Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 011 General's Worry

That night, Liu prison invited me to his house. This time, he did not invite his son Liu Jingxuan, nephew He Wuji and others to accompany him as before.

Liu Jaozhi took me into a secret room behind the hall and said to me, "Deyu. What do you think of the testimony of Huan Xuan?

"Huan Xuan, like his father, has had different aspirations for a long time. For the sake of the safety of the court, it is impossible not to ask for it. It's just that Sun En's rebellion in the east has calmed, and our army has not had enough time to rest. At this time, the son of Huiji's expedition against Huan Xuan was too hasty. That's my analysis.

"Hmm. The son of Huiji personally led the army to defeat Wang Gong and Huan Xuan. Now Huan Xuan sits in the west vassals. In my opinion, he just wants to frustrate Huan Xuan's ambition and make him self-control. Unexpectedly, he provoked Huan Xuan to resist. Now that the army has not come out, Huan Xuan has fallen**. This Huan Xuan is not Gong and Yin Zhongkan, the king of military aircraft, and he is not a vulnerable grandson. Yuan Xian's son's move was too hasty.

"What should I do with the general's intention?" I asked.

"This is the reason for your discussion today. The court added your position as deputy governor today, and you and I were tied up by the world again. It is the responsibility of all the ministers of the Jin Dynasty to fight against Huan Xuan, not just you and me. If the expedition fails, you and I, as pioneers, must be killed first; if the expedition succeeds, you and I will make great contributions to the world.

Liu Laozhi took a sip of tea and continued, "However, according to the temperament of Yuan Xian's son, I'm afraid he will not tolerate us at that time. The son is still young and not familiar with military affairs and government affairs. He held power without making any achievements, and it was obviously difficult to convince the public. Previously, Wang Gong was defeated because of me; after that, Sun En was defeated because of you and me;

If Huan Xuan is defeated again because of you and me this time, the so-called merit is high enough to shock the Lord, how can Yuan Xian allow me to wait? The day we make contributions is the time to dismiss the government and abandon the market. Admittedly, it is natural to dismiss officials, and it is important to abandon the streets. There is no excuse for the so-called crime of desire. With the means of Yuan Xian, it is inevitable.

When Liu Laozhi explained his worries to me, he was always commensurate with "you and me" and "we", which made people have to worry about "we". After all, my credit is second only to Liu Laozhi. At this time, I was appointed as the vanguard and deputy general of Zheng Huanxuan. In any case, I can't get away from it.

But on the other hand, in fact, my situation with Liu prison is completely different and cannot be compared. Liu Laozhi is the commander of Beijing, and his words and deeds are directly related to the balance of imperial power. Although I am the subordinate Sima and deputy governor, I am still only an intermediate officer in terms of my qualifications.

Although the whole country looked at me with new eyes, he was still just a fierce general under the general. Liu prison's position can use people's power; my position can only be used by people's power. Therefore, I, Liu Yu, do not have much freedom in this game of chess, and it is nothing more than the people who watch chess.

This is just like the ministers of Wu in the Middle East in the Battle of Chibi in the Later Han Dynasty. Facing the pressure of Cao Cao's army, Eastern Wu was in danger. The courtiers under Sun Quan either advocated surrender or did not express their position. For them, success can be promoted; failure can also be a courtier.

I am in such a situation. What I only care about is that this country should not be turbulent. As for who is strong and who is weak, Sima Yuanxian and Huan Xuan, is not the core of my concern.

However, Liu Zhenzhi's situation is completely different. His worries are not superfluous.

Although I have never had direct contact with Yuanxian, except for meeting the son of Huiji, Sima Yuanxian, during the Hajj meeting at Jiankang Palace, I am still relatively clear about his character. After Sima Yuanxian seized the military and political power from his father, most of the important ministers who opposed him in the court were suppressed to varying degrees. Those who have a strong personality and "do not know the current affairs" are dismissed from officials, abandoned the market, and even killed the nine ethnic groups.

At that time, people dare not comment on these things.

As a general, there are also difficulties in the world. If you lose, your reputation will be destroyed; if you win, you will be like walking on thin ice to avoid hatred. Just like a mouse entering the bellows, it is neither entering nor retreating.

I said carefully, "General Daojian, if you use people alone, Huan Xuan is indeed far more than the son of Yuan Xian. However, I think that the harm of Yuan Xian's son is only harmful to others, but Huan Xuan's harm is harmful to the country. Compared with the two powers, you can't but notice which is more important. Moreover, even if he wins Huan Xuan and is worried about being hated by Yuan Xian, there is no way to relieve him.

General, you are just a pioneer, and the marshal is the son of Yuan Xian. The general only needs to show humility and commend the imperial court to the palace, all thanks to the son of Yuan Xian. Try to keep a low profile, maybe you can take refuge.

Liu Laozhi sat in a chair and meditated. Seeing that he didn't say anything, I got up and changed the tea in his cup, and then sat opposite him.

"If you want me to rely on Yuan Xian for the time being, it is not an unavoidable matter. However, Deyu, do you really believe that we can only follow Sima Yuanxian to send troops?

I shook my head and said, "Not necessarily. As long as there is no real dispatch of troops, the general can excuse him.

"How can I refuse Sima Yuanxian personally sent someone to order?"

The lack of military resources is an excellent reason. After the conquest of Sun Enfang, the troops in the north were destroyed, leaving only your army. The source of soldiers is indeed insufficient. Moreover, the son of Yuan Xian will definitely refuse to hand over his army to your control. In this way, the dispatch of troops can be suspended on the grounds of recruitment.

"This is not a good reason."


"In the battle of Yushui, I only led 5,000 people as pioneers. Nowadays, the number of people I lead is far more than 5,000, but Huan Xuan's 100,000 horses are far less than the million army of Fu Jian in those years. How can such an excuse not be used by others?

"Fu Jian is a proud soldier and Huan Xuan is a strong soldier; General Xie is a good commander, but the son of Yuan Xian is... The two can't be said on the same day."

Liu Laozhi fell into meditation again.

I didn't expect today's conversation to be so slow and difficult. Although I helped him analyze the reasons for not leaving the army, my idea is that I want him to send troops.

In my opinion, the pros and cons are obvious. I don't know what Liu Zhenzhi is worried about? If he is afraid of Huan Xuan, this does not seem to be his character; if he is really worried about his achievements, then our analysis can completely make him weigh the gains and losses and minimize the damage.

Compared with falling into trouble because of incompetence, it is better to be preserved because of incompetence.

About ability and incompetence, I think of a famous general in the Warring States Period - Wang Jian.

The whole history of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is almost a history of war. From the politics of scholars to the livelihood of civilians, war is the core. In this historical period, countless distinguished generals have emerged. In the late Eastern Zhou Dynasty, four generals were known as the "four generals of the Warring States Period", namely Bai Qi, Lian Po, Li Mu and Wang Jian.

The four people have their own achievements, but there are very different opportunities outside the war.

Bai Qi: In the middle of the enemy's alienation plan, he was injured by Hou Fan Sui and was relieved of his military power. Because of this, Bai Qi was resentful and returned home. Then he was given to death.

Lian Po: He was also slandered by the enemy's alienation and left the State of Zhao. After Zhao Jun's defeat, he wanted to ask Lian Po to come out of the mountain again, but he was calculated by the villain and finally left the regret of "Lian Po is old and can still eat". End up in a foreign country.

Li Mu: Still injured by the enemy's alienation plan. He was killed because he was unwilling to hand over his military power.

Wang Jian: Fight all his life and help the First Emperor of Qin achieve great achievements. I will die without illness.