Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 7 Inhumane 2

These words can no longer impress Sun En, but Lu Xun's other sentence made him change his mind in an instant: "Whether the people follow blindly or the people are stupid, but at this extraordinary time, the people are watching between the court and the heavenly master. Those who take the hearts of the people first will inevitably take the lead. Those who have achieved great things throughout the ages are not brave, but those who win the hearts of the people. This is what Liu Bang did to Xiang Yu.

After this sentence, Lu Zhun actually swallowed another sentence. That is: the Yellow Turban Army and Wei, Shu and Wu are the same. After all, what the Yellow Turban Army left to Sun En after the failure is not only a lesson, but also a shame.

In fact, Sun En is kind enough for Wu Xing. Even in Huiji, he instructed the congregation to kill many people who opposed the doctrine, but in Wuxing in a few months, he only killed more than a dozen leaders who disoed the religion as punishment.

However, Sun En was finally persuaded by Lu Xun, so he arranged for the general Yao Sheng to attack Wu Xing, and Lu Zhun replaced Yao Sheng to guard the meeting.

Since Sun En has arranged according to Lu Xun's proposal, he doesn't want to hear Lu Xun say any more big principles. Without waiting for Lu Xun to go on, he said, "I know. It's useless to worry now. Let's see what happens. You go down and arrange it first."

Before Lu Xun finished what he wanted to say, he saw Sun En's expression, so he had to retreat.

Sun En lowered his head in the hall and read the war report over and over again for a long time and sighed. He got up and took the guards into the inner house.

After our army arrived in Ludu, new news from Wu Xing came sporadically. After Wu Xing's eunuch escaped from the city with dozens of soldiers, the people of Wu Xing set up their own new eunuch, killed the soldiers who remained in the city, expelled all the imperial officials, and announced their separation from the Jin Dynasty.

Wu Xing is not big. It is not a big problem, either as a county or a country. However, the psychological impact caused by this incident on the court is huge.

In less than ten days, there was an order from the court to send the champion general Huan Fujii, General of Fuguo Sun Wuzhi, and General Ning Shuo to attack Huiji from the west and north respectively.

Four years of Long'an (AD 400). September.

There was an earthquake on the southeast coast.

I remember this was the second earthquake this year. Since the beginning of this year, earthquakes, comets, solar eclipses and other celestial phenomena have occurred one after another. By this month, there was a second earthquake in the year. These celestial phenomena that herald major disasters seem to occur more and more frequently. It is indeed extremely disturbing.

I followed Liu's army from the east to clean up various thieves' strongholds along the Taihu Lake and along the coastline. Including Wu Xingcheng, which was occupied by the thief soldiers.


The troops arrived at the city of Huiji one after another.

Although he knew that Sun En was huddled in Huiji City, Sun En had been operating Huiji for a long time, so a surprise attack like attacking Wu County was completely useless. Huiji City is not high, but it is close to Sun En's nest. Every day, thieves come from all directions to harass the besieged troops. Therefore, our army not so much besieged Huiji City as our army backed by Huiji City and the thieves from all sides. Huiji City has been besieged for more than ten days, and not even an effective siege has been launched.

Although it takes time to attack the city like this, it is useless. Huiji is a big city in the south, and there is a lot of grain in the city. If you defend hard, the attack may not be effective for a year and a half.

"General, the martial arts must leave a corner in the siege of the city to relax his fighting spirit and disperse his military spirit. Our army will surround the city like an iron barrel. I'm afraid that the thief soldiers in the city will die and defend the city to the death. One of them suggested to Liu Laozhi to join the army.

Liu Laozhi immediately rejected: "No. This time, the court issued a decree that it was necessary to catch all the thieves, especially Sun En, the head of the thief. Although the decirclement makes it easier to attack the city, if you get rid of Sun En or other thieves, how can you return to the order of the dynasty?

"What did the three generals Sun, Huan and Gao say?"

