Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 9 First Leader 4

"But what I'm really afraid of is not fighting with the thief soldiers. What I'm afraid of is that as a soldier of the Jin Kingdom, I can't take the responsibility of defending the city. What I'm afraid of is that I can't contain the enemy soldiers who invaded Huiji, Wu County and even Jiankang in this small city. What I'm afraid of is that once the thief breaks through our defense line, they will go straight into and kill us. Father and brother and sister. Of course, I'm also afraid that I will be injured or even sacrificed in the battle of guarding Juzhang.

Hearing what I said, many people lowered their heads. I understand that these words are too high-sounding and far from convincing. What I need is not reason, but emotion.

I continued: "Who doesn't have fear? I was also afraid of myself, and I was scared to death. Something happened decades ago, which is still vivid in my mind. At that time, I was about the same age as many of you.

I patted the soldier beside me on the shoulder and said, "At that time, I was as strong as this little brother. I was idle all day and didn't do my job. Of course, I have also done some shady things. He is a descendant who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Those young soldiers smiled heartily.

"General Liu, you said too much." A personal soldier stood outside the circle and interrupted to help me round up.

I raised my hand and smiled at him and replied to his kindness: "This is just the truth. At that time, he was young and frivolous and unknown. Once, there was a dispute between my two brothers and people from the neighboring village. At that time, he almost killed a person. That night, more than 20 people with hoes, knives and axes broke into my house to kill my whole family.

"Although I stood up with a momentary spirit and blood and had to bear it alone, I was scared to death in the face of so many murderous villagers and the situation that I could die at any time. Despite the stubbornness in my mouth, my legs are trembling. If I hadn't supported myself, I'm afraid I would have collapsed to the ground long ago. At that time, as long as one person took action, all the guys would greet me. It can be said that life is imminent.

"Since I thought I couldn't escape, my mother came out of the house. In fact, she is not my biological mother, but my stepmother. She came to me to protect me, kneeling down to those people, crying and explaining the truth to them. I still remember what she said at that time. She said: 'My son's death will not make the wounded recover, and my death will not benefit you. If we can be spared, my mother and son will do their best to remedy the previous mistakes."

Talking about this past, I couldn't help bursting into tears: "After my mother's negotiation with them, I finally promised to pay 300 yuan to settle the matter. Although this 300 yuan put my family in great trouble in the next two years, it brought me and my family's life. If you have a life, do you still care about two years of plight? These will not be mentioned for the time being. What I want to say is that when a strong man like me is scared and his legs are weak, a woman with no power to bind a chicken is so brave. Her square inch is not chaotic, which saves a life-and-death battle from happening. Think about it, some things are destined to happen. When that's the time, what's the use of being afraid?

"Indeed." A soldier is attached.

"At present, the thief will attack the city, you might as well take courage. No matter what you think, as a soldier, fighting is unavoidable. Today, what we encounter is the army suppressing the city, which is similar to what I encountered when I was young. There are only a few hundred of us, and there may be sacrifices, but such sacrifices are still limited.

"Why do you say that? Because behind us are our mothers, brothers and neighbors. If we fall down or we run away, we will let them face the thief. I know that many people's hometowns are not in a sentence, but far away from Huiji, Wujun, Jiankang, Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and even Guangzhou. However, if no one in Jin can stop Sun Encao, no matter where your hometown is, sooner or later your family will face this group of robbers. Can we bear it? Are we afraid?"

When I said this, I heard a soldier behind me start crying.

I turned my head and looked at him, thinking: What I said was just to arouse everyone's courage before the war, and it wouldn't make people cry. Maybe this person felt the same way, or a new relative and friend died in a new war, and he couldn't help crying when he thought of the sadness.

I comforted him and said, "Brother, don't cry. In every sentence, we are all your brothers.

General, my hometown is Yuzhou, and it has been three years since I arrived in Huiji County. You mentioned Yuzhou just now, and I'm a little homesick.

"Actually, I'm just like you, and I'm also homesick. Although I haven't been away from home for as long as you, it's been a year. I miss my mother, brother, wife, and my daughter. Homesickness is not about the length of life, but only the feeling of nostalgia.

As soon as I said this, the strong homesickness filled my whole body, which made my voice tremble a little: "I haven't studied much since I was a child, but I have read a lot of books since I got married and joined the army. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Many books were actually taught by my wife. She also taught me to sing a song--

In the silent night, I sang an ancient war song alone:


How can it be called no clothes


Wang Yuxing

Repair my spear

The same hatred with the son

How can it be called no clothes

With Zi Tongze

Wang Yuxing

Repair my spear

With the son

How can it be called no clothes

With the same costume

Wang Yuxing

Repair my armor

With the children


After singing, I will explain this ancient poem describing war and the friendship of soldiers to the soldiers. The soldiers listened with different expressions, some lonely, some excited, and some sighed. Naturally, there are also indifferent people.

After the lengthy preparation above, I began to enter the topic of talking to these soldiers:

"The enemy has been forced to come to the city. Either today or tomorrow, they will start to attack the city. Now that we are in danger and in a place of danger, no matter who is in need to cheer up and never be discouraged by morale. Whether it is soldiers or the army, morale is valuable. If you lose morale, you will have no fighting power; if you have morale, you will have no strength. Besides, there are only thousands of people outside the city. There is nothing terrible. I said.

General, it's not scary that there are only thousands outside the city. The terrible thing is that there are only a few hundred defenders in the city. There is a ten-fold difference between the enemy and us. A soldier said.

His words also confirmed that all the worries of the soldiers were the difference in strength. This is also all the pressure we are facing now. If there is no huge gap between troops, all worries and fears will no longer exist.

I just talked about how to overcome fear in the face of the enemy, but I have not explained how to defeat the enemy. This is exactly what I need to explain with defensive deployment next.