Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 004 Bad Words and slander

"General, the envoys of the State of Wei want to see you!"

"The envoy of the State of Wei?" I frowned and said, "As usual. Turn it back."

Because of the achievements of asking for Sun En and guarding Jiankang, I have not only been praised in China, but also spread my reputation to all countries. Even when foreign envoys visited, they came to my residence and posted a request to see me.

Of course, as representatives of foreign heads of state, if there is no special prohibition, the envoy naturally wants to see anyone. However, I have to take into account the unprovoked speculation from the outside world. After all, several countries are enemies and friends, and the relationship with Jin is still difficult to speculate. In order to avoid trouble, I will refuse it because of military busyness.

Even if I am so cautious, I still have a lot of trouble in Jiankang.

The cause of the incident was caused by a memorial I gave to the emperor. This letter states the difficulties of keeping sentences and mentions the matter of raising money and food from rich people. He said that he had asked Liu Laozhi to play on his behalf and allowed him to grant a certain position to the rich. At that time, the court quickly agreed to the post, and it was completed within two months.

However, the military pay borrowed by my personal guarantee at that time needed to ask the court to find a way to repay it.

At the beginning of this chapter, it was initially recognized by the emperor and the son of Huiji. It is understandable that there is such a stopgap measure when the sentence is attacked by the enemy on all sides. The son sent the memorial to the Ministry of Household and the Ministry of War to discuss the reimbursement of military pay.

However, after a few days, the wind direction changed completely.

It is said that some courtiers wrote to the emperor: At the beginning of the founding of the Jin Dynasty, the army was unified by the imperial court, and it was reasonable for the military to come from the Ministry of Household. However, after the imperial court moved south, the official money in Jingzhou, Xuzhou and other places has always been raised by the army and local governments. Although Juzhang is located in Yangzhou, Liu Laozhi has been appointed as the governor of Wu County and Huiji County. Naturally, this matter belongs to Liu Prison.

The court is unwilling to return the arrears, which is fine, but another court is very unfavorable to me. I was added two crimes for no reason: first, I raised military money in my personal name, which was a crime of concealment; second, military money is a symbol of royal power, and I actually used personal relationships to collect from the people. Is this army the army of the country or the army of the rich? This is a crime of contempt for the Lord.

In addition, some courtiers implicitly said that although the court had granted the corresponding official positions to those rich families, they still had "selled" after all. Suspected of "official title". How is this different from the situation in the Later Han Dynasty? Although this matter was played by Liu prison, as the initiator, Liu Yu, can't get rid of it.

From this series of crimes, some people even found out that foreign envoys wanted to visit our house. They said that although I refused to meet with foreign envoys, what was the intention of the envoys of various countries to see a partial general without so many high officials and dignitaries?

Although Sima Yuanxian, the son of Huiji, explained to me that those envoys were nothing more than to meet a famous general in the Northern Army of the Jin Dynasty, and it was impossible to be suspected of being connected to the enemy, he could not protect the other two crimes. The combination of the two crimes not only took away my position as Marquis of Guannei, but also took away my military power. It made me return to Beijing to wait for the crime.

After a lot of hardships, I easily became a general and was assigned to 4,000 elite sailors. Unexpectedly, after defeating Sun En for only a month, I took away all my troops. I feel depressed.

As soon as I returned to Jingkou, I visited Liu Zhenzhi.

Liu Laozhi already knows what happened to Jiankang. He smiled and said, "Deyu. I had already expected this."

"The matter of seizing my military power?"

"No. It was beyond my expectation that you took away your military power as soon as you defeated Sun En. What I expected was that you were slandered.

"I was slandered?" I just think it may be a little unconventional for me to give Liu Laozhi advice to raise military pay. It is also possible for the court to blame for this. However, I didn't expect that I was slandered this time.

"Do you remember when I was in the stream, I sent you a letter to read?"

"Remember. General Huan's table mentioned the failure of the rules, which made me blamed by the court. Is that what you said?

Liu Jaozhi nodded: "Hmm. Just remember. This time it's not someone else, it's him.

I said angrily, "Why doesn't this Huan repeatedly go against me? I don't have much contact with him, and I'm polite every time I see him, and I have never offended him.

Liu Laozhi: "The so-called authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. Deyu, you can understand a lot of things in ordinary times, but now that this matter has happened to you, are you confused?

"How to say this?"

"When others lost the battle, you captured Huiji; when others treated the family, you repeatedly defeated the enemy; when others destroyed the whole army, you were assigned to the elite army. Haven't you offended people yet? You offended not only Huan, but also all the inaction generals of the Jin Kingdom. Including Sun Wuyu.

When I heard this, I thought of it. No wonder I posted it early in the morning to visit Sun Wu's house. As a result, Sun Wu finally refused, saying that he was sick and inconvenient to receive.

I muttered, "General Sun should not have any idea about me."

"Sun Wu will never do anything to you, but after all, he will still feel a little guilty when he meets you."

I sat on the bed sadly without saying a word.

I wanted to come back this time to visit my colleagues in the Beifu army, but since I came out of Liu Prison's house, I gave up this idea and went straight home.

When I went to Jingkou last night, I only saw my mother and wife, and I haven't seen my daughter Liu Xingdi. Visitors who went out today didn't go home until noon.

My daughter is standing in the patio playing with the top. As soon as she saw me coming back, she threw down the top and said with a smile, "Sure enough, Dad is back." After laughing, I cried again. While crying, he said, "Dad, I miss you. Dad, Xing'er wants to ride a horse.

I bent down, took out the "little sloppy" my daughter made last year from my arms and asked, "Xinger, are you doing a horse or a tiger?"

The daughter wiped her tears and said like an adult, "It's a horse. That's what I did when I was a child. What's done now is much better than this.

Madam Zang Ai came over and deliberately teased her: "Is it a horse? Didn't you tell me that you were a tiger at that time?"

"It's a horse. I want to ride a horse."

"Good. Let you ride a horse." I squatted down and let my daughter climb on my back on her knees. The lady quickly bent down to help her daughter for fear that she would accidentally fall down.

Whether it is a title or a member of the army, it is nothing more than something outside the body. If you can enjoy the joy of family, what else can you ask for?