Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 015 Political Fan Cloud

Liu Jingxuan was reprimanded so severely by his father after only saying a few words. Although he didn't know it, he didn't dare to speak again. He just bowed his head and was submissive.

I hurriedly gestured to the three people to lower their voices. Although the relatives outside the account are all reliable people in a hundred miles, it is disrespectful to talk about Sima Yuanxian by name like this.

Liu Jaozhi sat down again. Liu Jingxuan simply stood behind me and He Wuji, far away from his father and no longer made a sound.

We talked about it for a long time. Seeing that Liu prison was unconvinced, I had to let He Wuji and Liu Jingxuan return to their accounts for a rest. I also advise Liu Laozhi to rest early and discuss it another day.

After taking care of some military affairs, I went to He Wuji's account.

He Wuji saw me in the account and said a lot about my right and wrong. He even said that if it hadn't been for Liu Laozhi's uncle, he would have exposed or led the public.

I said quickly, "Don't say such a thing. Although Huan Xuan has a plot, he is only pointing the finger at Sima Yuanxian. Moreover, this matter was caused by Sima Yuanxian himself. Sima Yuanxian thought that Sun En, who supported hundreds of thousands of people, was invincible in the world. But he didn't think that Huan Xuan's soldiers were not as many as Sun En, but his combat effectiveness was much higher than Sun En, which was not the same.

Originally, General Daojian could sit in the east and let Yuan Xian deal with Huan Xuan. Unexpectedly, Yuanxian picked Huan Xuan's army to go south so early, and General Daojian couldn't stand Yuan Xian's softness and hardness. Now that it has reached this point where it is difficult to ride a tiger, General Daojian's intention to surrender Huan Xuan does have his own difficulties. After all, Huan Xuan was only anti-Yuanxian, not against Jin.

I'm just worried that Huan Xuan is gaining power, Beifu is worried, and the status of General Daojian is worried. If Huan Xuanzhen has an uncomniless heart, I'm afraid that the State of Jin will also be worried.

"Exed. For General Daojian, he is not only worried about his status, but also about his life.

"Oh? Wuji also has such a premonition? I was a little surprised. I don't know much about Huan Xuan. It's just a conjecture from my personal speculation. I didn't expect He Wuji to have this idea.

"Does the general of morality also feel this way?" After hearing that my idea coincided with him, He Wuji bowed his head and was silent.

We sighed for a long time. As a general, there is nothing he can do but continue to complain to Liulao.

It is difficult for me to grasp how Liu Laozhi will make a decision, but I know that the political balance in it needs to be considered.

Why was Huan Xuan willing to ask for thieves but the court did not allow it? Instead, Sun Wu, who was unwilling to ask for thieves, finally led his troops south? Why is one of Liu prison enough to compete with Sun En, thus weakening the strength of Beifu, and why did he send Xie Yan to lead Jiankang's troops to participate in the war? In fact, it actually contains the mystery of power struggle.

Liu prison was originally a partial general and fell to Sima Yuanxian in the battle between Sima Yuanxian and Wang Gong, thus gaining the status of Wang Gong and becoming a warlord on one side. Because he is not senior, there are not many people who believe in him.

Liu Laozhi hopes to run the North House to receive the people's expectations and military prestige, so as to become a prince. When Sun En made trouble, he had to follow Sima Yuanxian's order and bravely fight. Of course, Liu Laozhi is full of certainty about the destruction of Sun En. What he is worried about is that he is on the front line, and Sima Yuanxian will get involved in the affairs of Jingkou.

Liu prison has suspicion of Sima Yuanxian, and Sima Yuanxian is not sure about Liu prison. Liu Laozhi assisted Sima Yuanxian to defeat Wang Gong. Yuan Xian did not break his promise and indeed let Liu Laozhi replace Wang Gong. However, one of the most important powers was not given to Liu Laozhi, which was the opening of the house.

The opening of a government is a matter of whether an official can elect local officials by himself. Liu Laozhi does not have the power to open the government, so he can only support the war generals in his army, but he can't command local officials. His influence on local government affairs is limited, and he has no power to participate in the government. This is also the reason why although he is the governor of Wu, Huiji and other counties and counties, he is often constrained by local officials.

