Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 050 Visit Situ

I didn't refuse Situ, not because Situ's position is high, but because this Situ is not someone else. It was Wang Mi, the official who rescued me when I was tied to the flagpole because I owed money to the society. His current position as Situ is the prime minister of tens of thousands of people under one person.

When I come to Jiankang, the first thing I want to see is naturally this savior. The reason why Wang Mi was able to resolve the crisis and save me was that he was very familiar with the person who framed me. That man is Diao Kui, who is now a celebrity under Huan Xuan and is currently the governor of Jiangzhou.

I want to see Wang Mi. Personal grudge is one of the reasons, but it is not the most important reason.

Most of the important ministers around Huan Xuan were brought by him from Jingzhou. Only Wang Mi was an old minister of the previous dynasty. If there is still one of the important ministers around Huan Xuan who has the intention and strength to restore the Great Jin Kingdom, then there can be no one else except Wang Mi. Wang Mi is deeply valued by Huan Xuan. If the uprising we secretly planned can get the support of Wang Mi, there will be more chances to win.

In addition, Wang Mi is also related to an extremely important person - King Wuling. Although the king of Wuling was demoted together with the emperor, the king of Wuling had many connections in the dynasty. I try to combine the anti-huan forces in the court through Wang Mi.

After I arranged the banquet, I followed the servants of the royal family to visit Huan Qian. Although I don't know Huan Qian well, I have seen him several times. And the last time we met, we had a long talk in Huan Xiu's house. Therefore, this visit is not constrained. He knew that I liked gambling, so he invited a few friends who were good at gambling to accompany him.

Since I was frustrated by gambling with Diao in my early years, I seldom touch it. One is that he knows that he is losing his ambition, and the other is that he is busy with military affairs and has no intention to play.

Today, Huan Qian set up a stand-up call for friends, claiming that it's just fun and not winning or losing. No matter who loses, it's up to him. Therefore, all the participants are eager to have a try.

This is a group of people and set up for me, and it is naturally difficult for me to refuse. I haven't gambled for a long time. At first, I was still a little embarrassed, but then I gradually became addicted to it. The more I fought, the more brave I became. If I hadn't deliberately lost some money, I could have pocketed everyone's chips.

It will not disperse until dawn. Before leaving, Huan Qian also sent me two new brocade clothes and personally sent me to the door of the house before sending my servants to take me back to the post house.

After returning to the post office, I lay on the couch and slept for an hour. At dawn, I took a post office servant to the street to buy some gifts with the money I won last night and mentioned that Situ's house was looking for a visit.

When I saw Wang Mi in the front hall of Situ Mansion, I quickly fell to the ground. He said, "Liu Yu, my subordinate, paid a visit to Prince Situ! Last night, I went to the royal palace for a banquet and stopped all night, so that I missed the king's appointment. Ten thousand sins should die."

Wang Mi bent down and helped me up while saying, "You have sent people back and forth yesterday, and I know that you will not return that night. It doesn't matter.

I still lie on the ground and said, "Liu Yu was rescued by the prince, but he has never been able to repay him, and he still remembers it. Please accept my worship." With that, I leaned over to kowtow to Wang Mi.

Wang Mi quickly picked me up and said, "I really can't afford to say these same words every time you see me." After that, he took my hand and looked me up and down for a long time and said, "General Liu is becoming more and more heroic. No wonder Sun En, Lu Xun and other demon thieves fled when they saw the general. Haha." Wang Mi smiled happily.

"I dare not. This is the great power of the country. What can I do, Liu Yu and He De?"

Just now, he almost said that "this is the power of the Jin Empire". On second thought, the Jin Empire no longer exists, and the emperor does not know where he is. Today's pseudo-court is the State of Chu, and the one who holds the magnificent country is Huan Xuan.

Wang Mi smiled and didn't care why I stammered. As he pulled me to the back of the hall, he said, "I didn't look away. Although General Liu is not from a scholar's family, he is after all a famous family. In those years, I unintentionally had such an opportunity with the general, and I was lucky to have three lifetimes.

"Shame. Such words should be said by the students. The prince must not call me General Liu again. On the one hand, I can't stand it, and on the other hand, I hope to be close to the prince. I arched my hand again.

"Haha. OK. Just call it Deyu. When I met His Majesty yesterday, he praised you very much. Wang Mi said.

"Oh?" I didn't talk. Because I'm not sure which majesty Wang Mi saw. At present, there are two majesty, one is real in Jiangzhou; the other is fake, in Jiankang. However, it is said that His Majesty seems to be a rumor in Jiangzhou, and it is impossible to determine the truth.

"Your Majesty described the situation of the family banquet in the royal palace of Chu the day before yesterday, and deeply appreciated Deyu, saying that you are 'unpersistent and outstanding.' Unfortunately, I was in bad body that day and couldn't go to the banquet. Otherwise, you can have a good look at the appearance of morality. Wang Mi said with a smile on his face.

It turned out that the majesty he said was still Huan Xuan, and I was quite disappointed. In order not to arouse Wang Mi's suspicion, I also smiled and said, "Where, no. Your Majesty praised it."

"Good. Don't say that. I prepared some side dishes and went to my garden to drink a glass of water and wine. Wang Mi said and led me into the garden.

We talked while drinking in the garden.

In the meantime, Wang Mi raised his cup and looked at a dead tree outside the garden for a long time, and then sighed: "When Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, he was defeated by countless generals. Chen Lin is also among them. Yuan Shao's battle against Cao Cao was written by Chen Lin. Cao Cao asked Chen Lin why she was besieged by Yuan Shao, and Chen Lin said, 'The arrow is on the string and has to be fired'. There are many things in the world that can be done but can't be done, and there are many things that can't be done but have to be done.

Of course I can understand what Wang Mi said, but I don't really think much about him. He is currently a high-ranking and powerful advisor of Huan Xuan. Does his words mean that he has to shoot his arrow on the string, or does Huan Xuan's arrow on the string? This is quite intriguing.

Wang Mi continued: "Chen Lin is a scholar. Although she is good at it, it doesn't matter in the overall situation. In the battle of Yuan Cao, the good ministers gathered together, and Chen Lin was not the only one who could not do it. If there are important ministers such as trial, Tian Feng, etc., they can fight even if they die. However, although these two fought, they were inevitably killed. Wang Mi sighed again, walked back to the table, put down the cup and said, "Deyu, what do you think?"

"Each person has his own ambition and destiny. Death and life are a moment's thing, and righteousness is a long-year achievement. Chen Lin and Tian Feng have different aspirations and different trade-offs. Each has its own advantages."

I said it grandly, but also ambiguous. Wang Mi listened to me and didn't say anything, but talked about other topics instead.

I feel that he seems to have something to say but it is inconvenient to express, but I don't dare to be sure about my feelings. Next, we only talked about some irrelevant topics and broke up.

Since then, there have been banquets of Huan's relatives. Because of Huan Xuan's green eyes, some ministers in the court did not forget to flatter me. This is actually a very funny thing: princes, nobles and first-class officials scrambled to invite me, a third-class official, to travel with them, and intentionally or unintentionally gave me some valuables to express their feelings.

If you don't accept these gifts, it will disgone the face of those people, and there is no way to give back my poor man. Fortunately, those people don't mind.