Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 16 Dress Up 3

Since coming to the chapter, although I have been thinking about both kindness and power, it is not suitable to establish power in the sentence. Therefore, everything should be based on leniency, and more admonishment when the military and civilians do not abide by the law, rather than punishment. In this way, although the military and civilians respect me, military discipline and civil discipline are not very strict.

When I encountered this today, I was full of heart to set an end to set an order and establish a military power. However, as Yu Qiujin and Quon said, although the crime of committing the law in the war was increased, the regulations violated by the officer were indeed crimes that did not kill him; in addition, he did not expect to involve amaranth.

The Great Jin Dynasty strictly prohibits women from the army, which is an iron law. Although he joined the army to kill the enemy, what can I do? She can't break the ban on women's military service because of her talent. In the Jin Dynasty, there are endless things that can't be forbidden, and there are more than tens of millions of things that should not be banned?

Lying on the couch at night, I've been thinking about amaranth. Even if she wanted to join the army, she could completely join other armies, but he traveled a long way from Wujun, where he was safe, to the south and specially came to join my army. Knowing that there were only hundreds of soldiers, it was impossible to use her generals, and even she might die here, but she still came.

She came here to join the army, but she came here to find me.

I heard that the village has knocked three times, but I'm still not sleepy.

Actually, although I wanted to severely punish the officer at first, it did not reach the level of killing. But when I saw that the man next to him turned out to be amaranth, I did not hesitate to order the officer to take justice. Now think about it, it's really difficult for me to make such a judgment at that moment.

When I woke up and wanted to take back my life, I had to let wain do it for me. This series of events is ring by ring. When the first ring is wrong, the back ring is wrong, and no one can take time to correct it.

It can be seen that as people say, "It's easy to defeat the enemy, but difficult to defeat yourself."

My heart is really confused.

I'm thinking about things, and I don't know when I fell asleep. But it seems that he was awakened by Liu Zhong before he slept for a long time. I immediately jumped up from the couch and prepared to dress.

Liu Zhong said quickly when he saw this: "It's not too bad! It's not tight! Liu Sima, there is no military situation! It's En who is looking for you."

I was relieved, put on my clothes and walked out of the door. Kuan stepped forward and pulled my sleeve. Please go to the side and whisper, "The woman in the army wants to see you."

"What? Dawn, how can you be so confused? It's enough to finish the matter quickly. You still have to bring it to me. After saying that, I turned around and walked into the room and waved to let Liu Zhong go back to his room to sleep.

When Kuan saw Liu Zhong out of the yard, she went to the door and whispered to me, "She insisted on coming. I really can't help it."

"Where are the people?"

Kon pointed to the shadow in the corner. There is a backlight, and you can't see anyone clearly.

"Has anyone ever seen her?"

Kuan shook his head and said, "When he entered the door, he opened his own soldiers, and Liu Zhong didn't see it either."

I nodded and walked to the corner. Kwai En walked to the door of the courtyard, sat facing out at the door, leaning against the door and yawning. The black man seemed to be careless, but he was quite careful at this time. When he sat there, no one else could come in.

As soon as I walked to the corner, I saw a figure worshipping me and said, "General, for your forgiveness."

"Escape quickly while it's dark. Don't come back."

"General, if it is against military discipline to join the army as a woman, can I stay here as a civilian? To guard the city and the fortress, you don't have to be a man.

"There is no need to say about this matter. In ancient times, it was a matter for men. How can a woman carry a sword and armor?"

"The ancient woman is good, and she is also a hero who doesn't let her eyebrows go. How can she..."

"A good woman is a very human being, and she is the mother of a country. When the country is in trouble, of course she has to recruit on behalf of her husband. The Shang Dynasty has decrees of the Shang Dynasty, and I have decrees of our dynasty. I was going to punish you two with good military discipline. Since there is grace to plead with you, I will let you go on the grounds of escape. Isn't it good for you to leave here?"

"Thank you, General, for your great kindness. Doesn't General Deyu know what amaranth wants until now?

When I heard her words, my heart tightened. I only felt infinite warmth and infinite melancholy, which made me not know why. After a long time, I opened my mouth and said, "No matter what you want to do. This is an extraordinary place. At this moment, all I can think of is war, not... personnel. I wanted to say "qing shi", but on second thought, I changed my name to "personnel".

"What I'm thinking about is not entirely personnel, and there are also wars. Do you remember our conversation in Wu County?

"Hmm. Of course I remember. However, even if you want to fight, you can go back to your hometown to think about it. This is not a place for women to stay.

"General, I know what you mean, but you don't understand what I mean. I..."

When I saw her come out of the shadow of the corner and the bright moonlight on her jade-like face, my heart couldn't help but stir. What a beautiful scenery and what a beauty! How can I not understand her feelings? It's just that since I have made the decision to leave her in Wujun City, I won't change it now.

The two lines of tears of the "general" flowed down Amaranth's face. "As an ordinary woman, Amaranth has only two long-cherished wishes now. One is to kill the enemy from the army, and the other is to accompany the general. If I can stay in the stream, both wishes can be realized. Even if you can't hold the broom for the general with your own hands, it's good to look at the general from afar in the crowd.

Hearing such words with tears in my eyes, I really wanted to hold her in my arms.

In the army, I am a brave general. However, in the face of love, I am far less than amaranth. The decision made by Wu County, which had overcome his inner pain, seemed to collapse at this moment. But I am still powerless to support the decision to be torn apart.

I don't know how much I have changed after the sentence: Sima, who has always been enforcing the law, joined the army, but they have repeatedly indulged in the face of the discipline of the military and the people; the selfless officers are afraid of the situation; the only fortunate thing is that the soldiers who have always been brave and good at fighting have never been afraid of death.

He Wuji has always been unable to understand why I can't accept amaranth. How does he know? It's just because our identity is different. He Wuji is a member of the scholar clan, and it is common to have three wives and four concubines. I was born in poverty, and it is lucky to marry a family, but I can't have any other extravagant hope. Although she has long been out of poverty, although his wife Zang's beloved mother's family is not very rich, she is also more than enough to eat and clothing. She can resolutely marry into a poor family. What does her husband want?

Although I only have a daughter under my knees and no son, my wife is not old and can still have children. It is not necessary to marry a woman again. And what made it most difficult for me to convince myself was the identity of Amaranth, which was considered in Wu County.

The pain between me and Amaranth and I hope that she can abandon me to find a good family, but Amaranth is like a magic barrier. It's easy to separate in Wu County, but she has come all the way to be by my side. Even so, we can't see each other.

I don't know how painful it will be every time she looks at me secretly in the crowd; I can't understand how an affectionate girl spends a long lonely night alone.

Just as she said, let her stay in the stream and occasionally look at each other from afar. Isn't it to make the pain of lovesickness stronger and stronger? Isn't it necessary to pull this painful time from short to infinitely long?