Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 025 Yongjia

After the routine patrol on this day, I went back to my house to change clothes and rest. As soon as I sat down in the inner room, there was an emergency report outside the door. A sergeant was invited in and sent a command from the general of the Fu army to ask me to quickly enter the Chinese army.

Since returning to Jingkou, it is rare to have such an urgent feeling, which seems to be in small. I quickly changed my military uniform and went back to the barracks with the sergeant.

When entering the Central Military Office, many officers had gathered there. When Huan Xiu saw me coming, he handed me an order and said, "Lu Xun is not restless in Yongjia, but he is still stubborn. Although the court did not interfere in its governance of states and counties, it could not condone its indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

He not only did something wrong in Yongjia County, but also sent troops to invade nearby counties. Officials and generals in various counties put themselves in danger and asked the court to punish Lu Xun one after another. This is the order of the captain, which makes you and I lead troops to fight against Lu Xun.

After a few months as Prime Minister, Huan Xuan requested to remove the position of Prime Minister and assume the position of lieutenant.

Since the Han Dynasty, after the Wei and Jin dynasties, the position of prime minister has long been beyond the capacity of ordinary ministers. However, most of those who hold the position of prime minister have usurped power. Therefore, although his position is noble, all the recipients are trembling and can't deal with it safely.

Huan Xuan's father Huan Wen was once burdened by this position. A smart person like Huan Xuan naturally knows its danger. Huan Xuan resigned soon after becoming prime minister, which can not only make people ignore his ambitions, but also make himself not have to be burned. It is really a wise move. Even if he is a lieutenant, who can shake his position? He still has the authority of the prime minister, second to the emperor and higher than the three princes.

After Lu Xun surrendered, he did live a stable life. It is said that he has a lot of legal systems in Yongjia and strives to govern this county well. However, it didn't take long for Lu Xun to feel uneasy.

After the battle between Yuan Xian and Huan Xuan, the government was temporarily peaceful. Lu Xun began to cause trouble when Yongjia was not fully consolidated. I don't think it's wise. I guess he wants to test the court with a small range of provocations. One is to see if the court really let him go to Yongjia; the other is to see how much the court can tolerate his behavior.

But Lu Xun obviously misjudged Huan Xuan's tolerance and underestimated Huan Xuan's strength. Huan Xuan is a person with great political mind and skill. After he became the master of Jiankang, he soon took control of the government in his own hands. He resigned from the prime minister, visited the important ministers of the imperial court for the support of the royal family and ministers, and a series of policies to benefit the people for the support of scholars and civilians. Internal worries have been removed, and the rest is naturally to solve external problems.

For the Great Jin Dynasty, the biggest external disaster is naturally the Hu Fu in the north. Huan Xuan's father, such a powerful figure, returned without success in the three Northern Expeditions, not to mention Huan Xuan?

Sun En and Lu Xun, who were not foreign troubles, were no different from foreign troubles in the eyes of the imperial court. If these two thieves are destroyed, their military achievements will follow the actions of the Northern Expedition to Guanzhong. Lu Xun's uneasiness in Yongjia just gave Huan Xuan the opportunity to make contributions. Even if Lu Xun can't make trouble, Huan Xuan will look for an opportunity to suppress the thieves. Lu Xun came out and was giving Huan Xuan an excuse. This is Huan Xuan's great luck and Lu Xun's great misfortune.

All the counselors and generals discussed the war arrangements throughout the day in the Central Military Office. By the time I returned to the house, it was already midnight.

I just finished washing up when I went back to my room. When I was about to fall asleep, a servant came to report that a guest was visiting.

I don't have anything to do on weekdays, but I'm busy today. There are still people visiting in the middle of the night.

I took the famous sticker from the servant's hand and opened it out. He Wuji came here.

Since returning from Jiankang to Jingkou, He Wuji and I have agreed not to meet again to avoid Huan's suspicion. I'm afraid there's something urgent when I come in the middle of the night. I hurriedly asked my servant to invite He Wuji to the study in the inner court.

On the way to the study, I have estimated the reason why he came.

"Are you afraid of being seen when you enter the house?" After seeing him, I didn't say so politely.

General, I can't take care of much at this time. Why didn't you find a way to avoid the conquest of Lu Xun? Will you really lead troops to fight Lu Xun tomorrow? He Wuji wiped his sweat, picked up the tea bowl on the table and took a big sip.

"Yes. Don't you agree?" I asked.

"Do you think the time we have to wait is today?" He Wuji said.

"Is that right? Let's talk about why the time is today?

He Wuji said: "Lu Xun was in the south, and the court sent troops to conscript. Why did you send the Beifu army instead of Huan Xuan's Jingzhou soldiers?

"Because it was the Beifu Army that defeated Sun En and Lu Xun, and also because the Jingzhou soldiers had to keep their opponents to deter and deal with Jiankang."

"It's true, but don't you think this is consuming the Beifu Army?"