As another general in Jingkou, Sun Wu finally did not want to get involved in right and wrong, let alone the war. Although Sun Wuzhong's garrison in Jingkou and Liu Laozhi's garrison's garrison are close at hand, in addition to interacting with Liulaozhi, his garrison has never been in contact with Liulaozhi's garrison. This is also the reason why I have been in the army for a long time, but I have never seen Liu prison.

Sun Wu finally used this method to make himself neutral and get himself out of the military struggle. Under the pressure of Sima Yuanxian and Liu Laozhi, Sun Wu finally recommended me to join the shogunate of Liu Laozhi instead of him.

The reason why Xie Yan also led the army to suppress it was neither to fight for military achievements like Liu Laozhi nor had no choice but to do it like Sun Wuyi. He is for Xie's reputation. After Xie Xuan's death, the status of the old people of Jin in the government and opposition was not as good as before. Xie Yan is a pillar of the army, and his honor is far higher than his real power. In fact, it has long been squeezed out of the actual control circle of Beijing. He has lived in Jiankang for a long time, but in fact he is just a general of Jiankang.

Sima Yuanxian divided some of Jiankang's elites to Xie Yan to suppress the thieves, and perhaps he also wanted Xie Yan to contain Liu Prison. The success of suppressing thieves is the success of Sima Yuanxian and the general Xie Yan, not the success of Liu prison; the failure of suppressing thieves is the failure of Xie Yan and Liulao, not the defeat of Sima Yuanxian.

This is indeed a good move. But I think Xie Yan's army going south is not just as simple as containment. I'm afraid it's better to use the word "prevention".

Liulao led a large army to march south, and all of them were elite. Although Sun En seized counties in the south, the court did not necessarily think that Sun En was really stubborn. Sun En is a local bandit, not a strong enemy. Is it necessary for Liu Laozhi to bring the elites in Beifu? Since he transferred all the elite soldiers to the south, he had to make the court suspicious.

So from Wu County to Zhejiang, Xie Yan's army has been west of Liu Prison's army to be prepared.

After defeating Sun En, he originally wanted to make Liu Laozhi guard Huiji and Xie Yan guard Wujun. However, Liu Laozhi's last move in chess always made the army stay north of Zhejiang, and Xie Yan had already crossed Zhejiang to pursue Sun Enyu's troops. In this way, Liu Laozhi eliminated the remnants of Wu and Shanghai in the north, and Xie Yan attacked Huiji in the south. In this case, Xie Yan can only guard the surrounding counties according to the current situation.

Liu Laozhi is actually the biggest beneficiary in this competition. For Liu Laozhi, the recovery of Wu County not only improved his official position, but also expanded his territory and extended his power to the east of Taihu Lake. For Sima Yuanxian, it is obviously not a good thing. Although Xie Yan from the south restrained Liu Jaozhi, the power of Liu Jaozhi in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River has reached the top of Huan Xuan in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is really dangerous for Jiankang to be sandwiched between these two warlords.

After all, Huiji is the branch country of Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian. How can Shiyi not be guarded? However, Beijing is more important. Therefore, after letting Xie Yan stay in Huiji, he ordered him to return the army to Jiankang, leaving only a few thousand defenders in Huiji. The main reason why Xie Yan was defeated was that he did not have any garrison. Another reason was that the garrison was insufficient, and the elite had been sent away from the city.

Sima Yuanxian's layout was cleverly resolved by Liu Zhenzhi, and Xie Yan's accidental death was a big blow to Sima Yuanxian. Although it is a last resort to send Liu Jaozhi to the south, in my opinion, Sima Yuanxian still hopes to use Liu Jaozhi and Sun En to consume each other's strength. When both sides are injured, he can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

In the dice of Sima Yuanxian, it is not only Liu Laozhi and his daughter Mei Elegance, but also other talented generals Sun Wuzhong and Huan Wucai in Beifu.