Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 26 Empty City Trick 1

"You...you..." The county official was so angry that he couldn't speak with his finger at Bao Sizhi when he saw Bao Sizhi exposing his shortcomings in public.

Although Bao Bu was also very angry with the county official, he saw his son rudely scruming his deputy, quickly pressed Bao Sizhi's hand and calmed down: "You must not be rude! We are here to discuss military affairs, and we can't be rude.

Although Bao Sizhi's hand hung down, he did not finish his words: "In terms of war, I will be more brave than each of you; in terms of defending the city, I will be braver than each of you. But you should also know what kind of enemy we are facing. Previously, the thief soldiers occupied the old city of Haiyan. When we camped outside the city, did any of you dare to propose to attack the city?

"It was the day Liu Sima first came to defeat the enemy and recapture the old city. These days, it is because of him that this dilapidated city can be restored as new. What qualifications do you have to evaluate Liu Sima's tactics? What can blame us? I didn't say anything rude. I'm just telling the truth.

Bao Sizhi turned his head and said, "Well, some people don't have the ability to defend the city, but they are jealous..."

"Six it!" Bao gave a shout. Bao Sizhi's arrogance suddenly suppressed. He glanced at his father, stepped back a few steps, and stood behind me, listening to his lesson.

The county official's face turned pale for a while, and he wanted to justify and resign for a while. Seeing Bao Hu scolding Bao Sizhi, he also felt bored. Just sit back in the chair and drink tea.

At this time, I have nothing to say. Both sides are reasonable, and I don't want to talk more. I'm afraid that it will cause more conflicts due to carelessness.

This unprofitable argument had another meal and heard a man say the following words:

"We don't doubt Liu Sima's tactics. When Liu Sima guarded Juzhang City, there were only 300 soldiers. Those 300 people can resist thousands of Sun En. There were more than 2,000 in our army in Haiyan, and only one attack by the thief soldiers caused heavy casualties to the defenders of the city. I'm just afraid that Liu Sima's mind is not guarding Haiyan City.

Before Bao Bu said anything to stop the man, I stood up and said, "This man is right. My mind is indeed not on Shouhai Salt City!"

As soon as this word came out, the front hall was stunned.

I looked at everyone's surprised expressions and then said, "Sea salt is a military important place. The court appointed Lord Bao to guard Haiyan because he took a fancy to Lord Bao's soldiers. Although I came to guard the sea salt from every sentence, do you know that the siege of every sentence has not been fully solved? Half of the guards in Xiaoxi City were brought to Haiyan by me, and the sentences were in an empty state.

"Three hundred people resisted thousands of thieves; less than 1,000 people in the stream resisted more than 10,000 thieves. The guards of Haiyan are more than several times more than the sentences and streams. Can't they resist the thieves outside the city? Do you really think that sea salt soldiers are not available?"

The crowd didn't say anything and looked at me and waited for me to speak.

I sighed and said, "The sea salt defenders suffered heavy losses, including the soldiers I brought from the sentence. Like all of you, I mourn for this. However, in order to protect the family and the country, such sacrifices also have a right place. I believe that if you work together, you will be able to resist thieves outside the city. I am also convinced that after a bloody battle, the soldiers will become strong teachers.

"If you ask me if my mind is guarding sea salt? Not here! My mind is whether Xiaoxi can resist the stubborn attack of the thief soldiers after I transferred 500 soldiers from every chapter; my mind is how to stop Sun En's northern attack and how to annihilate Sun En in Haiyan, Ludu, Wu County, and even Yongdong.

"In last night's battle, I really didn't expect that the enemy would suddenly bring siege weapons. As I just made clear, this is my negligence. Here, I would like to apologize to you as well as to the dead soldiers.

I wanted to say that all kinds of things could happen in the battle. When the general is away, the leading general needs to respond according to the situation and cannot be passively implemented according to the old plan. But thinking that so many soldiers died last night, it is the time when the group is excited. I didn't say these words that sound sophistry and can be mistaken for blame.

When everyone fell silent, an officer said, "Actually, it was not Liu Sima's fault last night. Lord Bao's poor command is the main reason. Liu Sima's soldiers are not what Lord Bao can transfer. After saying that, the officer looked at me.

When I heard this, I suddenly realized that there was a deep meaning behind this sentence. Listen to what the officer said. After returning to the camp, you should also ask Yu Qiujin and others who led the soldiers to defend the city in my place.

The officer did not continue to say anything about Zhang Bing, but said, "When the north of the city was attacked, I had seen that it was a tense. At that time, he advised Lord Bao not to withdraw the defenders in the east of the city, but Lord Bao completely ignored it. In the end, the east of the city almost fell. I think many people here know that some soldiers were killed by their own arrows in the panic. This is really..."

Speaking of this, the officer sat angrily in the corner of the bed. Everyone in the front hall was silent. For a while, the county government, which crowded so many people, was dead.

"Lord Bao, General Liu!" The sound from outside the house surprised everyone. The frightened people last night are especially** at this moment.

A soldier came in and reported to us that the ships at sea had anchored and moved north.

The people in the county government went to the tower to check the enemy's movements.

Sure enough, the enemy ship has been anchored, and one of them is looking to the northeast.

"It seems that the thief soldiers are no longer patient to conquer the sea salt. The thieves outside the city may stay here to continue to attack the city, and the brigade will cross the sea salt and march to Shanghai. I urgently need to report this military situation to General Daojian.

After saying that, I explained to Bao Bu that the main force of the thieves was on the sea of Haiyan, and the other was in Huiji. There should be no need for Liu Lao to be stationed in Huiji, but there are not enough troops between Ludu and its west and Wu County. Although Wu County has thousands of soldiers, it is unscrupulous.

Liu prison's natural whip is beyond its reach, and I can only lead troops to rescue Hudu and Wu County. So I can't stay in Haiyan for a long time, but need to chase the enemy north.

Bao Bu listened to my explanation and said sincerely, "I fully understand the meaning of Brother Deyu. I am very grateful to your army for guarding Haiyan for us this month. However, the danger of sea salt has not been lifted. If Liu Sima goes this time, I'm afraid that the hard-built sea salt city will fall into the hands of the thief again. Can you plan a perfect plan for us before you leave?"

During this period, I can also see that this county magistrate is indeed very different from other local bureaucrats.

He is not only loyal to his duties as a county magistrate, but also really wants to share his worries for the locality. In order to raise soldiers, most of the money and goods came from his private property. He could completely escape before Sun En attacked like other county magistrates, but he didn't. Knowing that Sun En sent soldiers to suppress the border, he still sent his son to station 1,000 people opposite the thief camp.