"If the Beifu army can't defeat Lu Xun, it will indeed consume the Beifu army. If we can win, it is called making achievements, not consuming military strength. This is a chance to give the Beifu army.

General Liu. Why did Huan Xuan give the Beifu army such a chance?

"You don't understand what I mean. Huan Xuan did not want to give the Beifu army a chance, but to give Huan Xiu a chance. When Huan Xuan was in Jingzhou, Huan Xiu had been building health and served as a subordinate of Sima Dao's father and son. When Huan Xuan conquered Sima Yuanxian, Huan Xiu did not participate in the war. Therefore, because Huan Xiu is a relative of Huan Xuan and holds an important position, he is worried that all parties will not accept it.

Since Huan Wei's death, Huan Xuan wanted to gain a foothold in the court, relying on Huan Xiu, who was both a relative and a counselor. After all, among all the clans of the Huan family, no one knows more about the Jiangkang dynasty than Huan Xiu. Do you understand this truth?"

"Listen to what you said, I understand a little. Therefore, you think that Lu Xun is an opportunity to make contributions to Huan Xiu.

"Hmm. It is extremely difficult to make contributions in the imperial court, so the reason why Huan Xuan handed over the military power of Beifu to Huan Xiu, a person who does not know the military at all, is meaningful. Now Lu Xun is in chaos in Yongjia County, and it is easy to quell him. In addition, he appointed me as Huan Xiu's deputy general, so why worry about military achievements?"

I waved my hand to stop He Wuji, who wanted to interrupt, and then said, "How did Huan Xuan arrange for Huan Xiu to fight this war, let alone for the time being. Wuji, I don't think we need to make any other guesses about the recruitment of Lu Xun. At least, in the current situation, Huan Xuan's ideas are consistent with the interests of the State of Jin - that is, they want to eliminate Lu Xun and protect the country and the people from the harassment of thieves.

I saw that He Wuji began to agree with my point of view and said, "You don't know how many disasters Sun En and Lu Xun brought to Wu and Huiji counties. Even without Huan Xuan's order, it is my duty for Liu Yu to fight the thief.

"General Deyu, I understand very well that you want to calm the chaos for the country. Even for me, it is incumbent on me to recruit Lu Xun. However, I think we have more important things to do than suppressing thieves. Isn't this a good opportunity to conquer Huan Xuan? Our real enemies are Huan Xuan, Huan Xiu and the Huan clan all over the government! It's not little Yongjia Taishou Lu Xun!!" He Wuji was a little anxious and spoke louder and louder.

I gestured to He Wuji, then got up and walked to the window to look out. There is no secret room in my house, but this study is relatively avoidable. He Wuji's shouting so loudly really worries me. After returning to the case, He Wuji was also uneasy about the gaffe just now.

I whispered, "I understand what you mean. But please think about the current situation. What Huan Xuan has done now only excludes some differences. This is what everyone in power will do. He was not disrespectful to the emperor, disrespected the courtiers, bullied the people, and usurped power. Is our uprising against Huan Xuan famous? Will anyone support it?"

"It's only a matter of time before Huan Xuan usurps power."

"Yes! That's right! I think so, but at present, the rebellion is still unrebellious. How can we call on people all over the world to resist him? What we do is to wait and wait for the opportunity. I told you this when I was in Jiankang. Don't you understand?"

"Of course I understand the truth. Just wait for his unbehaved behavior to be made all over the world, and then we will carry out a crusade according to righteousness, reason and justice. However, by that time, Huan Xuan's power and military strength were so strong that we could not shake it. At this time, Lu Xun is in trouble. As long as the general can find a way to stay in Beijing and find a way to keep part of the Beifu army near Jiankang. Then once the time is ripe, we will immediately march west and capture Jiankang..."

"Then, will we give up the good country to Lu Xun?"

What do you mean? Lu Xun is just a bunch of grass bandits. Even Sun En was wiped out by General Liulao and you. It's natural to deal with Huan Xuan and then turn back to deal with them.

"Wuji, you haven't fought with Lu Xun in person, and you may not know much about this person. Today, Lu Xun is easy to eliminate because he has not yet formed a climate. But Lu Xun and Sun En are very different. Sun En doesn't know the military, but Lu Xun understands it; Sun En doesn't know how to disturb the Shi people, but Lu Xun understands it; Sun En harms the people, but Lu Xun always protects the people.

It took us nearly two years to recruit Sun En. Once Lu Xun is full of wings, it will be a big trouble in the future. Huan Xuan does have a disrespectful heart, but at least he is still worshipping the emperor on the surface, and Lu Xun is inciting the thief to oppose the emperor. You know the result of these thieves encouraging the people. You have to weigh the stakes clearly."

He Wuji looked at me for a long time. With a sigh, he lowered his head and thought about his thoughts.

I saw him and said, "Okay, Wuji, you go back first." What I said is only my judgment and may not be correct. Go back and think about it. It's a long-term plan."

I had no choice but to leave and go back.