Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 17 Reception of Refugees 1

The next day, I practiced knives in the courtyard, and Liu Zhongfeng rushed in and reported that many people suddenly came outside the village to ask to enter the village. The guards didn't let them in, so they gathered outside the fortress gate to make trouble, saying that they were going to smash the door.

After the Xiaoxizhai wall has become stronger and stronger, the exchange between inside and outside is no longer limited to the ropes of the city. The gate is opened once a day to facilitate access.

People need to enter the village. The so-called order to enter the village is a pass made by Yu Qiujin. Even if there is no order to enter the village, they can only move within a limited range, unless they know the forbidden period.

In order to be afraid of the detailed work of the thief army, the opening time of the village door is different every day. Every morning, notices are posted in several fixed places to tell the people in the village about the opening time. The people in the city have to wait for this time whether they go out of the city or when the people outside the city enter the city.

The gate will open at dusk today. It's not noon yet, and it's not time to open.

I asked Liu Zhong, "How many people are there?" Where did you come from?"

I heard that there were 30 or 40 people at the beginning, but now there are 100 or 200 people. They are all from the west.

"You go to the city to explain to them that the gate is only opened once a day during the emergency and let them wait outside the city."

"It has been explained. They said that someone was starving to death, thirsty and died of illness, and they couldn't stand it at that time. Moreover, there seems to be people coming here in the distance.

"Oh? Why are there so many people in the city today? Let me have a look."

I handed the knife to a guard and took Liu Zhong to the west wall.

Looking down from the stack of the fortress wall, I saw that the front of the door hole was full of people. There is also on the other side of the moat. This group is divided into two groups with the river as the boundary. On this side of the river are full of strong men, while on the other side of the river are old and young and women.

The people in front of the doorway were negotiating with the defenders in the gate, and there was a hoarse cry on the other side of the river. It was a kind of cry at all, the same as their faces, showing the traces of life disappearing little by little.

The defenders are abiding by military discipline and preventing these thirsty people from entering the city. Their conversation caused a burst of ** from time to time. And excitement often fluctuates with such **. But obviously, no matter what ** is, it won't cause too much trouble. These hungry people even use the last strength to speak. Even if they really want to smash the door as they say, I'm afraid they don't have much strength. What else can they do?

Far away, groups of people are moving here. I don't know what kind of encouragement or rumors have been heard, which convinced these people that this small stream village is their temporary destination.

Looking at the situation under the village, I suddenly felt like a dream: a few days, people kept carrying valuable things at home to escape from the forefront of the war, but now many people are flocking here from afar.

"Fathers!" I shouted like this in the city. The sound is not loud, but compared with the voices in the city, it is undoubtedly very loud. The people looked up at the city.

"Fathers, I..." My words were quickly interrupted, because I heard someone shouting in the crowd: "Liu Yu, he is Liu Yu." The people began to shout with one voice, "Liu Yu! Liu Yu!"

In Huiji County, there are many people who know that the guard of every sentence is Liu Yu, but I feel puzzled that they call my name so excitedly. I had to make a gesture to them to stop.

Fathers and elders. I'm Liu Yu, the officer guarding here. As you know, this is the forefront of the war, and Sun En's army in the north of the village is fighting with us. Excuse me, why did you come here?"

The crowd first had a long time, and then they pushed out a middle-aged man in his 30s. The man coughed softly, hugged his fist up, and said in a hoarse voice:

"We are the people of Huiji County. Sun En's bandits went rampant in the countryside and recruited grain. The people were harassed and suffered unspeakably. After the officers and soldiers repelled Sun En's thief soldiers, they never thought the situation would be worse. The officers and soldiers are no better than the thugs in the cities and villages. It's not my nonsense, and I also ask Liu Sima not to be angry. Where the officers and soldiers passed, like locusts, not only their wealth was robbed, but also young women were occasionally raped.

When I heard this, I couldn't help frowning.

The man continued: "We are unarmed people. We know that the situation is difficult, and we only want to save our lives. Unexpectedly, in addition to Sun En's thief bandits, Wang Shi also bullied the people, making us have no place to stand. Just when there was no choice, I heard that General Liu Deyu ruled the army rigorously, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. I longed for it, so I came together.

"Who knew that the city had been razed to the ground by the bandits. Just when he was at a loss, he learned that the general was here, so he turned around. General, you can also see that most of us are hungry people, and all we need is food and clothing. I beg the general to read the people and allow me to enter the city.

This man speaks long and civilly, but it is justified. It seems that there is a reason for this group of people to choose him to speak.

"What's your name is this big brother?"

Before he said anything, several people next to him spoke out for him: "The surname is Xiao." These people don't speak well, but at this time they are willing to come out to help the surnamed Xiao.

"Brother Xiao, please! Listening to your words, I know that you are waiting for hardship. At present, Xiaoxi Village has been attacked by Sun En's thief soldiers all day long, and this is not a comfortable place.

"We know that Juzhang is a battlefield, but we also know that General Liu broke Sun's kindness outside Wujun City. Thinking of Sun En's child, he hugged his head and rat when he heard the name of the general. How dare he attack me?

At this time, it is difficult for me to tell whether the man surnamed Xiao was talking about the rumors they heard or his own compliments. In a word, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with this exaggerated rumor.

From this point of view, our country of Jin also had not been victorious in the battle for a long time, so the incident of killing one hundred and ten thief soldiers when I fought against thousands of people outside Wujun City was actually recited as my "big break" thief soldier by the military and the people.

Brother Xiao is flattered. I just killed a few thieves. It's not Liu Yu who really broke the thieves of Wu County, but General Xie Yan and General Liu Prison.

"It is true. We all know about this. We all know that the general guards the broken thief soldiers in Juzhang City and the situation where the stream is in danger at this time. It's just that there is no place for us to survive except here. Even if it is dangerous, we are willing to enter the village. I hope the general feels sorry for the old and young on the opposite side. With that, he pointed his hand across the river.

The people on the other side of the river were listening to our conversation just now, and then they began to cry again.