contains foreign fragrance. The fragrance can not only calm the mind, but also repel mosquitoes.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper quickly came over and said, "Where do I have mosquitoes here? She drives away the alcohol.

This sentence made several people around the amaranth quickly withdraw their heads.

Amaranth said, "Where is it? I was bitten by a bag by mosquitoes in the garden yesterday, but it hasn't disappeared yet.

Someone salivated and encouraged Amaranth to show the bag for everyone to confirm. Amaranth raised his hand and beat him and said, "How can that work!" Everyone laughed when they heard it. The man also felt that he had said too much, put his head on the table and pretended to sleep.

I was afraid that amaranth would be angry, so I quickly found another topic to change.

Wine to cheer up. Not only the amaran and several officers from the scholar's origin, but also those who usually speak rigidly and are a little reserved in the army also talk and laugh and talk about interesting things after drinking. In this situation, no one can bear to leave their seats. Even my departure was because I had no choice. I couldn't hold it anymore, so I got up helplessly and hurried to solve it.

When I returned, the seat had been firmly occupied by a junior officer. He looked at me from the table and said with a smile, "Liu Sanjun, you are back." Before I could answer, he lowered his head and put his mind on amaranth. I smiled awkwardly and shook my head to an empty seat at the next table.

My arm was suddenly caught by a man. I looked back and saw a familiar but unknown officer clenched the wine cup in his hand, pulled me tightly in the other, looked at me, and shouted inexplicably, "Liu joins the army, don't be annoyed by a seat... seat. Since he has taken it, you should grab it... and get it back."

I smiled and said, "How can I be annoyed?"

"Isn't it annoying that you turned your head and left? Come on, go and get your seat back!"

"How can this be?"

"Why not? There is a reason to seize nature, and I'm not talking about using... power and force. Here, it can be used... is naturally a word 'gambling'. Haha. It is said that he was invincible when he joined the army. Can you let me open my eyes today?"

At this time, the disappeared and ubiquitous shopkeeper inserted between us, took our shoulders one by one, and laughed and said, "This method is wonderful. Since you all want to be at the same table with the amaranth, it's better to use the bushes to make a decision.

The people at the next table lost the opportunity to sit at the same table with amaranth. Of course, they stood up and actively echoed, and did not allow those who occupied the good seats to distinguish. They all required to use this fair means to set seats. As a result, the rules of gambling were soon set.

Although this is not a gambling place, there are still ordinary gambling tools. The gambling tools in the restaurant are not used to gamble on money, but to gamble on alcohol and people. In some cases, it can also be used to be angry.

A large round wine table was carried to the middle of the room. Everyone decided their own game by catching a lot. More than ten people in each game, only the one who wins in the end can get a valuable seat with amaranth.

This is a big bet that everyone can participate in. When encountering such a situation, the women in the Fairy Pavilion are all excited, and even amaranth can't help but make waves.

Each person took the place in turn. When it was my turn to catch the lot, I hesitated.

I hesitated, not this lot, but whether I should participate in this gamble. I am more familiar with Xipu than anyone in this room, and I am sure that I have won anyone, but I have not touched Xipu for more than ten years. Every time I see a pu in my eyes and hear the sound of a pu in my ears, there is a faint tingling feeling in my heart.

More than ten years ago, I can't imagine how big the impact is; and how much has changed in the past ten years.

I stood up, hugged the people present and said, "I can't drink, and there will be something important tomorrow. Please have fun and leave first.

Some people quit the gambling, which is not a bad thing for the gamblers, but the people who came together did not follow, and they pulled me not to let me go. Finally, at my insistence, they still let me go. Although I was the protagonist when the group came out today, the current protagonist has obviously changed to another person.

As soon as I walked out of the house, I saw a full moon coming out of the clouds and hanging under the eaves of the curved building.

The moon was beautiful. I stared at it for a long time, and my consciousness began to blur, as if my soul leisurely pulled my body and floated into space. I don't know how long it has been, but when I looked down, I found that the city under my feet was not like Wu County.

There seems to be a voice telling me that this is Pengcheng, the hometown of my ancestors who have never been before. Suddenly, the city below became bigger and bigger, and finally became invisible. Is Pengcheng so big? When I was marveling, the dark voice told me that this was Chang'an, the old capital of my predecessors that I had never been to.

Chang'an! A familiar and unfamiliar name. It was once the capital of this country, the supreme royal city admired by all people, and the place where my ancestors dominated. Today, Chang'an, which carries the history and glory of the Han Dynasty, has become a hunting place for Hu Fu, but the emperor and his people of the Han Dynasty have been expelled to the south of the Yangtze River and survive.

Chang'an, is it really as big as I saw? Chang'an, is there really a tomb of ancestors? Chang'an, can you really go back?

The voice in the dark is no longer there, but a sense of pride suddenly surged in my heart: I, Liu Yu, a soldier of the State of Jin, a citizen of a big man, must return to Chang'an in this life!

A cold wind blew, which made me excited. I don't know where the weaving is hidden in the shadow of the moonlight...

(chapter note:

Note 1-Hudu: Shanghai now.

Note 2-Zhejiang: The name of the river, which is now in Zhejiang Province.

Note 3, the commander of the battalion: a general under the famous general, who is in charge of the army under Sima.