Liu Jingxuan replied, "The two generals Sun and Gao have finished the deployment, and General Huan has not yet arrived, so we still have an army in the south of the city."

"Hmm. When General Huan's army arrives, withdraw our troops to the east of the city as soon as possible.


"General," I said, "I have a suggestion, I don't know if it's possible?"

Liu Laozhi said, "Deyu, please speak."

"Although our army surrounded the city like an iron barrel, it was actually fighting against the thief soldiers gathered from all sides. There are a lot of thieves, and there is a clear field outside the city. I'm afraid it won't last long if it goes on like this.

"That's true.

"The last general thought that it would be better to divide the troops to stop the harassment of the thief soldiers and make Huiji a lonely city. In this way, it is not only beneficial for our army to attack the city with all its strength, but also makes the defenders in the city lose morale. It is relatively easy to break through the city.

Liu Laozhi deeply agreed with my suggestion, so he sent someone to invite the three generals Huan Fucai, Sun Wuzhi and Gao Ya to the camp.

After the two generals Huan and Gao arrived one after another, the third one arrived was not Sun Wuyu, but He Wuji.

He Wuji hurried into the camp with more than a dozen soldiers and came to the Chinese army to report before he could change clothes.

"Why did Wuji come here?"

"General, the king of the East China Sea has just been awarded the title. Although things are complicated, they are nothing more than the establishment of officials, the construction of palaces and so on. As a lieutenant, the last general is actually of little use. It's better to go to the front line and fight against the thief. After obtaining the consent of the son of Huiji, I rushed over day and night.

"You have just taken office as a lieutenant, and the son of the world will also promise you to leave?"

"The prince thinks that it is more difficult to suppress thieves than the establishment of the East China Sea Palace. What's more..." He Wuji looked around and swallowed the words behind.

Liu Jaozhi did not ask questions and said to He Wuji, "It's okay if you come." Jingxuan and others guard Wu County, and I am short of generals to attack the city.

He Wuji was very happy to hear that Liu Laozhi asked him to be the general of the siege. Since joining the army, he has led the army alone when he went to Ludu to rob the grain road. Moreover, the first leader made great achievements in saving the ambush of the army in Sun En. Naturally, he is in high spirits and wants to make more military achievements. In the future, when he returns to the Donghai Palace, he can also suppress the soldiers sent by Sima Yuanxian to the king of the East China Sea.

I was about to ask someone to arrange a camp for He Wuji and his party when General Sun Wuji came into the camp with his own soldiers. I hurriedly took a few steps to pay a visit. Sun Wu finally walked up with a smile to help me up.

After Liu Laozhi and Sun Wu finally met the ceremony, Liu Laozhi was ultimately enthusiastic about Sun Wu. Not only because they are decades of old colleagues, but also because Sun Wu finally recommended a rare general to him. This person naturally refers to me.

"Haha. How can there be something wrong with the candidate I like? Send him a slave... Deyu is both wise and brave. Of course I know he is brave, but I don't know he is so brave. Haha." Sun Wu finally patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's a pity that I haven't found any chance for him to make contributions for so many years. There is really nothing I can do. My prestige is so great that the enemy fled as soon as he saw me. Even I didn't have the opportunity to kill the enemy and make contributions, not to mention Deyu. Everyone in the account laughed when they saw that Sun Wuzhong's self-deprecating tone was so funny.

"What's the slave you just mentioned...?" Liu Laozhi pointed to me and asked Sun Wuji.

"Oh. The slave is the nickname of the last general. When I was a child, my neighbors in my hometown did not know my big name, so I always called it by the name of milk. There are many neighbors in General Sun's army, so General Sun often calls me by this name in private. I was busy explaining.

"Oh, that's how it is. I don't know what the meaning of the name Nu is?"

"Because I was fostered by relatives when I was a child."

"So it is. I also had a nickname when I was young, which was not elegant, so I didn't have to say it to make everyone laugh. Ha ha."