Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 13 Reappearance 2

However, the micro words about Koon continue to come to the ears. On the one hand, he trained too strictly and often injured people; on the other hand, he often did not follow the rules of the army, which made the soldiers of other teams very dissatisfied. Just because there was no serious violation of military rules, everyone swallowed their anger.

This time, Koon actually injured people in front of many soldiers and people on the campus, and it was the captain. This is a serious violation.

I went over to check the captain's injury. The injury was not serious, but the blood stained half of the face and looked very serious. I comforted him a few words, ordered the military doctors present to treat him well, and then looked around at the onlookers.

All these people who come from every sentence know that kuan is my beloved. He started as a recruit and rose several levels in a row until now as the captain of the team. In the army, no one has been promoted so quickly.

Now that my love will commit something, what should I do?

It's not a big problem for me how to deal with Koon. Since he is my crony and has now committed military rules, in order to set an example for everyone in the army, the punishment for him is naturally not light. However, the punishment for violating military regulations is mostly corporal punishment. The difference is just the number of military sticks.

Since ancient times, beating military sticks has been an extremely delicate thing. The same military stick has different ways of playing. If the stick hits the buttocks as hard as possible, even ten sticks can hurt muscles and bones, and it is not impossible to kill people; if the stick is beaten falsely, it will not hurt to hit hundreds of sticks.

Not to mention the heavy stick, the wrist of the light stick is really a lot. If you hit with a stick, it looks like the stick is round. In fact, before falling on the punished person, the executioner has collected his strength. The sound of the stick patting on the body is loud, but it is light and weak. If you hit with a stick, it is easier to deal with it. You only need to stretch the stick a little to let the stick on the ground to remove most of the force. , the prisoner only suffered a heavy knock.

The people don't understand what's strange, but the soldiers won't understand.

As my confidant general and as a model of strict military discipline, Kuai En must be severely punished. However, Xiaoxi had few widows, and several people such as Lai Ao En fought side by side with me and were born and died. If he is injured, it will definitely not be a good thing for us to guard the fortress.

At this time, I don't have time to think. In the eyes of the public, I have to take action. At this time, I saw He Wuji squeeze in.

He approached me and asked, "I heard that Kwain injured someone?"

"Hmm. He injured the captain of another team in order to fight for the training ground.

He Wuji went over to look at the injured captain, and then returned to me and asked, "What is Sima going to do?"

"Falty punishment for military sticks!"

"Ah?" He Wuji was shocked, and then approached and asked in a low voice, "Do you really want to hit the military stick?"

"Otherwise, what else?"

"This is he..."

"I know." Before He Wuji finished his words, I interrupted, "Let's pass the people's pass first, and then go back to the soldiers's."

He Wuji looked at me suspiciously. I turned around and strode to the middle of the school yard and announced loudly: "Kou En violated military discipline and hit 20 military sticks first!" Execute it now! Other penalties will be decided after discussion. The personal soldiers quickly inform the officers above the captain to come to the house to discuss matters.

The executed soldier was a little afraid of Kuai En, and it took a long time to move to Kuai En. Kuai was also helpless at this time. He threw the broken wooden knife in his hand on the ground and let the soldiers pressed him to the ground and took off his trousers.

Seeing the strong man lying on the ground with his bare buttocks, the silent crowd began to whisper, accompanied by laughter. The younger woman blocked her eyes with her hand and squeezed out with a red face without saying a word; the older woman didn't care, and squeezed among the men to watch the fun.

Rao Kuan was thick-skinned and blushed at this time. He roared at the soldiers who were executed: "Your ancestors! If you want to fight quickly, what are you looking at?"

When those soldiers saw that I just looked at me and didn't say anything, they raised their sticks and beat me.

These 20 military sticks are neither light nor heavy. It's not because it was not the soldiers under Koen who did it, and it's not because the person who tortured me didn't understand what I meant, so he didn't dare to break it casually.

After I was sentenced, I ordered to tie up and take her to the cell for custody. Let the soldiers on the campus go back to the camp and stand by.

After dispersing the onlookers, I took He Wuji, Liu Zhong and others back to the house to discuss matters.

As in the sentence, the military government and county government are located in a large yard. It's not far from my place.

"What do you think of today's campus?" When the generals arrived, I asked them.

They knew what had happened on the campus before they came, because they all avoided my eyes and didn't make a statement.

"In the world, you know the situation best. What do you think?"

Although Liu Zhong is at peace with Kuan, he is not willing to provoke him blatantly. However, when I asked him, he couldn't avoid it, so he had to say, "Kai En should be heavily punished for making such a big mistake. It's not too much to hit him with hundreds of military sticks.

Several people present saw that Liu Zhong was going to impose a heavy penalty on Kuan, and immediately agreed that they would hit him dozens more military sticks.

When I was about to speak, Yu Qiu opened his mouth. He said, "Kouen is a fierce warrior. Now the people who guard the village are the best, and the people who guard the village are also the strongest among the subordinates of the village. Injury to Kuo En alone is harmful to guarding the fortress, and it will also affect morale. There is no need to punish with a military stick. It's better to replace the merits."

Let me take a look at He Wuji.

He understood what I meant and nodded and said, "I deeply agree with Yuzhi's words. Military law is important, but it also depends on the times and terrain. Nowadays, when people are being used, it is better not to hurt people and not to be discouraged by morale. It's better to carry out other punishments and demotion to make him commit crimes.

Seeing that these two came out to avoid Kwa En's corporal punishment, someone immediately agreed to deal with it lightly.

These people just followed Liu Zhong and said that they would be punished heavily, and now they have followed Yu Qiujin to say that they should be light. Don't they have their own ideas?

Yu Qiujin's proposal was just right for me. I nodded and said, "He joined the army and Yuzhi's proposal is very good. He removed his position as captain and was demoted to Shichang. A fine of three months. And each battalion has been cleaning the details for a month. What do you think?"

The 20 military sticks that have been beaten can only relieve the soldiers, but they can't convince them. The same is true of the demotion and punishment, but this humiliating sweep can relieve those who are jealous, afraid and resentful.

I ordered to take Kwain and declare the punishment for him in front of everyone. Kuai En was not afraid, but when he heard the last piece of punishment, his face was crooked.