Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 8 Over conquering Huiji 1

The next afternoon, I took a team of people to the barracks in the south of the city. After handing over with Huan's army, he camped three miles outside the city.

Although I am the supervisor of the siege army, I do not directly command the siege. The battalion has a general as a battalion officer specializing in the siege of the city.

Although I am familiar with some military tactics for the siege, after all, I have never had actual combat so far, so I didn't talk to the battalion officer on paper. I just sat in the tent and listened to his command and dispatch.

After two days of rest, the siege officially began.

The first day was the main attack of our battalion. After such a long siege, only this day's siege is a real battle.

A dozen soldiers carried the ladder under the city and set it on the wall. The soldiers in the city guarded themselves with one hand shield and went up the ladder with the other with weapons. The thieves in the city obstructed with bows and arrows, rolling wood and stones. From time to time, soldiers were hit by arrows and fell from the ladder; from time to time, soldiers were hit by rolling stones, and the whole ladder was smashed down a row. The screams are endless.

Two ladders were ignited by the thief's oil. The soldiers on the ladder were driven by fire and ready to retreat. The camp officer ran down the ladder with a knife and shouted at the ladder. Soon, he fell with a knife and cut down a soldier who had just jumped down the ladder.

Seeing this, the other soldiers no longer dared to act rashly, so they had to endure the pain and forcibly break through the flames.

I stood in front of the tent, looked at the tragic scene in front of me, and sighed: Where is this siege? Total suicide!

How smart the ancients were and invented the practice of encircging the land with the city. The battle on the flat ground still needs to be surrounded, and the siege of the city is completely a battle with human flesh as a weapon. One person at the head of the city defends, and more than a dozen people under the city may not be able to attack. The so-called one man can't open up, which is used to describe the battle of defending the city.

The siege depends not only on strategy and tactics, but also on strength and physical strength. The possibility of being the first to survive on the ladder is slim, but the physical strength of the defenders of the city was consumed by these dead soldiers. When the enemy soldiers were exhausted, they just gave the attackers a good opportunity. So this place became a collapse.

A breach is often easy to be blocked again by the swarming defenders, but if there are more and more collapses due to improper command and adjustment, it will be difficult to guard the important stack. This is like a boat. If there is only one hole, you can find a way to repair it, but if there are many holes and you can't fill it, you can only watch the boat sink.

Although the battalion officer stood in front of the battle with a knife to force the soldiers to attack, he could not make a breakthrough. Although several soldiers successfully climbed into the wall, they were soon killed by a large number of thieves in the city. Instead, they threw their bodies down as rolling wood and down the ladder, killing more people.

The siege of this day ended hastily. Although the momentum is huge, it has little effect.

Apart from other sting, our battalion alone has suffered nearly 200 casualties, and more than 100 thieves and soldiers have suffered casualties.

I was speechless all night. The next day, it was still siege on all sides at the same time, and it was still a tragic battle, with little effect.

On the third day, the southern camp was changed to a blaspense.

Although the soldiers also launched a momentum to attack the city, they were far less fierce than the previous two days. They danced and kept making noise, as if our army had won.

A few days later, both the main attacking soldiers and the febuting soldiers lost their initial inexplicable and colorful look and showed some fatigue. The thieves defending the city were even more exhausted by our strategy of attacking east and west. This is exactly what we want. One drummer, then decline, and three exhaustion. I hope the enemy's morale will be exhausted.

Day after day, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. Although the city was almost destroyed several times, it was still blocked by the thieves. There is no river in the moat of Huiji City. The river has been drained by us and filled with soldiers' bodies and soil. The gate of Huiji City created hundreds of holes. Although the door was broken, the door hole was sealed with rammed earth by the thieves.

In the past ten days, our casualties were nearly 3,000, but the enemy's casualties were faster than ours, about 5,000.

Since we adjusted our deployment, the reinforcements of the thief army have been unable to approach Huiji City, which has greatly reduced the morale of the defenders in the city. If this state is maintained, Huiji City will be successfully broken within a few days. We must break the city as soon as possible, and we can't consume it like this, because even 3,000 losses are unbearable for us.

However, just as the siege was progressing more and more smoothly, I suddenly received an urgent report calling me to discuss the accounts of the Central Army.

As soon as I rode a fast horse to the middle barracks in the east of the city, Liu Jaozhi told the urgent report he had just received: Huan Bu was mistakenly hit by the enemy's ambush and almost the whole army was destroyed. Sun Wu finally sent troops to rescue him and was trapped in the siege, causing heavy losses. Some of the soldiers were left to continue to fight with Sun Wu, and the other soldiers were coming to Huiji City.

I picked up the emergency war report and read it. The description is brief, but the urgency of the situation is completely imaginable.

"So it seems that I have looked at Sun En, a group of thieves. Even Sun Wuyu and Huan Wucai, the two generals who are good at fighting, were defeated so miserably. Liu Laozhi took over the urgent report I returned, as he said.

"Who is the leader of this group of thieves?" I asked.

"It's Lu Xun. However, I know that Lu Xun has a man named Xu Daofu, who is good at strategy. Have you ever heard of it?

"Lu Xun knows that Xu has never heard of anything."

"It's Xu Daofu. This man seems to know a lot about military tactics. If Huan was attacked by the ambush because of the carelessness of the enemy, but Sun Wu finally fell into the siege and could not extricate himself after knowing that Huan was not defeated, it can be seen that they did meet a strong enemy.

"When our army was in Wujun, could this Xu Daofu be in Sun En's army?"

"I don't know. However, judging from the defeat of Sun and Huan, Lu Xun and Xu Daofu must be together with Sun En when Ludu is frustrated. Although the thief soldiers are not strong, there are many people. If they are commanded by a good general, it is a worrying thing.

"That's true."

"I just heard the description of the messenger, and the situation is quite bad."

Liu Jaozhi then told me what he heard:

At first, the thief soldiers were reinforced from various places, so Huan and Sun Wuyu could always use the time difference to break through each other.

This time, Xu Daofu used a unit to lure Huan Bu into an ambush, harassed Sun Wuyi with another force, and fought guerrillas with him, making him tired of coping. After Huan Bucai fell into the ambush circle, Xu Daofu defeated Huan Bucai's formation with tactics, and then adjusted his pawns to divide Huan Bucai's army into several sections to encircle and annihilate them. This method is very similar to the time we were ambushed by Sun En in Shanghai.