Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 10 Fighting Pen Holder 6

It suddenly became silent.

I entered the house with my own soldiers. Several soldiers and more than a dozen people stood in the yard.

"Why is it noisy here?" I asked.

"The general, this man was recruited to transport horses, but he repeatedly said wild words!" A soldier pointed to a burly black-faced man and said.

"Your ancestors!" The black-faced man scolded, turned his head, and looked unconvinced.

When I saw that he was rude, I frowned and asked the soldier, "What are you talking about?" Doesn't he work here?

The talking soldier didn't say anything, and another soldier replied for him, "That's not true. The work is still done." He does more than others.

"Then what are you arguing about?"

When the soldier who spoke first saw that I only asked him one, he had to continue to say, "This man's arms are strong. Others can only move a bunch of horse materials at a time, and he can move three or four bunches at a time. If we move more, we will naturally pay more. But this man just worked honestly, but he picked on other people's problems all day and laughed at us rudely. Just now, he also said that his dignified man can bend three stones, but it is really a humiliation to be a groom here.

I looked at the horse materials piled up in front of the stable. The bunch is big and heavy, and ordinary people are reluctant to move a bunch, but the black-faced man can move three or four bunches at a time, which is really incredible. I can't help but look at him with new eyes.

I stepped forward and asked the big man, "Why did you become a groom here? Why do you think work is humiliating?

The man replied, "I don't think a man can be loyal to the country and kill the enemy, but it's really not worth doing some small things here. The reason why I feel humiliated is not because of my work, but because those soldiers look down on me.

"So you fight with them?"

"Yes. Oh, no. I didn't hit it, just pushed a few. Besides, they did it first... If they really fight, they can't blame me if they suffer losses.

I felt funny when I heard what he said. Looking at this situation, it is estimated that these soldiers were unhappy when they heard the big man's throat and wanted to rectify him. As a result, I didn't expect that the rectification would not be successful, so I suffered a small loss.

I asked the big man, "What do you call the strong man?"

At this time, the big man remembered to hug me and said, "Go back to the general. My surname is Ou, my name is En, and my name is Dao En. He is from Lanling. It was difficult to fall here last month, because I was penniless, so I was drafted to work in the army.

I took a step closer, looked at him carefully and said, "Just now, the soldier said that you could bend three stones, but is it true?"

He replied, "Three stones are not at all. My family is poor and often bullied, so I have learned some martial arts since childhood. I also practiced archery when I grew up. Although archery is not good, it can make a strong bow that ordinary people can't use.

I called someone to take three bows, gave them to En, and said, "Can you open these three bows at the same time?"

Kai En took three bows, hooked the strings of one of the bows with his fingers and tried, and said, "Take two more bows!"

I asked someone to take two bows and give them to him.

Five bows in hand, and I can't even hold the back of the bow. I'd like to see how he opened the bow.

I bowed my head and meditated for a long time, walked to the wall, stretched out my hand and touched the ice, and then clenched my fist and knocked on the ice. This ice wall is indeed a barrier to prevent thieves from climbing the city.

This is actually a method of defending the city from ancient times. I don't know which book I have seen before. This method is very suitable for this cold winter. When the weather is coldest in the middle of the night, water will be splashed on the outer city several times, and the wall will be covered with ice. Although this layer of ice is not thick, it is enough to make it difficult for enemy soldiers to climb. Even if the next day is a sunny day, the ice wall will not melt before noon.

The subtlety of this method is that this layer of ice can neither be too thin nor too thick. If the ice is too thin, it is easy to melt; if the ice is too thick, the enemy will set a foothold for climbing by chiseling ice. Even if the enemy digs a foothold, once the weight of the whole body is added, it is easy to collapse the ice.

Now the ice on the outer wall is in an excellent state of protection. It seems that this mysterious veteran is a person who is well voting the way to defend the city.

There are only 300 soldiers, and they are familiar with each other every day. The general actually let an unknown person go to the city and did something to affect the defense according to his words. It's really annoying. However, because such precautions are beneficial to us, it is obvious that this person wants to help me, not the spy who wants to destroy the fortifications.

Hair is messy and has a long beard. Obviously, it has been disguised.

If he really wants to help us defend the city, why don't he come to me directly and explain to me how to defend the city? Previously, I ordered that those who can defend the city law should be rewarded. It is impossible for him not to know in the city.

Since the reasons are difficult to understand, there is no need for me to think hard. Because I know that if that person doesn't want me to know, I won't come up with any results if I think about it behind closed doors.

I'm only worried about one thing: if this person can go to the city at will and give orders to the soldiers guard the city. Then once there are really spies, it may destroy the deployment of the city. The consequences are unimaginable. Perhaps this man's behavior is not only a suggestion, but also a hint that there is a loophole in my guard order?

On the same day, I summoned all the officers above the army to hold an emergency meeting in the county government. The decrees, orders and punishments for defending the city were reiterated. The deployment of the city has been changed. And repeatedly stressed that except for myself, the deployment of defending the city can only be implemented and cannot be changed.

Everyone dispersed, but my worries did not disperse.

(chapter note:

Note 1 - General Tiangong in the Yellow Turban Army: The leader of the Yellow Turban Army is Zhang Jiao, who is known as "General Tiangong". His two younger brothers are called "General of the Land" and "General of Rengong".
