Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 002 Tiger Falling in Pingyang

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "There must be an end."

The big man said, "How can your gambling club know the end? Is your gambling club over? If you want to end up, unless you don't bully others anymore!"

The owner understood the big man's intention before he came to the store. Seeing that there was something in his words, he endured and did not attack and said, "Since the cabinet is so interested, we might as well make a big bet."

"A big gamble? That's good. I'll bet all the time!"

The shopkeeper laughed and said, "This is a little... Even if I win you, the money is mine, and you are unscathed; if I lose, I will lose a lot of money. This deal is not fair. That's all."

"No. Since you are afraid of losing, that's it. If we want to bet on life and death, we will bet on life and death. If I lose, I will pay double the money on this table; if you lose, please suspend the gambling club for a year.

"Double is not enough. If you lose, you will pay ten times."

"Good. It's a deal!"

"It's a deal! Shopkeeper, take paper and pen to set up a document.

The shopkeeper took the pen and paper and quickly wrote two notes. The shopkeeper and the big man pressed their fingerprints respectively, and invited several regular gamblers to press their fingerprints as witnesses.

The big man took his note, checked it carefully from beginning to end, and put it in his arms with satisfaction.

They bet on Pu. It is said that this gambling play was made by Laozi, the ancestor of Tianshi Dao, and was originally used for good or bad luck. However, from the Zhou Dynasty to the emperor to the people, they were used to using tortoise shells for divination, so the Pu, which was originally used for divination, gradually became a gambler.

There are a total of five roses, each of which is divided into black and white sides, and the black one wins. If the five roses are all black, then it is a heavenly card. Ordinary people have always believed that this kind of gambling method is entirely based on luck, but in fact, there are many skills in it. With such skills, the big man defeated countless enemies in the countryside and gradually gained some fame.

Today, the shopkeeper of Zhenjianglou, the first gambling club in Jingkou, couldn't help but be in high spirits. At the inspitation of those teenagers and young people, they became more and more brave, and they actually played many cards. A hero added to the big man's chest.

As for the shopkeeper's mention of gambling, he thought it was just the shopkeeper who wanted to deter him in this way, so he was unsurprisingly willing to use double or even ten times the bet to help his brothers vent his brotherhood - to close the store.

The high-willed man and the defeated shopkeeper have restarted another game. Although this game is not a life-and-death gamble, its stake is so big that it is difficult for onlookers to meet throughout their lives.

The result of the gambling was completely unexpected. General Changsheng was defeated in this crucial game.

The big man stared at the Pu on the gambling table with his eyes straight.

How did he know that the defeated opponent he faced was far more terrible than he thought.

The owner of Zhenjiang Building was originally a playboy who studied all kinds of gambling when he had nothing to do. Since taking over Zhenjiang Tower, he has invited famous gambling masters to practice extraordinary gambling skills.

The repeated loss of chips to the big man before was just the shopkeeper's trick to seduce the enemy.

He used the lost gamble to proud the enemy, and then used the lost chips to create conditions for his opponent to make a bold advance. In addition, after losing the big money, he deliberately proposed to stop gambling, so as to incite the mood of the big man and the onlookers and create momentum for the next step of gambling. So much so that when he made a ten-fold bet, the bloody man had no room for man to swing under the gaze and encouragement of the onlookers.

In this way, the shopkeeper lured the big man into his carefully set up bureau step by step.

The shopkeeper got up and shook his robe, looked sideways at the man sitting in the chair, and sneered, "Well, since this is the case, don't blame me for being polite."

At his order, a group of domestic slaves came out of nowhere and tied the unreacted man from head to toe. Then he dragged him out and tied him under the flagpole in front of Zhenjiang Tower.

Why did the big man and the young man tie people up indiscriminately? The shopkeeper laughed and said, "How much is that chip worth? How much is that ten-fold chip worth? That's not a small amount of money. What if he doesn't tie him up and escape?

"Why do you tie people up when money goes to money?"

"Take the money, and I will naturally let people go. If you can't take out the money, don't say that I'm tied up, I'm going to beat people!" He turned around and told the slave, "The whips are all waiting for me. Within an hour, if the lost money can't be raised. Humph!"

The informed people in the building were dejected. When they heard that there was 30,000 yuan owed unknowingly outside the building, they were at a loss.

At most, ordinary people only have some small money, or copperware and cloth to replace money. Rich families often collect a lot of money for a rainy day; while in small families, many people have never even seen the appearance of big money. Like silver money, big money has long been extinct on the market.

The so-called big money is not bigger than that of the previous dynasty. The big money of this dynasty is huge and looks like a small wheel, so the people exaggerately call it "the wheel". It's not easy to raise these 30,000 "comparing rounds"! It's not easy to raise 30,000 "bicycles" in an hour!!

Those who caused the incident hurried back to raise money. Several timid people saw that the opportunity was not good, and their feet simply slipped away.

An hour passed quickly, but the money raised was less than 1%.

The shopkeeper couldn't wait for this and moved a chair to sit by the flagpole. While tasting tea, he watched the domestic slaves punch, kick and whip the tied man.

The big man who was tied up and exposed to the sun for an hour is close to collapse, and he can't stand this punch. The onlookers sighed and indignant, but no one dared to persuade the shopkeeper in the city.

At this moment, I only heard the sound of shouting in the distance and a few whips from the street. People turned their heads one after another and turned to turn a team of honor guards from the street corner. The honor guard is surrounded by an official sedan chair.

People who blocked the road flashed out and let the official sedan pass through.

As soon as the honor of the official sedan chair passed, people gathered around again. However, when they had just regained the favorable position of beauty and bustle, the departing honor guard and official sedan chair turned back. People have to avoid it again. Some of them had a bad temper and cursed a few words to relieve their hatred.

The sedan chair stopped next to the flagpole. A man in official uniform quickly ran from the honor guard queue to the sedan chair, said a few words to the people in the sedan chair, and then ran to the flagpole to talk to the big man. After that, the man returned to the sedan chair to state to the people in the sedan chair, and then ran to the flagpole to ask the shopkeeper and the big man respectively. I ran back and forth for more than ten times.

The onlookers couldn't help laughing: It turns out that officials are not so good!

The running official ordered the two guards with knives in the honor guard to walk under the flagpole and cut off the rope on the big man's body.

The onlookers exclaimed when they saw this scene. It turns out that the shopkeeper of this gambling club is extraordinary. He not only has the false position of a senior official, but also several of his relatives are first- and second-level officials in the court.

The ordinary eunuchs and county magistrates are recognized by everyone. People are not very clear about the specifications of this official sedan. However, everyone can understand that the person sitting in this sedan chair is not a first-class member, but also a close relative of the royal family. Otherwise, who dares to intervene?

The shopkeeper just watched and did not stop the guard from cutting the rope. Then, he arched his hand at the sedan chair and took his men away.

The official sedan was lifted again. The guard of honor gathered around and left together.

The big man was rescued and collapsed on the ground before he could stand still. The crowd squeezed out several neighbors and looked around anxiously. When the shopkeeper and the guard of honor were out of sight, they ran over to help the big man up and shouted his name: "No slave! Send a slave!!"