Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 17 Receipting Refugees 3

Kun nodded, and after a while, he said, "Teacher... Sima, you let us guard the village gate all day. This is too passive. If the enemy comes to fight, we will guard against it. If the enemy doesn't hit us, we will be idle. What's the use of just guarding? Why don't we go out?"

"The eyes outside the city are full of thieves. How can they kill them?"

Kouen said, "A few days ago, you led us out and killed a lot of people."

A few days ago, I did look at a gap of the enemy and rushed out to kill some thief soldiers. However, compared with the tens of thousands of people in the thieves camp, the hundreds of thieves killed are only a piece of cattle.

"That's a very good situation." I motioned raun to sit down, and then said to him, "Done, I know you are very brave and dare to kill the enemy. However, killing the enemy is not a matter of one person, but a matter of a group of people and an army. The so-called army, the big one has millions of soldiers, and the small ten people can also become an army. As a general in the army, you can't just think about how to kill a few more enemy soldiers from the details, but you need to win the final victory from the big part.

"Of course, it is to win in the end, but how can we win without killing the enemy? The ancients also rewarded them according to their merits. When it comes to my dynasty, this law will be left unattended.

"It's not a bad thing to abolish this law. Military pays attention to the overall situation, not overnight gains and losses. If you know some military tactics, you will understand what you have heard of the so-called 'strategies' and 'condable soldiers without fighting'? Killing the enemy is just a bad idea. Besides, what do you think we are here for?

Kwain replied, "In order to kill the enemy."

I frowned and said, "You still can't live without killing the enemy."

"No, no. In order to win." After correcting, Kwan laughed himself.

I smiled and said, "We keep the rules for 'keeping', not for 'killing'. Can hundreds of us kill all the thieves outside the city? Haven't you seen that although we have killed so many thieves in the past few months, there are more and more thieves, and the battalion is getting bigger and bigger?

"What should we do?"

"Just guard your gate."

"I joined the army to kill the enemy. That's good. I've become a gatekeeper.

"Have you killed less enemies recently? Besides, what's wrong with guarding the door? Good generals start from the gatekeeper. When I first joined the army, I still repaired the door.

Kui En grinned: "Sima still repaired the gate?"

Hearing what he said, even several officers and county officials sitting next to him couldn't help snickering.

I smiled and said, "I can't compare with you. As soon as I join the army, I can be the captain. When I was a recruit, I often built walls and gates. I also repaired the city for a few years before joining the army.

"So it is."

I patted Kai En on the shoulder and said, "I don't know how many people will offend with your words."

Kou En smiled.

I asked, "What else can you do?"

Kou En touched his head and said, "Nothing else. It's really boring not to kill some people.

"If you say this, no one can kill, or you can help them kill pigs. A few soldiers have passed away.

Kou En stepped back and said, "Then I'd better guard the door."

Before I could speak, he rubbed the door and ran away.

During this period, although I led the death squad to go out to attack the thief camp several times, the defense of the thief battalion is far more regular than before. After all, we are too few. Although he almost entered the thief's camp once, he was almost surrounded by thieves killed from other camps and could not escape.

As the number of thieves gradually increases, the possibility of successful sneak attacks is getting less and less. I have few soldiers, so I can't rob the camp; the enemy camp is too big, and it is only dozens of surrounding battalions that are disturbed.

In the daytime, the enemy's siege became more and more fierce. Sun En and Yao Sheng seemed to be single-minded to eliminate the enemies around Juzhang before attacking Yu and Huiji, so the thief army competed with the Xiaoxizhai where we were stationed and had to break through it.

From the perspective of Sun En and Yao Sheng, it is indeed hateful: if Zhangcheng can't be attacked for a long time, it is reusible. After all, Juzhang is a military fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. But this stream is just a new village strengthened on the basis of the old village. Unexpectedly, it was also in vain, and many brothers died. Psychologically and emotionally, it is also necessary to break through the village gate and kill all the people guarding the village to boost morale with bloodshed shame.

And I also use the above speculative to encourage the military and civilians to defend the fortress: Sun En's thief soldiers will inevitably be bloody when they enter the village, so instead of being careless because of laziness, it is better to defend them at all costs.

Sun En's gathering in every sentence has been quite large-scale. From the stream, Juzhang, to the seaside, the barracks are dense, stretching for more than ten miles. After that, these military camps were connected, forming a large camp that ordinary people had never seen before. Looking down from the commanding height of the stream, you can't see the edge at a glance. It's really frightening.

The military and the people in the city are all afraid. I'm also a little anxious, but I feel a little happy.

Staring at the map I drew in a mess, I can't help but think of the old story of Cao Cao's conquest of horses in the late Han Dynasty.

When Cao Cao and Ma Chao confronted each other, Cao Cao was very happy whenever Ma Chao had reinforcements. The staff and generals are very confused: why is Cao Gong happy when the enemy's army is getting stronger and stronger?

Cao Cao explained to them that Ma Chao is located in a remote and complex terrain. If it is conducted in an ordinary way, it will take several years to achieve results. In the south, there are still enemies such as Liu Bei and Sun Quan that need to deal with, so it is impossible to spend too much time on the northwest battlefield. Now Ma Chao's army has gathered here, and as long as this battle is won, the problem of Xiliang can be solved at one time.

After that, although Cao's battle was extremely difficult and he almost died, the result after the war was indeed as Cao expected: Ma Chao, who was defeated, had to give up Xiliang and fled to Shu. Xiliang's dragons had no leader and surrendered to Cao Cao.

Isn't the current situation similar to Cao Cao's Zheng Ma Chao?

In the past, these thieves were scattered everywhere. Our expedition to the west is neither hard nor effective. Now the thieves have gathered to bring it to the plains. If we can annihilate the thief soldiers in one fell swoop, the future war situation will be much more beneficial to us.

I weighed over and over again and decided to send a messenger to Shangyu to inform Liu Laozhi, suggesting that he set up a banner, leave the old and weak than Shangyu, and lead the elites to annihilate the enemy.

After returning to his residence after the discussion, Liu Zhong hesitated to come to my room.

I asked him, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'll give it back to you." Liu Zhong said and spread out his hand. What I was holding in my hand was the sachet I gave him before.

"Oh? Why?"

"Done has told me about you and Amaranth. This sachet should be returned to you.

"This Dawn..." I told I didn't expect him to tell Liu Zhong about it.

Since Liu Zhong knew about me and Amaranth, it seemed a little a little abrupt that I refused to take back this sachet. I reached out to take the sachet in Liu Zhong's hand and put it on the table.

Liu Zhong took a look at the sachet and turned around and went out silently.